Sandoz was one of the earliest manufacturers of anti- TB products to receive WHO prequalification for its anti- TB products. Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) developed by Sandoz- Rimstar 4- FDC and Rimactazid 150/75 received EU approval in 2002. Based on the EU approval, Sandoz applied for WHO prequalification. Sandoz products Rimstar 4- FDC (TB085) and Rimactazid 150/75 (TB090) were prequalified in September 2004. Sandoz manufactures its products at Strides Arcolab, India, which is also a WHO prequalified manufacturing site.
Rimstar 4- FDC(利福平+异烟肼+吡嗪酰胺+乙胺丁醇)简介:Sandoz was one of the earliest manufacturers of anti- TB products to receive WHO prequalification for its anti- TB products. Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs) developed by Sandoz- Rimstar 4- FDC ... 责任编辑:admin
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