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甲巯咪唑片Thyrozol(Thiamazole Tablets)

2013-05-28 15:33:56  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:1153  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:药品名称:通用名称:甲巯咪唑片英文名称:Thyrozol(Thiamazole Tablets)成分:甲巯咪唑适应症:● 甲状腺功能亢进症的药物治疗,尤其适用于不伴有或伴有轻度甲状腺增大(甲状腺肿)的患者及年轻患者。 ● 用于各种 ...

英文名称:Thyrozol(Thiamazole Tablets)
适应症:● 甲状腺功能亢进症的药物治疗,尤其适用于不伴有或伴有轻度甲状腺增大(甲状腺肿)的患者及年轻患者。
● 用于各种类型的甲状腺功能亢进症的手术前准备。
● 甲状腺功能亢进症患者拟采用放射性碘治疗时的准备用药,以预防治疗后甲状腺毒性危象的发生。
● 放射碘治疗后间歇期的治疗。
● 在个别的情况下,因患者一般状况或个人原因不能采用常规的治疗措施,或因患者拒绝接受常规的治疗措施时,由于对甲巯咪唑片剂(在尽可能低的剂量)耐受性良好,可用于甲状腺功能亢进症的长期治疗。
 ● 对于必须使用碘照射(如使用含碘造影剂检查)的有甲状腺功能亢进病史的患者和功能自主性甲状腺瘤患者作为预防性用药。
● 甲状腺功能亢进症的药物治疗(保守治疗):
 ● 用于各种类型的甲状腺功能亢进症的术前准备:
● 放射性碘治疗前的用药:
● 在放射性碘治疗后,用于间歇期治疗:
● 长期的抗甲状腺治疗,用于疾病不能缓解,而常规的治疗措施不能被采用或被患者拒绝时:
● 对于必须使用含碘制剂进行诊断(如造影剂)的患者,为预防发生甲状腺功能亢进症时的用药:
禁忌:赛治严禁用于以下患者中:对甲巯咪唑、其它硫酰胺衍生物或任何赋形剂过敏:中到重度血细胞计数紊乱(中性粒细胞减少);既存的并非由甲状腺功能亢进症导致的胆汁淤积;在接受甲巯咪唑或卡比马唑治疗后,曾出现骨髓损害。 <br/>在妊娠期间,禁忌应用甲巯咪唑与甲状腺激素联合治疗。
非常常见 ≥1/10
常见 ≥1/100,<1/10
不常见 ≥1/1000,<1/100
罕见 ≥1/10000,<1/1000
非常罕见 < 1/10000

The Latin name of the drug tirozol ®
Thyrozol ® ATX
H03BB02 TiamazolFarmakologicheskaya group
• Thyroid hormones and their analogs and antagonists (including antithyroid drugs)
The nosological classification (ICD-10)
• D34 Benign neoplasm of thyroid gland
• E05 thyrotoxicosis [hyperthyroidism]
Dosage form and composition
Tablets, film-coated Table 1.
Active ingredient:
thiamazole 5 mg
Other ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose 2910/15, talc, powdered cellulose, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, dimethicone 100, titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, macrogol 400, hypromellose 2910/15
Tablets, film-coated Table 1.
Active ingredient:
thiamazole 10 mg
Other ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, sodium carboxymethyl starch, magnesium stearate, hypromellose 2910/15, talc, powdered cellulose, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, dimethicone 100, titanium dioxide, iron oxide yellow, iron oxide red, macrogol 400, hypromellose 2910/15
Description of the dosage form
Tirozol ®, 5mg: light yellow, round, biconvex, film-coated, with a mark on one side.
Tirozol ®, 10mg: gray-orange, round, biconvex, film-coated, with a mark on one side.
View on a break: white or almost white mass.
Mode of action
Mode of action - антитиреоидное.Фармакодинамика
Violates the synthesis of thyroid hormone by blocking the enzyme peroxidase, which participates in the iodization of thyronine in the thyroid gland to produce tri-and tetraiodothyronine. This property allows the symptomatic treatment of hyperthyroidism, with the exception of cases of hyperthyroidism due to the release of hormones after the destruction of the thyroid cells (after treatment with radioactive iodine or thyroiditis). Tirozol ® does not affect the release of synthesized thyronines of thyroid follicles. Hence the latent period of varying lengths, which may be preceded by normalization of T3 and T4 in blood plasma, i.e. improvement of the clinical picture.
Reduces basal metabolism, accelerates the removal of the thyroid iodide increases the reciprocal activation of the synthesis and release of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland, which may be accompanied by a hyperplasia of the thyroid gland.
The duration of action of a single dose of the dose is almost 24 hours
Tirozol ® when taken orally is rapidly and almost completely absorbed. Cmax in plasma is reached within 0.4-1.2 hours with plasma proteins practically does not bind. Tirozol ® accumulates in the thyroid gland, which is slowly metabolized. Small amounts Tiamazol found in breast milk. T1 / 2 - about 3-6 hours, hepatic failure, it increases. Not a dependence of the kinetics of the functional state of the thyroid gland. Drug metabolism tirozol ® is the kidney and liver, elimination of the drug is carried out by the kidneys and the bile. The kidneys remove 70% of tyrosol ® for 24 h, and 12.7% - unchanged.
Indications drug tirozol®
preparation for surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism;
Preparations for the treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine;
Therapy in the latent period of the radioactive iodine (held before the start of the radioactive iodine - for 4-6 months);
in exceptional cases - long-term maintenance therapy of hyperthyroidism, when in connection with the overall health or personal reasons can not perform radical treatment;
prevention of hyperthyroidism in the appointment of iodine preparations (including cases of iodine-containing contrast media), in the presence of latent hyperthyroidism, autonomous adenomas, or a history of hyperthyroidism.
Hypersensitivity to Tiamazol thiourea derivatives;
agranulocytosis during therapy previously held carbimazole or Tiamazol;
granulocytopenia (including history);
cholestasis before the start of treatment;
Tiamazol in combination therapy with levothyroxine during pregnancy.
Relative contraindication - previously observed allergic skin reaction to derivatives of thiourea.
Precautions: goiter is very large with a narrowing of the trachea (only short-term treatment in preparation for surgery), liver failure.
Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Untreated hyperthyroidism during pregnancy can lead to serious complications such as premature birth, fetal malformations. Tiamazol crosses the placental barrier and the blood of the fetus can reach the same concentration as that of the mother. Due to the fact that the effect on the fetus Tiamazol can not be completely excluded during pregnancy drug must be administered after a complete evaluation of the benefits and risks of its application in the minimum effective dose of levothyroxine without supplementation.
Tiamazol dose far in excess of the recommended can cause the formation of goiter and hypothyroidism in the fetus, as well as low birth weight.
During lactation the drug treatment of hyperthyroidism tirozol ® if necessary, can be continued. Since tiamazol passes into breast milk and may reach it a concentration corresponding to its level in the blood of the mother, the newborn may develop hypothyroidism. Therefore, the need to continue the treatment of hyperthyroidism during breast-feeding tirozol ® should be taken in low doses (10 mg / day) without receiving levothyroxine.
Side effects
Sometimes - allergic skin reactions (itching, redness, rash), vomiting, dizziness, and weakness.
An increase in temperature, change in taste are rare and are reversible.
Approximately 0.3-0.6% of cases may agranulocytosis. His symptoms (see "Special Instructions") can appear even after weeks and months after the start of treatment and cause a withdrawal of the drug.
In a few cases there were reports of arthralgia, developing, usually slowly and gradually, a few months after starting treatment. There were no clinical signs of arthritis.
Described isolated cases of cholestatic jaundice and toxic hepatitis.
In some cases, have been described: generalized lymphadenopathy, acute salivary gland enlargement, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, neuritis, neuropathy, lupus-like reactions, as well as autoimmune syndrome with hypoglycemia.
Increased body weight.
Clinical and subclinical hypothyroidism may occur when taking high doses of the drug. It may also begin enlargement of the thyroid gland, which is associated with an increase in TSH.
In the appointment of the drug after using iodinated contrast media in high doses may weaken the effect of tyrosol ®.
Iodine deficiency increases the effect of tyrosol ®.
Patients taking tirozol ® about hyperthyroidism, after reaching a euthyroid state, ie, normalization of thyroid hormones in the blood serum, it may be necessary to reduce doses received cardiac glycosides (digoxin and digitoxin), aminophylline, and increase the received dose warfarin or other anticoagulants - coumarin derivatives and indandiona (pharmacodynamic interaction).
Lithium drugs, β-blockers, reserpine, enhance the effect of amiodarone Tiamazol (requires tuning the dose).
While the use of sulfonamides, Metamizole and myelotoxic drugs increase the risk of leucopenia.
Leucogen and folic acid, while the use Tiamazol reduce the risk of leucopenia.
Gentamicin enhances the effect of antithyroid Tiamazol.
Data on the effect of other drugs on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the drug is not present. However, it should be borne in mind that in thyrotoxicosis accelerates metabolism and elimination of substances. Therefore, in some cases it is necessary to adjust the dose of other medications.
Dosage and administration
Take after a meal without chewing, with some liquid. The daily dose is administered in a single dose or divided into 2-3 single doses. At the beginning of treatment used in single doses for the day at a fixed time.
Maintenance dose should be taken at once after breakfast.
Hyperthyroidism: Depending on the severity of the disease - 20-40 mg / day tirozol ® for 3-6 weeks. After normalization of thyroid function (usually 3-8 weeks), move on to receive a maintenance dose of 5-20 mg / day. Since that time, we recommend supplementation of levothyroxine.
In preparation for the surgical treatment of hyperthyroidism: assigning 20-40 mg / day to achieve euthyroid state. Since that time, we recommend supplementation of levothyroxine.
In order to reduce the time needed to prepare for the operation, in addition prescribe beta-blockers and iodine.
In preparation for treatment with radioactive iodine: 20-40 mg / day until the euthyroid state. It should be remembered that tiamazol and thiourea derivatives may reduce the sensitivity of the thyroid gland to radiation therapy.
Therapy in the latent period of the radioactive iodine: Depending on the severity of the disease - by 5-20 mg before the action of radioactive iodine (4-6 months).
Long-term maintenance therapy tireostaticheskim: 1,25-2,5-10 mg / day with an additional intake of small doses of levothyroxine.
Prophylaxis with hyperthyroidism prescribing iodine (including cases of iodinated contrast media) in the presence of latent thyrotoxicosis or hyperthyroidism autonomous adenoma history 10-20 mg / tyrosol ® and 1 g of potassium perchlorate per day for 8-10 days prior to receiving iodinated means.
Children: initial dose - 0.3-0.5 mg / kg daily; maintenance dose - at 0.2-0.3 mg / kg, if necessary, appoint additional levothyroxine.
Pregnant designate the lowest possible doses: a single dose - 2.5 mg daily - 10 mg.
Hepatic failure prescribed minimum effective dose.
In the treatment of hyperthyroidism treatment duration of 1.5 to 2 years.
In preparation for surgery in patients with hyperthyroidism drug treatment is carried out until the euthyroid state - duration) and ends the day before. In all cases, the duration of treatment determined by the physician.
Symptoms of chronic overdose leads to an increase of thyroid and hypothyroidism.
Reception very high doses thiamazole (about 120 mg per day) may result in the development myelotoxic effects.
Treatment: the drug is stopped. Levothyroxine replacement therapy is carried out in the event that it is warranted by the severity of hypothyroidism. As a rule, after the drug is observed spontaneous recovery of thyroid function.
When very high doses of the drug - removal of the drug, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.
Patients with a significant enlargement of the thyroid gland, narrowing a lumen of the trachea, tyrosol ® is administered in combination with a short-term levothyroxine because long-term use may increase the craw and even greater compression of the trachea. For a careful monitoring of patients (control of TSH, the lumen of the trachea).
During treatment should regularly monitor the pattern of peripheral blood.
If during treatment with suddenly appear a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever, stomatitis or signs of abrasions (possible symptoms of agranulocytosis), you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.
When prompted during the treatment s / hemorrhage, or bleeding of unknown origin, generalized skin rash and itching, persistent nausea or vomiting, jaundice, severe epigastric pain and severe weakness of the drug should be discontinued.
In the event of early termination of treatment is possible recurrence of the disease.
The emergence or worsening of endocrine ophthalmopathy is not a side effect of treatment tirozol ®, conducted properly.
In rare cases, after the treatment may occur later hypothyroidism, which is not a side effect of the drug, and is associated with inflammatory and destructive processes in the thyroid, flowing in the main disease.
Form release
Tablets, film-coated, 5 mg and 10 mg: in blisters of PVC / aluminum foil of 10 or 25 units.; In cardboard pack 2, 4, 5 or 10 blisters.
Merck KGaA (Germany).
Frankfurtershtrasse, 250, D-64293, Darmstadt, Germany.
Merck KGaA (Germany).
Frankfurterstrasse, 250, D-64293, Darmstadt, Germany.
Presented in Russia and the CIS
Nycomed Austria GmbH, Austria.
Customer complaints addressed
Ltd. Nycomed Distribyushn Sente.





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