GATTEX KIT(TEDUGLUTIDE RECOMBINANT)POWDER SUBCUTANEOUS获FDA批准用于治疗短肠综合征 2012年12月21日,NPS制药公司和美国食品药品管理局(FDA)宣布, Gattex[替度鲁肽(rDNA来源)]已获准用于治疗依赖肠外营养(PN)的短肠综合征(SBS)成人患者。Gattex是一种新型人胰高血糖素样肽2(参与肠道内层修复的蛋白)重组类似物,使用Gattex有助于改善液体和营养物的肠道吸收,减少PN频次和容量。该产品皮下注射给药,每日1次。 GATTEX(替度鲁肽(teduglutide)[rDNA起源])注射,用于皮下使用 美国初步批准:2012年 作用机制 替度鲁肽是天然存在的人胰高血糖素样肽-2(GLP-2)的类似物,GLP-2是由远端肠的L-细胞分泌的肽。 已知GLP-2增加肠和门静脉血流量,并抑制胃酸分泌。 替度鲁肽结合位于肠内分泌细胞,上皮下肌纤维母细胞和粘膜下和肌间神经丛的肠神经元的肠亚群中的胰高血糖素样肽-2受体。 这些受体的激活导致多种介质,包括胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)-1,一氧化氮和角质形成细胞生长因子(KGF)的局部释放 适应症和用法 用于注射的GATTEX(替度鲁肽(teduglutide)[rDNA起源])是指示用于治疗依赖于胃肠外支持的短肠综合征(SBS)的成年患者的胰高血糖素样肽-2(GLP-2)类似物。 剂量和给药 推荐的每日一次剂量的GATTEX为0.05mg/kg。 通过皮下注射施用;在腹部的4个象限中的1个之间的交替部位,或者交替的大腿或交替的臂。 仅用于皮下注射。 仅供一次性使用。重建后3小时内使用,丢弃任何未使用的部分。 中度至重度肾损伤患者推荐50%剂量减少。 剂量形式和强度 用于注射:每个一次性使用的玻璃小瓶含有5mg的作为白色冻干粉末的替度鲁肽,用于与预先填充的注射器中提供的0.5mL无菌注射用水重构。 用预填充的注射器中提供的0.5mL无菌注射用水重构,得到10mg / mL溶液。然后可以从小瓶中取出最多0.38mL含有3.8mg替度鲁肽的重构溶液。 禁忌症 没有 警告和注意事项 肿瘤生长。存在肿瘤生长加速的风险。在开始用GATTEX治疗之前应进行整个结肠的结肠镜检查并去除息肉,并在1年后推荐。随后的结肠镜检查应根据需要进行,但不得少于每5年一次。在肠道恶性肿瘤停止GATTEX的情况下。在非胃肠道恶性肿瘤患者中继续使用GATTEX的临床决定应基于风险和益处考虑。 肠梗阻。在发展阻塞的患者中,GATTEX应暂时停止,以待进一步的临床评估和管理。 胆道和胰腺疾病。在开始GATTEX之前,患者应进行实验室评估(胆红素,碱性磷酸酶,脂肪酶,淀粉酶)。后续实验室检查应每6个月进行一次。如果出现临床上有意义的变化,建议进一步评估,包括成像,并重新评估GATTEX的继续治疗。 流体过载。在GATTEX上存在流体过载的可能性。如果发生液体过载,特别是在心血管疾病患者中,应适当调整胃肠外支持,并重新评估GATTEX治疗。 不良反应 所有使用GATTEX的研究中最常见的不良反应(≥10%)是腹痛,注射部位反应,恶心,头痛,腹胀,上呼吸道感染。此外,SBS研究(1和3)报告呕吐和体液超负荷率≥10%。 药物相互作用 GATTEX具有增加伴随口服药物吸收的潜力。建议仔细监测和需要滴定或具有窄治疗指数的口服药物的可能剂量调整。 在特定人群中使用 GATTEX在儿科患者中的安全性和有效性尚未确定。

 完整使用请详细阅读资料[附件]: Teduglutide Injection (Gattex) for Short Bowel Syndrome FDA has approved teduglutide (te due’ gloo tide; Gattex – NPS), a recombinant DNA analog of glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2), for treatment of short bowel syndrome (SBS) in adults who are dependent on parenteral support. SHORT BOWEL SYNDROME — SBS is a rare disorder caused by a significant loss of functioning small bowel. In young children, SBS is often caused by congenital defects. Surgical resection for disorders such as Crohn’s disease is the most common cause in adults. The length of the small intestine in normal adults ranges from 300-850 cm; patients with SBS typically have <200 cm of small bowel remaining and those with <100 cm remaining are likely to have intestinal failure. Patients with SBS-associated intestinal failure are unable to absorb sufficient quantities of protein, calories, fluids, electrolytes and micronutrients and often experience diarrhea, weight loss, malnutrition GATTEX Rx Generic Name and Formulations: Teduglutide 5mg; per vial; lyophilized pwd for SC inj after reconstitution. Company: Shire US, Inc.
Select therapeutic use: Colorectal disorders Indications for GATTEX: Treatment of adult patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS) who are dependent on parenteral support.
Adult: Administer by SC inj only; alternate sites between 1 of the 4 quadrants of the abdomen, or into alternating thighs or arms. 0.05mg/kg once daily. Do not take 2 doses on the same day. Moderate-to-severe renal impairment (CrCl <50mL/min) and ESRD: reduce dose by 50%.
Children: Not established.
Warnings/Precautions: Risk of neoplastic growth acceleration. Discontinue in active GI malignancy (eg, GI tract, hepatobiliary, pancreatic), colorectal or small bowel cancer. Perform colonoscopy with removal of polyps within 6 months before starting; repeat at end of 1yr therapy and every 5yrs or more as needed. Temporarily discontinue if intestinal or stomal obstruction develops; may restart if resolves. Monitor for biliary and pancreatic disease; assess bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, lipase, amylase within 6 months before starting and at least every 6 months during treatment, or more if needed. Risk of fluid overload; if occurs, adjust parenteral support and reassess treatment (esp. in underlying cardiovascular disease). Reevaluate treatment if significant cardiac deterioration develops. Pregnancy (Cat.B). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions: Concomitant oral drugs requiring titration or with a narrow therapeutic index (eg, benzodiazepines, phenothiazines): may require dose adjustment and monitor.
Pharmacological Class: Glucagon-like peptide-2 analog.
Adverse Reactions: Abdominal pain, inj site reactions, nausea, headaches, abdominal distension, upper respiratory tract infection, vomiting, fluid overload.
How Supplied: One-vial kit, 30-vial kit—1 (single-use vials w. supplies) |