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2014-01-04 22:54:36  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:178  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:Generic Name:masitinib Trade Name: Masican Entry Type: Licence extension Developmental StatusUK: None EU: Phase III Clinical Trials US: Phase III Clinical Trials UK launch Plans: Available only ...

Generic Name:
Trade Name: Masican
Entry Type: Licence extension 
Developmental Status
UK: None
EU: Phase III Clinical Trials
US: Phase III Clinical Trials
UK launch Plans: Available only to registered users
Actual UK launch date:
Apr 13: PIII primary outcome data due end Jun 13 [5].
17/04/2013 13:47:13
Orphan status for masitinib granted in the EU & US [4].
14/06/2012 14:34:55
Trial or other data
Jun 12: Recruitment to the PIII trial is ongoing. In May 12, the data monitoring committee recommended continuation of this study [3]. 
14/06/2012 14:32:46
Dec 08: NCT00812240 begins - a prospective, multicentre, randomized, open-label, active-controlled PIII study comparing masitinib (7.5mg/kg/day) vs imatinib (400 or 600mg) in first line medical treatment of 222 pts with GIST. The primary outcome is progression free survival. The study is due to complete Jun 12 [1]. 
14/06/2012 14:22:12

On 21 November 2013, the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) adopted a negative opinion, recommending the refusal of the marketing authorisation for the medicinal product Masican, intended for the treatment of malignant gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST).
The company that applied for authorisation is AB Science. It may request a re-examination of the opinion within 15 days of receipt of notification of this negative opinion.
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What is Masican?
Masican is an anticancer medicine that contains the active substance masitinib. It was to be available as tablets.
What was Masican expected to be used for?
Masican was expected to be used to treat gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), a cancer of the stomach and bowel, in adults whose cancer cannot be removed surgically or has spread and is getting worse despite treatment with imatinib, another medicine used in this cancer.
Masican was designated an ‘orphan medicine’ (a medicine to be used in rare diseases) on 21 December 2004 for the treatment of malignant GIST.
How is Masican expected to work?
The active substance in Masican, masitinib, is a tyrosine-kinase inhibitor. This means that it blocks certain enzymes known as tyrosine kinases. These enzymes can be found in some receptors on the surface of cancer cells, including the receptors that are involved in stimulating the cells to divide uncontrollably. By blocking these receptors, Masican might help in controlling cell division and thereby slow down the growth of the cancer.
What did the company present to support its application?
The applicant presented results of a main study in 44 patients with GIST that could not be removed surgically or that had spread and was resistant to imatinib treatment. The study included a group of patients treated with Masican and one group treated with sunitinib, another medicine of the same class. The study was a ‘phase II study’, an exploratory study designed to see if a medicine is worth investigating further. The main measure of effectiveness was progression-free survival (how long the patients lived without the disease getting worse).
What were the CHMP’s main concerns that led to the refusal?
One of the CHMP’s concerns was that the study was not designed to compare Masican to sunitinib and therefore it was difficult to interpret the results. Although the group of patients treated with Masican appeared to live longer than those treated with sunitinib, the possibility that this was a chance finding could not be ruled out because of the exploratory nature of the study and because other supportive evidence was lacking. Therefore, the Committee concluded that there were insufficient data to establish the benefits of Masican.
The CHMP was also concerned that safety data were only available for a few patients treated with Masican at the proposed dose and this did not allow a proper eva luation of the medicine’s side effects. Finally, there were concerns about the quality control of the medicine during manufacture, which led to uncertainties about the impurities that patients would be exposed to.
Therefore, at that point in time, the CHMP concluded that the benefits of Masican did not outweigh its risks and recommended that the medicine be refused marketing authorisation.
What consequences does this refusal have for patients in clinical trials or compassionate use programmes?
The company informed the CHMP that there were no consequences for patients currently included in clinical trials or compassionate use programmes with Masican. If you are in a clinical trial or compassionate use programme and need more information about your treatment, contact the doctor who is giving it to you.





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