当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 肾脏病(尿毒症) >> 新一代肾脏病药物Parsabiv在美国批准即将上市


2017-02-13 02:50:38  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:0  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Parsabiv(etelcalcetide)静脉注射剂-12年来首个获FDA批准用于治疗肾透析患者甲亢新药2017年2月9日,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已批准Parsabiv用于正接受血液透析治疗的慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者继发性 ...

Parsabiv是一种新颖的拟钙剂(calcimimetic agent),能够抑制甲状旁腺激素(PTH)的分泌,目前正开发用于接受血液透析治疗的慢性肾脏病(CKD)患者继发性甲旁亢(sHPT)的治疗,在患者每次透析结束后每周三次静脉注射给药。继发性甲旁亢(SHPT)是接受透析治疗的CKD患者中一种常见且严重的代偿失调疾病。目前已知,持续升高的甲状旁腺激素(PTH)与CKD患者的关键临床结局相关。etelcalcetide可结合并激活甲状旁腺上的钙敏感受体,实现甲状旁腺激素(PTH)水平的降低。
原始出处:FDA Approves Amgen's Parsabiv? (Etelcalcetide), First New Treatment In More Than A Decade For Secondary Hyperparathyroidism In Adult Patients On Hemodialysis
Parsabiv(etelcalcetide)First approved February 7th, 2017
Brand name: Parsabiv
Generic name: etelcalcetide
Dosage form: Injection
Company: Amgen Inc.
Treatment for: Secondary Hyperparathyroidism
Parsabiv (etelcalcetide) is a calcium-sensing receptor agonist indicated for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPT) in adult patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis
Dosage Forms & Strengths
solution for injection (single-dose vials)
Indicated for secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) for patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis
Recommended dose
•Ensure corrected serum calcium is at or above the lower limit of normal prior to initiation, a dose increase, or reinitiation of therapy after a dosing interruption
•Starting dose: 5 mg IV bolus injection 3 times/week at the end of hemodialysis treatment
•Also see Administration
•Maintenance dose
◦Individualize and determine by titration based on parathyroid hormone (PTH) and corrected serum calcium response
◦The maintenance dose is the dose that maintains PTH levels within the recommended target range and corrected serum calcium within the normal range
◦Lowest maintenance dose: 2.5 mg IV 3 times/week
◦Highest maintenance dose: 15 mg IV 3 times/week
•Monitor corrected serum calcium and PTH levels during dose initiation, dose adjustment, and dose maintenance
•Corrected serum calcium levels
◦Obtain 1 week after dose initiation or dose adjustment
◦Obtain q4 weeks during maintenance
•PTH levels
◦Obtain 4 weeks after dose initiation or dose adjustment
◦Obtain per clinical practice
Dose adjustment
•Increase dose
◦Increase by 2.5- or 5-mg increments in patients with corrected serum calcium within the normal range and PTH levels above the recommended target no more frequently than q4 weeks
◦Maximum dose of 15 mg 3 times/week
•Decrease or temporarily discontinue dosing
◦Patients with PTH levels below the target range
◦In individuals with a corrected serum calcium below the lower limit of normal, but ≥7.5 mg/dL without symptoms of hypocalcemia, consider decreasing or temporarily discontinuing the drug or use concomitant therapies to increase corrected serum calcium
◦If the dose is stopped, then reinitiate at a lower dose when PTH is within the target range and hypocalcemia has been corrected
•Stop and treat hypocalcemia
◦Stop drug if the corrected serum calcium is <7.5 mg/dL or patients report symptoms of hypocalcemia
◦May reinitiate at a dose 5 mg lower than the last dose administered when corrected serum calcium is within normal limits, symptoms of hypocalcemia have resolved, and predisposing factors for hypocalcemia have been addressed
◦If the last administered dose was 2.5 mg or 5 mg, reinitiate at a dose of 2.5 mg
Switching from cinacalcet
•Discontinue cinacalcet for at least 7 days before starting etelcalcetide
•Initiate etelcalcetide at a starting dose of 5 mg IV bolus
•Ensure corrected serum calcium is at or above the lower limit of normal prior to initiation
Dosing Considerations
Limitations of use
•Has not been studied in adults with parathyroid carcinoma, primary hyperparathyroidism, or CKD who are not on hemodialysis
•Not recommended for use in these populations
Safety and efficacy not established
No clinically significant differences in safety, efficacy, or etelcalcetide plasma concentrations were observed between patients ≥65 yr and younger patients
This article Department of pharmacists/medical experts original translation finishing, welcome to reprint! At the same time the procurement of domestic scientific research institutions can contact us: 2363244352.3330889895





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· 新一代肾脏病药物Parsab...
· KALIAID PLUS(聚苯乙烯...
· Kiklin Granules 86.2%...
· 新型肾脏病药物Parsabiv...
· TRIFERIC(焦磷酸铁柠檬...
· MIRCERA Injection Syri...
· FDA批准Velphoro治疗慢性...
· P-TOL Chewable Tab(Suc...
· Spherical Adsorption C...



· KALIAID PLUS(聚苯乙烯...
· 新一代肾脏病药物Parsab...