近日,新药Palynziq(pegvaliase-pqpz)获FDA批准用于苯丙酮酸尿症(PKU)成人患者,PKU 是一种罕见而严重的遗传性疾病。PKU患者生来就无法代谢苯丙氨酸(Phe),Phe是存在于蛋白食物及各种食物和饮料高强度甜味剂中的一种氨基酸。Palynziq是一种新型的酶疗法,用于以目前疗法不能控制血液 Phe浓度的成年PKU患者。 FDA的药物评价和研究中心内药物评价III办公室主任Julie Beitz,M.D说:“这是一种新颖酶取代治疗帮助面对一种显著未满足需要在用当前治疗选择已不能控制他们的血Phe水平的PKU患者,” “这个新批准显示我们的承诺批准进展在治疗将给予有PKU患者对医护不同的选择。” 批准日期:2018年5月29日 公司:BioMarin Pharmaceutical PALYNZIQ(pegvaliase-pqpz)注射液,用于皮下注射 美国最初批准:2018年 警告: ANAPHYLAXIS的风险 查看完整的盒装警告的完整处方信息。 •Palynziq治疗后报告过敏反应可能在治疗期间的任何时间发生。 •在负责管理过敏反应的医疗保健提供者的监督下管理Palynziq的初始剂量,并在注射后至少60分钟密切观察患者。Priorto自我注射,确认患者对自身给药的能力,以及患者和观察者(如果适用)能够识别过敏反应的症状和体征,并在需要时自行注射肾上腺素。 •开具自动注射肾上腺素。在首次给药之前,指导患者和观察者(如果适用)适当使用。指导患者在使用时立即就医。在Palynziq治疗期间,指导患者随时携带自动注射肾上腺素。 •Palynziq仅通过名为thePalynziq REMS的受限程序提供。 作用机制 Pegvaliase-pqpz是一种聚乙二醇化苯丙氨酸氨解酶(PAL)酶,可将苯丙氨酸转化为氨和反式肉桂酸。它取代了PKU患者缺乏的苯丙氨酸羟化酶(PAH)酶活性,降低了血液苯丙氨酸浓度。 适应症和用法 Palynziq是一种苯丙氨酸代谢酶,用于降低苯丙酮尿症患者的血苯丙氨酸浓度,苯丙酮尿症患者的血液苯丙氨酸浓度大于600微摩尔/升现有管理。 剂量和给药 剂量 •在开始治疗前获得基线血液苯丙氨酸浓度。 •推荐的初始剂量为每周一次皮下注射2.5毫克,持续4周。 •基于耐受性,在至少5周内以逐步方式滴定剂量,以每日一次皮下达到20mg的剂量。Seefull处方滴定方案的处方信息。 •评估整个治疗过程中患者的耐受性,血液苯丙氨酸浓度,膳食蛋白质和苯丙氨酸摄入量。 •考虑每天一次服用20毫克,连续服用至少24周并且未达到治疗前基线血液苯丙氨酸浓度减少20%或血液苯丙氨酸浓度降低20%的患者,每日皮下注射剂量最多增加40毫克小于或等于600微摩尔/升。 •停用Palynziq治疗的患者,在连续治疗16周后,未达到治疗前基线血液苯丙氨酸浓度降低至少20%或血液苯丙氨酸浓度小于或等于600微摩尔/升,最大剂量为40mg每日一次。 •根据需要减少剂量和/或改变膳食蛋白质和苯丙氨酸摄入,以维持血液苯丙氨酸浓度在临床上可接受的范围和30微摩尔/L.血液苯丙氨酸监测和饮食。 •每4周获得血液苯丙氨酸浓度,直至建立维持剂量。 •建立维持剂量后,定期监测血液苯丙氨酸浓度。 •建议患者监测膳食蛋白质和苯丙氨酸摄入量,并调整为di 剂量形式和强度 注射:2.5mg/0.5mL,10mg/0.5mL,和20mg/mL,在单剂量预填充注射器中。 禁忌症 没有。 警告和注意事项 除过敏反应外的过敏反应:管理应基于反应的严重程度,复发和临床判断,可包括剂量调整,暂时性药物中断或抗组胺药,退热药和/或皮质类固醇治疗。 不良反应 最常见的不良反应(两个治疗阶段至少20%)是:注射部位反应,关节痛,过敏反应,头痛,持续至少14天的全身皮肤反应,瘙痒,恶心,腹痛,口咽疼痛,呕吐,咳嗽,腹泻和疲劳。 药物相互作用 Palynziq对其他聚乙二醇化产物的影响:监测过敏反应,包括过敏反应,同时进行治疗。 用于特定人群 怀孕:可能导致胎儿伤害。 包装提供/存储和处理 提供 Palynziq(pegvaliase-pqpz)注射剂以无防腐剂,无菌,透明至微乳白色的形式提供, 无色至淡黄色溶液。 Palynziq的所有剂量强度均在1mL玻璃注射器中提供 使用26号,0.5英寸针头。 每个纸箱包含1或10个带单剂量预装注射器的托盘,处方信息, 药物指南和使用说明。可以使用以下包装配置。 Palynziq包装配置 Pegvaliase-pqpz 2.5mg/0.5mL 1注射器:NDC 68135-058-90 Pegvaliase-pqpz 10mg/0.5mL 1注射器:NDC 68135-756-20 Pegvaliase-pqpz 20mg/mL 1个注射器:NDC 68135-673-40 20mg/mL 10个注射器:NDC 68135-673-45 存储和处理 •在原装纸箱中以36°F至46°F(2°C至8°C)的温度存放在冰箱中以避光。 •不要冻结或摇晃。 •对于患者:如果需要,将Palynziq存放在室温下的原始纸箱中68°F至77°F(20°C至25°C),最长30天。记录从制冷中取出的日期纸箱。在室温下储存后,请勿将产品退回冰箱。 •保质期在室温下储存30天后或在失效日期后过期产品纸箱,以较早者为准。

 PALYNZIQ(pegvaliase-pqpz)Injection for PKU General Information Palynziq (pegvaliase-pqpz) is a phenylalanine-metabolizing enzyme. Playnziq is specifically indicated to reduce blood phenylalanine concentrations in adult patients with phenylketonuria who have uncontrolled blood phenylalanine concentrations greater than 600 micromol/L on existing management. Palynziq is supplied as a solution for subcutaneous injection. The recommended dosing schedule is as follows: Induction: The recommended initial induction dosage for Palynziq is 2.5mg subcutaneously once weekly for 4weeks. Administer the initial dose under the supervision of a healthcare provider. Titration: Titrate the Palynziq dosage in a step-wise manner, based on tolerability, over at least 5 weeks, to achieve a dosage of 20mg subcutaneously once daily. Please see drug label for titration schedule. Maintenance: Therapeutic response may not be achieved until the patient is titrated to an effective maintenance dosage of Palynziq. Use the lowest effective and tolerated dosage of Palynziq. Assess patient tolerability, blood phenylalanine concentrations, and dietary protein and phenylalanine intake throughout treatment. Maintain the Palynziq dosage at 20mg subcutaneously once daily for at least 24 weeks. Consider increasing the Palynziq dosage to a maximum of 40mg subcutaneously once daily in patients who have been maintained continuously on 20 mg once daily for at least 24 weeks and who have not achieved either a 20% reduction in blood phenylalanine concentration from pre-treatment baseline or a blood phenylalanine concentration less than or equal to 600 micromol/L. Clinical Results FDA Approval The FDA approval of Palynziq was based on the phase III PRISM-2 study. During the double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized withdrawal period trial (RWP), subjects were randomized in a 2:1 ratio to either continue their maintenance Palynziq dosage(20mg once daily or 40 mg once daily) or to receive matching placebo for a total of 8weeks. Palynziq-treated patients maintained their blood Phe concentrations as compared to their randomized withdrawal baseline, whereas patients randomized to matching placebo returned to their pretreatment baseline blood Phe concentrations, which met the primary endpoint of change in blood Phe compared with placebo (p<0.0001). Side Effects Adverse effects associated with the use of Palynziq may include, but are not limited to, the following: injection site reactions arthralgia hypersensitivity reactions headache generalized skin reactions lasting at least 14 days pruritus nausea abdominal pain oropharyngeal pain vomiting cough diarrhea fatigue The Palynziq drug label comes with the following Boxed Warning: Anaphylaxis has been reported after administration of Palynziq and may occur at any time during treatment. • Administer the initial dose of Palynziq under the supervision of a healthcare provider equipped to manage anaphylaxis, and closely observe patients for at least 60 minutes following injection. Prior to self-injection, confirm patient competency with self-administration, and patient’s and observer’s(if applicable) ability to recognize signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and to administer auto-injectable epinephrine, if needed. • Prescribe auto-injectable epinephrine. Prior to first dose, instruct the patient and observer(if applicable) on its appropriate use. Instruct the patient to seek immediate medical care upon its use. Instruct patients to carry auto-injectable epinephrine with them at all times during Palynziq treatment. Mechanism of Action Palynziq(Pegvaliase-pqpz) is a PEGylated phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) enzyme that converts phenylalanine to ammonia and trans-cinnamic acid. It substitutes for the deficient phenylalanine hydroxylase(PAH) enzyme activity in patients with PKU and reduces blood phenylalanine concentrations.