Synvisc Information
Synvisc has the generic name of hylan G-F 20. Synvisc is an injected synovial fluid, a naturally occurring substance in the joints that acts a lubricant and shock absorber on the joints. Decrease or absence of these lubricants may induce extreme pain and Osteoarthritis.
Synvisc Indications
Synvisc is indicated for patients with Osteoarthritis and injected into the knee joints for the treatment of pain brought about by the said illness. Synvisc can also be used for other purposes aside from the ones mentioned.
Synvisc Warnings
Synvisc is not recommended for administration when the skin where the medicine should be injected has infection or with skin disease.
Synvisc has not yet been established whether it can cause harm to pregnant women or to nursing infants. Talk to your doctor first if you pregnant or planning to become one prior to taking shots of Synvisc.
Synvisc should be administered with care to breastfeeding mothers as it is not yet known whether it is passed to breast milk and on the process harm the nursing infant.
Synvisc Dosage and Administration
Synvisc should be administered by a healthcare professional and its dosage should be determined by your doctor. Synvisc is an injection for the joint. Temporary pain and swelling may accompany injection on the injected area. Refrain from doing any strenuous or prolonged activity involving the joints where Synvisc has been injected. These activities should be avoided for up to 48 hours. Among the activities to be refrained from are jogging, tennis, weightlifting and such.
Synvisc Overdose
Overdose of Synvisc is unlikely to happen and is not a life threatening scenario. However, if you suspect overdose and symptoms of it, ask for medical assistance for proper care.
Synvisc Missed Dose
The dosage of Synvisc is to be determined by your doctor as well as what to do when a dose is missed. However, it is unlikely that Synvisc is to be administered very frequently and the missed dose is unlikely to occur as a healthcare professional is to be the one to administer the dose and it is mostly already scheduled.
Synvisc Side Effects
When Synvisc is administered, allergic reaction may possibly occur especially in patients who are more susceptible to allergies in the components of Synvisc. Symptoms of allergic reactions include hives, swelling of lips and mouth and throat constriction.
Other side effects may include temporary pain on the injected area and affected joint, rashes or burning sensations on the injected part of the skin, headache, and stomach related disturbances.
Other side effects may also happen aside from the ones listed above.
Synvisc Drug Reactions
There are no known drugs that have been identified to adversely or positively affect the Synvisc treatment or its effects on the body. Consult for medical advice when you are taking any other medicines or drugs before taking Synvisc such as antibiotics, herbal products, vitamins, and or any other medication.
Buy Synvisc
Buy Synvisc through our Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy where Synvisc is sold.
【药品名称】 通 用 名:透明质酸钠 【主要成份】透明质酸钠 【性 状】本品为无色澄明的黏稠液体。 【药理毒理】欣维可是通过粘弹性补充取得疗效,这种疗法能恢复病变关节组织的生理和流变状态。用欣维可进行粘弹性补充治疗能减轻疼痛和不适,使关节有更大的活动能力。体外研究试验表明欣维可可以保护某些理化因素对软骨细胞的损害。 【功能主治】 欣维可是关节滑液的临时替代与补充品。对各种程度的关节病变均有裨益,对经常需要活动的病变关节尤为有效。 欣维可仅限于关节腔内使用治疗膝关节炎和髋关节炎引起的疼痛。(必须由医师使用) 【用法用量】 使用方法:注射欣维可前,如有关节渗出液必须先行抽除。 如发现包装开启或破损,切勿使用。 请在室温下使用。 使用时务必严格遵循无菌操作规范,去除针帽时尤需小心。 应根据治疗关节选择规格合适的针头。 为防止操作过程中欣维可渗漏,应在托牢注射针筒的同时紧紧固定注射针头。 切勿将欣维可重新消毒。 仅限于关节腔内注射,如有需要,特别是进行髋关节治疗时可使用透视辅助。 注射器内的液剂仅供一次性使用。
剂量指导:欣维可的治疗方案取决于治疗关节。 膝关节炎 欣维可的推荐治疗方案是膝关节内隔周注射,连续注射三次。为获得最佳疗效,必须完成三次注射。最大推荐使用剂量为六个月内进行六次注射,但两个疗程之间的间隔不得少于四周。 髋关节炎 推荐首次治疗方案是单次注射。如果一次注射治疗后未能充分缓解疼痛,建议进行第二次注射治疗。临床资料显示在第一次注射后一个月到三个月之间对患者进行第二次注射显效。 通常治疗收效的患者其疗效最长可维持二十六周,当然也有或长或短的报道。值得一提的是,在膝关节炎前瞻性临床试验中,经过欣维可一个疗程的注射治疗,患者最长疗效可维持五十二周。 【不良反应】 欣维可关节内注射后,注射关节可能出现短暂的疼痛、肿胀及渗出。有时渗出量可能较大并出现明显疼痛;这时需要抽除渗出液并进行分析以排除感染或晶体性关节病,这非常重要。通常这些不良反应会在几天内减退。而即使出现这些反应,治疗的临床疗效仍然十分显著。所有欣维可临床试验中均未出现关节内感染,在临床使用中罕有关节内感染的报道。 市场使用显示使用欣维可罕见下列全身症状:皮疹、荨麻疹、身痒、发烧、恶心、头痛、眩晕、寒战、肌肉抽搐、局部麻痹、周边水肿、不适、呼吸困难、潮红及面部肿胀。在临床对照试验中,接受欣维可治疗的患者和对照治疗的患者在出现全身性不良反应的例数和类型方面无统计差异。 【禁 忌】 如果患肢静脉或淋巴回流障碍时,关节内不得注射欣维可。 如果关节感染或严重炎症时也不得使用欣维可。注射区域有皮肤病或感染时也不得使用欣维可。 【注意事项】 如果注射前有大量关节液渗出时,不得使用欣维可。 和其他无创伤性关节治疗一样,建议患者在关节内注射后避免剧烈活动,几天后可恢复完全活动。 妊娠妇女或18岁以下未成年者尚未试用过欣维可。 欣维可中含有少量禽蛋白,对该类物质过敏的患者不得使用。 【规 格】2毫升/支 【包 装】2毫升/支 【贮 藏】在2℃至30℃之间保存。切勿冰冻。 【有 效 期】1年 美国新百利药业有限公司 【包装规格】 欣维可装在容积为2.25ml的玻璃注射器内,内含2ml欣维可。 【注册号】 国药管械(进)字2001第3650130号 价格:586元/支
Genzyme Biosurgery公司研发生产Synvisc-One(hylan G-F 20)用于缓解膝关节骨关节炎(OA)相关性疼痛。Synvisc-One是目前美国批准治疗膝关节骨关节炎相关性疼痛的唯一一种单次注射的黏弹性填充物。该药的问世有望使更多患者从黏弹性物填充疗法中获益,同时还可降低多次注射的总费用。Synvisc-One于2009年2月26日获得美国FDA的批准。
“只需一次注射,骨关节炎患者就可以获得长达6个月的临床效果显著的疼痛缓解,而且对于某些患者来说,这种疼痛缓解可以延缓其进行全膝关节置换术,”北美关节镜学会主席、明尼苏达大学医学院临床教授Jack M. Bert博士说,“这种单次注射方案将使医师和患者双方都获得便利。”
黏弹性补充疗法是一种将透明质酸或其衍生物如hylan G-F 20注入膝关节以替代滑液的治疗方法。骨关节炎患者的滑液通常变得稀薄,透明质酸浓度下降。通过向患者病变骨关节注射透明质酸,从而替代OA患者已退化的骨滑液,达到缓解疼痛和增强膝关节对自然震动的吸收能力。
Synvisc-One也已经在欧盟、一些亚洲和拉美国家获得批准。自从该药获准销售以来,已有将近10000名患者在用该药治疗。 |