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2005-03-24 12:13:09  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:875  文字大小:【】【】【

 乐脂平 Olbetam


【别名】 阿西莫司;比莫酸 乐脂平 氧甲吡嗪  甲氧吡嗪
【外文名】Olbetam ,
【性状】 结晶性粉末,不溶于水。
【适应症】 治疗脂肪代谢失调及血中高甘油三酯(Ⅳ型高脂血症)者,高胆固醇(Ⅱ**a型高脂血症)及甘油三酯与胆固醇同时升高的Ⅱ**b、Ⅲ、Ⅴ型高脂血症。 适用于Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ及Ⅴ型高脂蛋白血症,对Ⅳ和Ⅱ型高脂蛋白血症的疗效好于Ⅲ和Ⅴ型。

【规格】 250毫克/胶囊 30胶囊/盒



How does it work?
Acipimox is a lipid (fat) lowering medicine. Its overall effect is to reduce the amount of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) in the blood. These can be referred to as 'bad fats' as they are one of the factors responsible for heart disease. Acipimox also increases the amount of high density lipoproteins (HDL) in the blood. These can be referred to as 'good fats', as they are not involved in causing heart disease.

VLDL is made by the liver from triglycerides. Triglycerides may be consumed in the diet or released from stores in fat tissue. Triglycerides must be broken down into their components (fatty acids) before they can be released from fat tissue. Once released, these fatty acids are used to reform triglycerides in the liver, which are then used to form VLDL and LDL. Acipimox works by preventing the breakdown of triglycerides in fatty tissue. It therefore prevents the release of fatty acids and the subsequent formation of triglycerides and VLDL by the liver.

LDL is made when VLDL is broken down in muscle and fat cells. As acipimox results in lowered levels of VLDL in the blood, it therefore also decreases the blood levels of LDL.

Reducing the blood levels of these 'bad fats' reduces the risk of heart disease. It is best to try to reduce VLDL and LDL by dietary means ie. by consuming fewer fatty foods. However, this alone may be ineffective, or high VLDL and LDL levels may be inherited. In these cases, lipid lowering medicines are used to help reduce 'bad fat' levels.

What is it used for?
High levels of fats (lipids) such as cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood (hyperlipidaemia)

Use with caution in
Mild to moderately decreased kidney function

Not to be used in
Moderate to severely decreased kidney function
Peptic ulcer

This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy.

If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine.

The safety of this medicine during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not established. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consult your doctor for further advice.

Label warnings
Take this medication with or after food.

Side effects
Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect.

Itching (pruritus)
Abdominal pain
Severe swelling of lips, face or tongue (angioedema)
Dry eyes
Narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm)

The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer.

For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist.

How can this medicine affect other medicines?
There are no significant interactions reported with this medicine.

Other medicines containing the same active ingredients

编号 药品名称 通用名 产地 规格 单位 参考价
10059 阿西莫司胶囊(ACIPIMOX 乐脂平OLBETAM) 阿西莫司 250mg





· 苯扎贝特
· 舒降之(辛伐他汀片)
· 海立
· 美百乐镇
· 美百乐镇
· 来适可(氟伐他汀钠胶囊)
· 来适可(氟伐他汀钠胶囊)
· 立普妥
· 立普妥
· 消胆胺



· 苯扎贝特
· 舒降之(辛伐他汀片)
· 海立
· 美百乐镇
· 美百乐镇
· 来适可(氟伐他汀钠胶囊)
· 来适可(氟伐他汀钠胶囊)
· 立普妥
· 立普妥
· 消胆胺

