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2005-07-21 14:18:58  作者:Prince  来源:Prince  浏览次数:120  文字大小:【】【】【
High success rate with Hirudoid in venous disorders
    The efficacy and tolerability of Hirudoid forte as gel and cream were studied in 513 patients with superficial venous disorders or haematoma. The efficacy was assessed on the basis of a special score (Schone).
    The following tables show the results of treatment. Cream and gel showed a similar effcacy in the different indications. The patients reported the pleasant cooling effect of the gel. The tolerability of Hirudoid forte cream and gel was equally good.
    Levai reported on 243 patients who were treated with Hirudoid gel for different venous disorders of the lower extremities. The efficacy was judged according to the following parameters: status of pain, sensation of tension, absorption of infiltrates and haematomas, and period of time until subsidence of symptoms.
    After only 7 days of treatment about 72 to 97% of the patients depending on the specific disorder were without symptoms. The author emphasized the excellent tolerability of the product.
    Alter used Hirudoid gel for the treatment of 188 patients suffering from varicosities, haematomas and acute phlebitis. The author emphasized the fact that complete freedom from the complaints was already observed after a few days. In the cases of varicosis or thrombophlebitis for which the results of therapy were indicated as very good, freedom from pain was achieved after only 3-5 days. Swelling and erythema receded after a few days. Even large haematomas responded successfully; they were completely absorbed within a week. Hirudoid gel was very well tolerated. The speedy penetration into the skin and the cooling action were felt to be particularly pleasant.
    Grotz used Hirudoid forte cream for the treatment of 244 patients with superficial phlebitis (n = 118), haematomas (n = 55), and painful varicosis with a risk of thrombophlebitis (n = 71). Depending on the specific disorder, the treatment lasted for 6-15 days. Parameters for the assessment of success of therapy were the cardinal symptoms of inflammation: swelling, reddening, increase of body temperature, spontaneous pain and pain on pressure. In patients with haematomas besides the status of pain, the extension and discoloration of the effusions were assessed. The mode of administration massage of the cream into the skin or cream dressing had no influence on the result of treatment; the tolerability was considered to be very good.
In a retrospective study in 45 patients O""Herlihy compared the influence of Hirudoid cream with oral analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents on superficial thrombophlebitis caused by pregnancy. The clinically relevant characteristics of the group treated with Hirudoid (23 patients) and the control group (22 patients) were comparable. There were statistically significant differences with regard to the duration of pain (p < 0.001) and symptoms of inflammation (p < 0.01) in favour of the Hirudoid group. Although the evidence has been evaluated retrospectively, these data suggest that the local action of Hirudoid cream provides more rapid relief than traditional treatment with orally-administered anti-inflammatory analgetics. It therefore appears to be a useful adjunct in the management of superficial thrombophlebitis in the legs
Florian reported on the favorable results achieved with Hirudoid cream in the treatment of inflammatory venous disorders in 98 outpatients of a phlebological clinic. The efficacy of the treatment in regard to the symptoms of pain, tiredness and feeling of heaviness of the legs were impressive for the patient. In addition, an improvement of the parameters such as swelling, induration and pigmentation could be verified.
In a further published study the same author confirms the great efficacy of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte in the treatment of 90 patients with venous, inflammatory and traumatic diseases of the lower extremities. In the case of severe and recurrent complaints patients were treated with the product containing the higher dose, i.e. Hirudoid forte. Doppler sonography and skin thermometry were used in 10 patients to verify the assessment of the success of the treatment. Doppler sonography confirmed the clinical assessment of the therapeutic success.
Cutaneous thermometry makes it possible to verify the course of an inflammatory process and the anti-inflammatory action of specific drug therapies. In this study, thermometry showed that the temperature of the inflamed tissue was decreased as a result of treatment.
Compression and the use of topical preparations represent the basic therapy for many venous disorders. The excellent tolerability of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte is therefore of particular importance.
In an open multicentre study 813 patients were treated with Hirudoid cream, who suffered from varicose syndrome (varicose veins, venous congestion, spider varicosities, follow-up of vein stripping, thrombophlebitis, infusion phlebitis), acute posttraumatic conditions (contusions, strains, haematomas) and scars (Eckenberger/van Aubel).A thin layer of cream was applied to the affected region once or several times daily and gently massaged in.
Eckenberger/van Aubel在一开放性研究中,用喜疗妥软膏治疗813位患者,他们分别患有肿胀综合症(静脉曲张、静脉充血、蜘蛛状静脉曲张、继发性静脉脱膜、血栓性静脉炎、输注性静脉炎)、急性外伤(檫伤、扭伤和血肿)和疤痕。一天一次或数次在患处薄薄地涂一层,并轻轻按摩入皮肤。
The criteria for the assessment of efficacy were pain at rest, pain on pressure and movement, feeling of tension and heaviness, edema, leg cramps, haematoma, erythema, palpable indurations, duration of treatment up to improvement and up to freedom from symptoms and signs and global assessment.
On the average improvement was seen at the end of a week. Complete freedom from symptoms and signs was achieved in 84% of patients at the end of a fortnight. Chronic venous disorders and scar formation required longer treatment. The investigating physicians assessed the skin tolerability of Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte as good or very good in 97,3 % of all cases.
Taterka treated 68 cases of acute varicophlebitis, varicose thrombophlebitis, inflammatory conditions following phlebosclerosation and conditions following thrombectomy with Hirudoid cream and long-term compression bandages. Within the one week therapy with Hirudoid the inflammatory signs in all patients had either completely subsided or had improved to such an extent that a complete healing was achieved. Scar formation was avoided, and disfiguring pigmentation in the paravenous connective tissue was hardly ever observed.
The simple and safe therapy with Hirudoid was stressed in particular; symptoms of irritation were not observed in any of the cases. The excellent results of treatment of varicose thrombophlebitis indicate that compression bandaging with Hirudoid cream may be used for routine prophylaxis of inflammatory reactions and for the improvement of cosmetic results after sclerotherapy of varicose veins.
Klempa/Balser, who had treated 112 patients with Hirudoid gel after vein stripping, confirmed :"Hirudoid gel makes it possible to considerably reduce the postoperative period of healing after vein stripping." In this study the postoperative period of healing was reduced by more than 50% as a result of the treatment with Hirudoid.
The efficacy of Hirudoid was verified in particular in those patients who had had operations at both legs during one session. Although the results of surgery were comparable at the legs, the leg treated with Hirudoid healed approximately twice as fast as the other leg.
No local reactions as result of the treatment with Hirudoid were observed.





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· 阿普斯特片|Otezla(Apre...
· cosentyx(Secukinumab)预...
· EVIPLERA Tablet(替诺福...
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· Gulucolin(甘草酸单铵/...
· cosentyx(Secukinumab)预...
· 阿普斯特片|Otezla(Apre...
· EVIPLERA Tablet(替诺福...
· Stelara Injection(Uste...