当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 免疫系统 >> 新药推荐 >> FDA首个批准治疗痛风药物febuxostat(商品名:ULORIC)


2009-04-24 17:34:26  作者:新特药房  来源:新特药网  浏览次数:474  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 痛风是由于晶体尿酸在关节沉积并引起炎症反应所致。治疗的目标是将血清尿酸水平降低到6mg/dL以下,目前的标准治疗药物是别嘌呤醇(allopurinol),属于黄嘌呤氧化酶抑制剂。 Febuxostat是一种非嘌呤类黄 ...


    Febuxostat是一种非嘌呤类黄嘌呤氧化酶选择性抑制剂。APEX研究是第二项评Febuxostat临床疗效的关键性Ⅲ期临床试验。也是历史上规模最大的痛风试验。试验有1067名痛风病人或血尿酸水平≥8.0mg/dL的病人参加。病人在14天的洗刷期内首先开始痛风预防性治疗(秋水仙碱0.6mg/天或奈普生250 mg/每天2次,预防性治疗持续8-10周)。病人被随机分为5个组,分别为:Febuxostat 80mg/天(262人)、Febuxostat 120mg/天(269人)、Febuxostat 240mg/天(134人)、别嘌呤醇100-300mg/天(268人)和安慰剂组。治疗持续28周。首要的有效性终点是血尿酸水平降低到6mg/dL以下的患者比例。治疗开始时,患者的平均尿酸水平为9.85mg/dL,39%的病人尿酸水平超过10mg/dL。20%的病人在治疗开始时有痛风石。



最后3次随访 28周时
安慰剂组(134人) 0 1
别嘌呤醇 100-300mg(268人) 22* 41*
Febuxostat 80mg(262人) 48** 76**
Febuxostat 120mg(262人) 65*** 87***
Febuxostat 240mg(262人) 69*** 94***
*p<0.05(和安慰剂相比) **p<0.05(和安慰剂、别嘌呤醇相比) *** p<0.05(和安慰剂、别嘌呤醇、Febuxostat 80mg相比)

  尽管34名病人发生了严重不良反应,但33名被认为和所研究的药物无关,有1名(Febuxostat 240mg组)出现了治疗相关的肾功能损害。9名病人因严重不良反应退出了试验。在有心血管疾病史的病人中,常见的严重不良反应都发生在心血管系统,5个组都有人发生。其他治疗相关的不良反应有肝功能异常、头痛、恶心和呕吐、腹痛、头晕。这些不良反应的发生率在各组间(包括安慰剂组)类似。在治疗开始时就有肾功能损伤的病人在治疗过程中不良反应的发生率并没有提高,包括那些Febuxostat 240mg组的病人。

   FACT试验(Febuxostat与别嘌呤醇对照试验)是一项为期52周的临床试验。760名病人参加了试验。病人随机分为3组:Febuxostat 80mg组、Febuxostat 120mg组和别嘌呤醇 300mg组。156名病人有痛风结节,血尿酸水平≥8.0mg/dL。痛风结节的大小通过标准尺进行测量。在28和52周时,和别嘌呤醇组相比,Febuxostat 80mg组和120mg组的病人痛风结节减小得更显著。如果排除肘关节(因为容易与滑膜积液混淆),则组间的差异更为显著。此外,血尿酸水平小于6mg/dL的患者痛风结节的减小程度要大于超过6mg/dL的患者(分别为75%和49.7%)最常见的不良反应是腹泻、食欲不振、关节僵硬和关节痛。



别嘌呤醇组 Febuxostat 80mg组 Febuxostat 120mg组
所有痛风结节 28.6 29.5 49.5*
排除肘关节的痛风结节 22.2 17.5 48.7
所有痛风结节 49.7 83.4 65.5
排除肘关节的痛风结节 28.7 87.0** 72.5
*p≤0.05(和别嘌呤醇、Febuxostat 80mg相比) ** p<0.05(和别嘌呤醇相比)



  日本武田北美制药公司(Takeda)日前宣布 美国食品与药品监督管理局(FDA)已经批准其旗下新药非布索坦(febuxostat)用于治疗痛风病人的高尿酸血症,该新药为片剂,有两种剂型,分别是40mg和80mg,每日一次,口服给药。40多年以来,别嘌呤醇一直是临床上唯一一个用于抑制尿酸生成的药物,现在,全球数千万的痛风病人终于又有了一个新选择。非布索坦由日本东京Teijin制药公司研制,授权给武田公司在美国市场申请上市。

 武田公司全球研究与发展中心主任南希.约瑟夫.里奇(Nancy Joseph-Ridge)博士说:“我们的新药给临床医生和痛风病人提供了一个新的选择,这个药物可以抑制尿酸的产生。很多痛风病人都没有意识到痛风是一种慢性疾病,需要长期治疗”。





 武田北美制药公司总裁艾伦.麦肯奇兹(Alan Mackenzie)说:“我们很高兴给美国500万痛风病人提供了一个新选择,这是40年来的第一次。我们公司严格的按照科学精神进行临床试验,给患者提供了一种全新的药物。FDA的这次批准对我们公司来说具有里程碑似的意义”。


  2009年2月16日,美国FDA批准了近40年来的第1个用于治疗高尿酸症的痛风药物。其为武田制药北美公司(Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America)的非布索坦(febuxostatULORIC)。本品通过降低患者血液中的尿酸水平改善痛风患者的症状。此外,武田制药北美公司作为本品在美国市场中的独立开发商与销售商。


  本品的服用剂量为每日1次,一次40 毫克或者80毫克,但是本品不推荐用于无高尿酸血症的痛风患者。

  本品的原研厂家为日本的另一家公司--日本帝人制药(Teijin Pharma)。在帝人制药公司总裁最近的一份声明中,我们可以了解公司对本品采取的全球战略。他称,在本品获得FDA的许可之前,Ipsen公司的产品也获得了欧盟的上市许可。Ipsen 公司是帝人制药关于本品在欧盟的许可公司,而武田北美制药是本品在美国的许可公司。所以公司在全球已经取得的了里程碑式的战略意义。同时他还指出,在亚洲市场,帝人制药将采取自主开发或联合开发的形式。


  根据美国国家关节肌肉骨骼疾病与皮肤病研究所(NIAMS)的研究数据表明,在美国有600万20岁及其以上的人群生平中有患痛风的经历。通常40-50岁的男性患者较为常见,而绝经前的女性患者少见。经历过器官移植的患者也容易患痛风。NIAMS指出下列药物会增加患痛风的风险(1)利尿剂:呋塞米(furosemide);氢氯噻(hydrochlorothiazide);美托拉宗(metolazone)(2)水杨酸类:如阿司匹林(aspirin)(3)烟酸(4)环孢菌素 (Cyclosporine Neoral),(5)左旋多巴 (Levodopa)。

类 别:抗痛风药













Important Safety and Other Information
ULORIC is a prescription medicine used to lower blood uric acid levels in adults with gout. Individual results may vary.
Do not take ULORIC if you are taking Azathioprine (Imuran®, Azasan®), Mercaptopurine (Purinethol®), or Theophylline (Theo-24®, Elixophyllin®, Theochron®, Theolair®, Uniphyl®).
For some people, gout may flare up when starting certain gout medicines, including ULORIC. If you have a flare while taking ULORIC, do not stop taking your medicine. Your healthcare provider may give you other medicines to help prevent your gout flares.
Heart Problems. A small number of heart attacks, strokes and heart-related deaths were seen in clinical studies. It is not certain that ULORIC caused these events.
Your healthcare professional may do blood tests to check your liver function while you are taking ULORIC.
The most common side effects are liver problems, nausea, gout flares, joint pain, and rash.
Uloric - What You Need to Know
Uloric, generic name febuxostat, has been approved by the FDA for the chronic management of hyperuricemia in gout. Uloric is the first new treatment option for gout in over 40 years.
Uloric Recommended for FDA Approval
The FDA arthritis advisory committee has recommended the approval of Uloric for the treatment of gout. Uloric, the name that has been given to generic Febuxostat, was recommended by a 12-0 vote (one member of the committee abstained).
Febuxostat: More Effective Than Standard Drug
Febuxostat, a new treatment for gout, is at least twice as effective at lowering uric acid levels than allopurinol. Study results about febuxostat came from the largest and longest trial of gout drugs ever conducted.
Mismanagement of Gouty Arthritis Not Uncommon
Although gouty arthritis is not considered a difficult disease to diagnose and gout treatments are very effective in most cases, errors in the management of gout are common.
Gout - 10 Things You Should Know
Gout is an intensely painful type of arthritis. There are 10 important facts you should know about gout.
Fast Facts About Gout
Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis. Gout is caused by uric acid crystals deposited in the body's tissues which lead to recurrent attacks of joint inflammation.
Gout Screening Quiz
Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis. Do you have symptoms which are associated with gout? Do you have a lifestyle which increases the risk factors associated with gout? Take our Gout Screening Quiz.
Gout Risk Factor Quiz
A risk factor increases your chances of developing gout but it is not certain that you will develop the disease.
What factors increase the risk of developing gout?
How to Recognize the Signs and Symptoms of Gout
Gout symptoms are very painful and are caused by monosodium urate crystals in joints and surrounding tissues. Gout symptoms can occur with more frequency if untreated.
The Gout Quiz - Test Your Knowledge of Gout
How much do you know about gout? You probably heard of it, but do you know the difference between purines and gout medication probenecid? Do you know what you need to do to prevent gout attacks? Does your lifestyle put you at risk for gout? Take the Gout Quiz and test your knowledge.
How To Treat Gout With Diet And Medication
Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis. Gout attacks can be controlled or prevented by lifestyle changes and the use of certain medications.
The Gout Guide: Free E-Course Newsletter
We have designed our free newsletter e-course to guide you to better understand gout. Learn more about gout basics, gout history, gout cause, gout diagnosis, gout treatment, gout prevention, gout diet, gout medication, and gout research.
New Gout Drug Gets FDA Panel NodUloric, First New Gout Drug in 40 Years, Recommended for FDA Approval
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsReviewed by Louise Chang, MDNov. 24, 2008 -- Uloric should be the first new gout drug to be approved in over 40 years, an FDA expert panel recommends.
Currently, allopurinol (trade name, Zyloprim) is the only FDA-approved drug that prevents formation of the uric acid crystals that cause gout. However, side effects -- including potentially fatal reactions -- limit the amount of allopurinol that can be tolerated. Most gout patients do not receive fully effective doses of allopurinol.
In clinical trials sponsored by Takeda, Uloric's manufacturer, an 80-milligram dose of Uloric worked better than allopurinol; a 40-milligram dose worked at least as well as allopurinol.
Unlike allopurinol, very little Uloric is excreted through the urine, making Uloric safe for patients with kidney problems. Gout patients with impaired kidney function have to take very low doses of allopurinol, making the drug even less effective for these patients.
In 2005, the FDA refused to approve Uloric because there were slightly more deaths and heart problems in patients taking the drug than in patients taking allopurinol. As people with gout problems already are at higher risk of heart disease, the FDA issued an "approvable" letter, noting that Uloric could be approved if this safety question were addressed.
Takeda then performed a large new phase 3 clinical trial that enrolled more gout patients than the two previous phase 3 trials combined. The new study found no more deaths and no more heart problems in patients taking Uloric than in patients taking allopurinol.
Based on the safety and efficacy data, the FDA panel recommended by a 12-0 vote that the FDA approve Uloric at both the 40-milligram and 80-milligram doses. Takeda suggests the higher dose is more effective in subjects with more severe gout.
Takeda has offered to continue studying Uloric after FDA approval. A phase 4 clinical trial would compare Uloric to allopurinol for the reduction of gout flare-ups.
And because drugs with the same mechanism of action as Uloric and allopurinol may affect theophylline bronchodilators, Takeda has agreed to conduct a postmarketing phase 1 study of Uloric's interactions with theophylline.
Gout occurs when blood levels of uric acid rise. At blood levels above 7 mg/dL -- and above 6 mg/dL in the extremities -- crystals can form that lodge in the joints and other body tissues. These crystal deposits provoke an immune response that results in extremely painful swelling and in inflammatory arthritis that can permanently destroy the joints.
(For more on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of gout, see WebMD's Gout Pictures Slideshow.)
About 1.4% of men and 0.6% of women have gout. But prevalence rises with age. After age 80, about 9% of men and 6% of women develop gout.
The body converts a chemical called xanthine into uric acid via an enzyme called xanthine oxidase or XO. Allopurinol and Uloric each inhibit XO and prevent the formation of uric acid.
Allopurinol is approved in doses up to 800 milligrams. However, it's rarely dosed above 300 milligrams per day and is often ineffective. Allopurinol side effects include upset stomach, headache, diarrhea, and rash. Although rare, allopurinol hypersensitivity syndrome can develop. It's fatal 20% to 30% of the time.
The most common side effects seen in patients taking Uloric during clinical trials were upper respiratory tract infections, muscle and connective-tissue symptoms, and diarrhea. The drug was well tolerated, and these side effects did not increase over long-term use.


Febuxostat(非布索坦,Adenuric, ULORIC)
非布索坦片(Febuxostat,Adenuric ,优络瑞克,ULORIC,FEBURIC Tab)



· 麦考酚钠缓释片|Myforti...
· CYTOTECT CP(人免疫球蛋...
· Envarsus(tacrolimus pr...
· Zetbulin I.V. drip(抗...
· 依维莫司片|Certican(E...
· 麦考酚酸片|Myfortic(My...
· Neoral(环孢素软胶囊和...
· 环孢素注射液|Sandimmun...
· 环孢素软胶囊|CICLOSPOR...
· 他克莫司缓释胶囊Advagr...



· 麦考酚钠缓释片|Myforti...
· CYTOTECT CP(人免疫球蛋...
· Envarsus(tacrolimus pr...
· Zetbulin I.V. drip(抗...
· 依维莫司片|Certican(E...
· 麦考酚酸片|Myfortic(My...
· Neoral(环孢素软胶囊和...
· 环孢素注射液|Sandimmun...
· 环孢素软胶囊|CICLOSPOR...
· 他克莫司缓释胶囊Advagr...

