“随着Simponi的批准使用,我们能缓解数百万遭受慢性炎症疾病患者的痛苦,也能提高免疫学科研水平。” Centocor公司的主席泰勒说道,“最重要的是患者的安全,我们已经与FDA合作,开发抗肿瘤坏死因子疗法的危险评估和降低危险策略,确保医生能开出安全处方。”
“批准一项新的疗法对关节炎患者来说是好消息,因为不同的病人对不同的疗法耐受性不同 ,并不是所有的患者都适合当前的疗法。” John医生说道,“抗肿瘤坏死因子制剂是治疗关节炎疾病的一个重大进步,每个新药批准对医生和患者都是一个新的选择。”
Indications for SIMPONI
Moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in combination with methotrexate (MTX). Active psoriatic arthritis (PsA), alone or with MTX. Active ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
Adult dose for SIMPONI
50mg SC once monthly. Rotate sites.
Children's dosing for SIMPONI
<18yrs: not recommended.
Precautions for SIMPONI
Increased risk of serious or fatal infections (eg, TB, bacterial sepsis, invasive fungal). Active infections: do not initiate therapy. Chronic or history of recurring or opportunistic infections. Conditions that predispose to infection. Travel to, or residence in, areas with endemic TB or mycoses. Test for and treat latent TB prior to initiating therapy. Monitor closely if new infection, reactivation of hepatitis B virus (HBV), or blood dyscrasias develop; discontinue if serious or opportunistic infection, sepsis, HBV reactivation, new or worsening CHF, or hematological abnormality (eg, cytopenias) develops. CHF (monitor). Immunosuppression. CNS demyelinating disorders. Malignancies. Latex allergy. Elderly. Pregnancy (Cat.B). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions for SIMPONI
Concurrent abatacept, anakinra, live vaccines, or other TNF blockers: not recommended. Monitor CYP450 substrates with narrow therapeutic index.
Adverse Reactions for SIMPONI
Inj site reactions, infections (may be serious), upper respiratory tract infection, nasopharyngitis, hypertension; rare: malignancies (eg, lymphoma), blood dyscrasias, new or worsening CHF, elevated liver enzymes, antibody formation.
How is SIMPONI supplied?
Single-dose SmartJect autoinjector—1 Single-dose prefilled syringe—1
Related Disease:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Arthritis~biologic response modifiers
Rheumatoid arthritis