安体舒同时拥有国际、国内两项专利(国际专利号:C07D215/233,国内专利号:ZL 98 1 14407.1),表明安体舒的发明不仅得到了国内医学界的赞许,也得到了国际医学界的推崇,是中国医药科技在国际医学界的骄傲。
Instruction of antitume
Drug name
Generic name: Chloroxoquinoline Capsules Brand name: AntitumeChinesespelling:LuYangKui JiaoNang
This product is composed of chloroxoquinoline mainly.
Its chemical name is 7-chlorin-4-oxygen-quinoline,and its content is higher than 98.5%.Empirical formula: C9H6CINOMolecular weight: 179.6
Capsules, Its contents are white to white-off crystallinity powders.
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Pharmacology:Animal trials exhibit that chloroxoquinoline can inhibit mouse sarcoma S- 180 and EAC to some extent,and the Action Mechanismmaybe related to the inhibition of the DNA synthesis of cancer cells.
Pharmacokinetics in healthy volunteers is accordance with administration two-
compartment open model. Chloroxoquinoline is absorbed rapidly by gastrointestinal
tract, Peak blood drug level was attained within 1.25 hours and it was distributed
rapidly.And t1/2 α±0.958 hours and eliminate half life t1/2β±1.491 hours. The
pharmacokinetics of patient with nasopharyngeal cancer complies with I level absorptiontow-compartment open model. And peak blood drug level was attained within 1.6 hours,and t1/2α±0.07hours and t1/2β±1.29hours.
It is used to treat breast cancer and non-small cell lung cance,and so on.