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2009-10-15 10:42:25  作者:新特药房  来源:新特药网  浏览次数:1167  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 去甲替林【药品名称】去甲替林 【药物别名】去甲阿米替林、Nortrllen,Pamelor,Sensival 【英文名称】Nortriptyline 【剂 型】片剂:10mg;25mg。 【功用作用】为阿米替林的代谢产物,具有 ...




【剂    型】片剂:10mg;25mg。





 Nortriptyline (Norpress)

Product: Norpress
Generic Name: Nortriptyline Hydrochloride
Category: Antidepressants >> Tricyclics
Other Names: Pamelor, Aventyl
Packaging Type: Packets of 100 x 10mg tablets
Manufacturer: Pacific Pharmaceuticals

100 Tablets of Nopress 10mg  US$22.00 
200 Tablets of Nopress 10mg  US$40.00 
300 Tablets of Nopress 10mg  US$57.00 

Nortriptyline Description
Norpress (Nortriptyline) is also called Pamelor or Aventyl. Norpress is a tricyclic antidepressant used to treat depression. It may also be used to treat chronic pain and other conditions as determined by your doctor. It works by stopping re-uptake of certain excitatory chemicals into brain cells. These chemicals then accumulate and are able to have a stimulatory effect on the brain.

Nortriptyline Dosage
The standard dosage of Nortriptyline in adults is 25mg three or four times daily. Dosage should begin at a low level and be increased as required.

Side Effects of Nortriptyline
Some side effects include, hypotension, hypertension, palpitations, hallucinations, disorientation, delusion, anxiety, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, panic, nightmares, dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention, skin rash, itching, photosensitization (avoid excessive exposure to sunlight), nausea and vomiting, anorexia, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, increased or decreased libido, impotence, testicular swelling, breast enlargement, changes in blood sugar level, jaundice, hepatitis, weight changes, perspiration, flushing, drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, alopoecia. Norpress may affect your ability to operate machinery and drive a car, make sure you know how this medication affects you before you carry out these actions.

Precautions When Taking Nortriptyline
Do not take Norpress in conjunction with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI). This is known to cause convulsions and even death. Discontinue any MAOI抯 for at least 2 weeks before starting treatment with Norpress. Do not take this medication if you have history of heart disease, urinary retention, glaucoma, seizures, or thyroid problems. Consumption of alcohol should be done with caution as it could lead to increased suicidal attempts or overdosage. Advise your doctor if you wish to get pregnant or breast-feed.



美国匹兹堡大学医疗中心的Katherine L. Wisner博士及其同事在8月的《临床精神药理学杂志》(J Clin Psychopharmacol 2006;26.)上指出,曾经假设对非产妇严重抑郁症有效的抗抑郁药对产后严重抑郁症也有效。“我们的结果支持这个假设。” 他们使用去甲替林或舍曲林治疗109例产后严重抑郁症女性8周,并有16周的持续相,以评估反应的持续时间。

Wisner博士解释说:“在急性相,我们的目标是最大化抑郁症状的减轻。我们在8周的急性相中,使用舍曲林25 至200 mg/天和去甲替林10 至150 mg/天的剂量滴定方案。根据计划增加剂量,除非女性达到缓解标准或有禁止加量的不良反应。在109例接受治疗的女性中,95例在4周、83例在8周、29例在20周后提供了反应数据。

研究者报告,在研究的任何时间点,2个药物组发生反应或缓解的人数,以及至反应的时间没有显著差异。在4周时,46%的舍曲林治疗女性和56%的去甲替林治疗女性发生反应,缓解率两组分别为27% 和30%。在8周时,舍曲林治疗组和去甲替林治疗组发生反应分别为56%和69%,缓解率分别为46% 和48%。直到20至24周仍然参加研究的患者中,服用舍曲林的女性和服用去甲替林的女性反应率分别为93%和100%,缓解率分别为73%和79%。两个抗抑郁药物组的社会心理功能改善类似,在治疗攻击强迫观念的治疗方面,一种药物并不优于另一种药物。







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· 地西泮注射剂CERCINE(D...
· 盐酸马普替林片CRONMOLI...
· Zoloft(盐酸舍曲林片)
· 色氨酸胶囊和片剂|Trypt...
· 依地普仑口服液|Ciprale...
· 依地普仑片|Cipralex(Es...
· 曲唑酮片|Desyrel Divid...
· 曲唑酮片|Desyrel(Trazo...
· 盐酸去甲替林片(NORTRIP...
· 盐酸氟西汀分散片(百优解...

