Selegiline 4英文商品名:Eldepryl(10mg) 4中文商品名:帕定平锭剂(10毫克) 4医师为何开此药? 巴金森病症之辅助治疗剂。 4如何使用此药? 1. 请确实遵照医师指示服药。 2. 服用本药时请喝水吞服,一天服用一次,每日建议剂量<10mg/day。 4使用此药时该注意什么? 1. 有胃或十二指肠溃疡、不稳定高血压、心律不整、严重心绞痛、精神病的患者,需极小心。 2. Selegiline高剂量使用时(>30mg/天) ,对MAO-B的选择性抑制作用降低 ;而对MAO-A的抑制作用增强。所以在使用高剂量时,若使用富含tyramine的食物,理论上恐有引起高血压的危险。 3. Selegiline治疗时,肝中tranasminase浓度有暂时升高的现象。 4. Selegiline与fluoxetine併用会出现高血压、激动、颤抖、躁狂等症状。所以应至少停用fluoxetine 5週后才使用selegiline。或selegiline停用14天后才可用fluoxetine。 5. 服用此药期间如需服用其它药品时(如:成药、维他命、中草药等),请主动告诉您的医师或药师。 6. 请将本剂连同药袋放置於室温之阴凉乾燥处避光储存,请勿冷藏或冷冻。请勿放在孩童可以取得的场所。 4此药品可能引起的副作用及处理方式: 常见副作用有口乾、alanine aminotransferase值短暂升高、睡眠障碍等;若症状持续数日或严重时,请停药并立即就医或与医师连络。 4忘记服药时该怎么办: 若忘记服药,则於想起时儘快服用;如果一天服药超过两次以上,若距离下次服药时间少於4小时,则不需要补服,按原时间服用即可,切勿一次服用两倍剂量。 4怀孕或哺乳时该怎么办: 如果您準备怀孕或已怀孕,应告知并与您的医师讨论;本药目前尚无使用於授乳妇女的资料,使用前请先询问您的医师或药师。 帕定平锭剂是用来治疗僵硬,震颤,痉挛,和控制帕金森症。

Eldepryl Generic drugs: BEFORE USING THIS MEDICINE Inform your Doctor or Pharmacist if you are allergic to any prescription or non-prescription medicine; taking other medicines or have other medical problems; pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding. Check with your Doctor, Pharmacists, or Nurse if information in this leaflet causes you special concern or if you want additional information about your medicine and its use. HOW TO USE THIS MEDICINE Use this medicine exactly as directed on the label, unless instructed differently by your doctor .Take this medicine WITH food, a meal, or a snack. Do not take on an empty stomach. WHAT TO DO IF YOU MISS A DOSE Take when remembered unless time for next dose. No double doses.
HOW TO STORE THIS MEDICINE Keep in original closed container in a dark, cool, and dry place away from children. Discard unneeded medicine.
CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY IF YOU EXPERIENCEHigh blood pressure. . OTHER SIDE EFFECTS Nausea; Dizziness; Lightheadedness; Abdominal discomfort or pain; Hallucinations; Confusion; Dry mouth; Impairment of voluntary movement; Headache; Insomnia; Depression; Irregular heartbeat; Dizziness when getting up; Jitteriness. If symptoms are mild but do not go away or are bothersome, check with your doctor. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE SIDE EFFECTS IS SEVERE, CALL YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. . PRECAUTIONS AND WARNINGS Safety of use during pregnancy has not been established. This medicine SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING PREGNANCY unless benefit justifies potential risk to the fetus. CALL YOUR DOCTOR. This medicine may cause drowsiness, dizziness, or blurred vision. DO NOT drive or operate machinery until you become familiar with its effects. AVOID concurrent use of alcohol or other CNS depressants as it may intensify the drowsiness, dizziness, or lightheadedness effect of this medicine. DO NOT increase dose without your physicians approval.
