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2009-11-15 22:44:26  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网  浏览次数:250  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Oncology Encyclopedia: Amifostine APIs&APIs Intermediate Epalrestat,Dexrazoxane,Fluvoxamine Decitabine,Cladribine,Amifostine Home > Library > Health > Oncology EncyclopediaKey Terms: ...

Oncology Encyclopedia: Amifostine

APIs&APIs Intermediate

Epalrestat,Dexrazoxane,Fluvoxamine Decitabine,Cladribine,Amifostine

Home > Library > Health > Oncology EncyclopediaKey Terms: Chemotherapy, Enzyme, Food and Drug Administration, Intravenous.


Amifostine, also known as the brand name Ethyol and as ethiofos or WR2721, is a medicine that helps protect certain tissues of the body from damage caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.


Amifostine is a protectant agent that is used in combination with the chemotherapy drug cisplatin or in combination with radiation therapy. Amifostine is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent kidney damage caused by repeat doses of the chemotherapy agent cisplatin in patients who have a diagnosis of ovarian cancer or non-small cell lung cancer. It is also FDA approved for patients with head and neck cancer who are receiving radiation therapy after surgery. In this group of patients, amifostine helps decrease radiation damage to the salivary glands, which can cause dry mouth.


Amifostine has been on the market since the mid-1990s. A clear colorless solution, it is administered into a vein before chemotherapy and has been shown to decrease kidney damage by greater than 50% in advanced ovarian cancer patients who have received multiple cycles of cisplatin. It is also used before radiation therapy to prevent damage to the salivary gland known as the parotid gland.

When cisplatin is given to patients, it becomes broken down into toxic substances that destroy cancer cells and normal cells. When amifostine is administered into the body, it is broken down by an enzyme that occurs in large quantities in normal cells but not in cancerous cells. It then is converted into a substance called free thiol, which combines with the poisonous cisplatin byproducts in the normal cells and makes them nontoxic.

In patients who receive radiation to the mouth area, including the salivary glands, the radiation causes the release of substances called free oxygen species, which damage cells of the mouth. An enzyme in cells of the mouth breaks down amifostine into a substance called free thiol. The free thiol blocks the free oxygen substances from damaging the salivary cells and decreases the amount of dry mouth patients suffer from when they receive radiation to the head and neck area.

Recommended Dosage

Before dosing amifostine in chemotherapy or radiation therapy patients, intravenous fluids need to be given to keep the body well flushed with fluid and to maintain a normal blood pressure. All patients will receive amifostine lying down, sometimes with the head of the body lower than the feet. Patients should also receive medication to help prevent the nausea and vomiting that occurs due to amifostine.

Amifostine dosages can be determined using a mathematical calculation that measures a person's body surface area (BSA). This number is dependent upon a patient's height and weight. The larger the person, the greater the body surface area. Body surface area is measured in units known as square meter (m2). To determine the actual dose a patient is to receive, the body surface area is calculated and then multiplied by the drug dosage in milligrams per squared meter (mg/m2).

The recommended dosage of amifostine for protection of the kidney is 910mg/m2 administered as a 15-minute infusion into a vein. This is to begin 30 minutes before chemotherapy administration. If a patient has difficulty with this dose, the dosage can be lowered to 740 mg/m2.

The recommended dosage of amifostine for radiation therapy patients is 200 mg/m2 administered once a day into a vein over a three-minute time period 15 to 30 minutes before the patient receives radiation treatment.


Amifostine can cause a decrease in blood pressure when it is administered. During the 24 hours before receiving amifostine, patients need to drink a lot of liquids. When amifostine is being administered, medical personnel will be monitoring the patient's blood pressure. If the blood pressure drops significantly, the infusion of amifostine will be stopped until blood pressure returns to normal. The doctor will decide if the patient should receive any additional amifostine. Patients who have low blood pressure to begin with or patients who are not drinking a lot of fluids—referred to as being dehydrated—should not receive amifostine.

Patients with a known previous allergic reaction to aminothiol drugs should not receive amifostine.

Patients who may be pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, or who have a history of heart problems or strokes should tell their doctor before receiving amifostine.

Side Effects

The most common side effect from receiving amifostine is a lowering of blood pressure, which occurs in approximately 62% of patients treated at a dose of 910mg/m2. This lowering of blood pressure occurs within the first 15 minutes of administering the drug. Blood pressure is monitored throughout the infusion of amifostine. If the blood pressure drops to certain level then the drug is stopped and restarted only when blood pressure returns to normal.

Nausea and vomiting are common side effects. They occur rapidly and can be severe. Usually, patients are given medicines before receiving amifostine that can help prevent or decrease these side effects. Other side effects include sneezing, hiccups, a warm feeling and redness of the face, sleepiness and dizziness, metallic taste, fever, rash, and chills.

Rare side effects of amifostine are: a lowering of calcium levels in the blood, seizures, allergic reactions which include symptoms of fever, shaking chills, itching, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, and rashes. There have been rare reports of throat swelling, chest tightness, and heart stopping.

All side effects a patient experiences should be reported to their doctor.


Amifostine causes a decrease in blood pressure and should be used with caution in patients who take blood pressure lowering medicines or other medications that may lower blood pressure. If patients are taking blood pressure medications, they may be asked to stop taking these medications for 24 hours before receiving amifostine.

Patients should tell their doctors if they have a known allergic reaction to amifostine or any other medications or substances, such as foods and preservatives. Before taking any new medications, including nonprescription medications, vitamins, and herbal medications, patients should notify their doctors.

—Nancy J. Beaulieu, RPh., BCOP

Brand names: Ethyol®

Chemical formula:

Amifostina, Solución para inyección

Amifostine Solution for injection

What is this medicine?

AMIFOSTINE is a protective medicine. It is used to prevent or lessen the kidney damage that can be caused by cisplatin chemotherapy. It is also used to prevent some side effects caused by radiation therapy to the head or neck.

This medicine may be used for other purposes; ask your health care provider or pharmacist if you have questions.

What should I tell my health care provider before I take this medicine?

They need to know if you have any of these conditions:
•heart disease
•history of stroke or TIAs
•irregular heartbeat
•low blood pressure
•low levels of calcium in the blood
•taking medicine for high blood pressure
•an unusual or allergic reaction to amifostine, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives
•pregnant or trying to get pregnant

How should I use this medicine?

This medicine is for infusion into a vein. It is given by a health care professional in a hospital or clinic setting.

Talk to your pediatrician regarding the use of this medicine in children. Special care may be needed.

Overdosage: If you think you have taken too much of this medicine contact a poison control center or emergency room at once.
NOTE: This medicine is only for you. Do not share this medicine with others.

What may interact with this medicine?

•medicines for blood pressure

This list may not describe all possible interactions. Give your health care provider a list of all the medicines, herbs, non-prescription drugs, or dietary supplements you use. Also tell them if you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs. Some items may interact with your medicine.

What should I watch for while using this medicine?

Your condition will be monitored carefully while you are receiving this medicine. Visit your doctor as directed.

What side effects may I notice from receiving this medicine?

Side effects that you should report to your doctor or health care professional as soon as possible:
•allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or hives, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
•breathing problems
•chest pain or tightness
•fast, irregular heartbeat
•feeling faint or lightheaded, falls
•fever, chills
•low blood pressure
•nausea, vomiting
•redness, blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin, including inside the mouth
•trouble passing urine or change in the amount of urine

Side effects that usually do not require medical attention (report to your doctor or health care professional if they continue or are bothersome):

This list may not describe all possible side effects. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Where should I keep my medicine?

This drug is given in a hospital or clinic and will not be stored at home.


Last updated: 7/1/2002

Important Disclaimer: The drug information provided here is for educational purposes only. It is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a medical professional. This drug information does not cover all possible uses, precautions, side effects and interactions. It should not be construed to indicate that this or any drug is safe for you. Consult your medical professional for guidance before using any prescription or over the counter drugs.



當病患接受頭頸部放射線照射治療劑量在50格雷以上時,將會發生不可逆之嚴重副作用乾口症和口腔黏膜發炎,這也是要達到治療鱗狀上皮細胞癌最低之有效劑量 。



為令癌症病患免除或減少副作用,並能完成放射線治療與化學治療之療程,增加療效,Amifostine( Ethyol ,WR-2721)的臨床使用,使抗癌治療邁入新境界。前述正常細胞與癌細胞有幾近相同的代謝機轉,因此對化學或放射治療會產生同樣的傷害反應,這些傷害部份由於自由基所致,故若能使用抗氧化物消除細胞內自由基,即能降低細胞毒性;美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)於1999年核准Amifostine上市,衛生署也於2001年八月底核准Amifostine上市,使用於減少末期卵巢癌或非小細胞肺癌病患接受cisplatin高劑量給藥所引起的累積性腎毒性,以及用於減低因接受包含耳下腺(腮腺)在內之局部放射線治療的頭頸癌病患引起的中度至嚴重度乾口症。Amifostine能使癌症之病患免於放射線治療與化學治療時所引發之嚴重副作用。

Amifostine ,源自二次大戰後之冷戰時期,一九五O年美國軍方為減少核子戰爭士兵之傷亡,從一千四百多種化學物質研究發展出來的一種抗輻射細胞保護劑,此藥物必須經由正常細胞常有的一種鹼性磷酸酵素作用之後,才能轉換成有保護細胞作用的代謝物WR-1065,使細胞不受輻射及化學藥物的傷害,由於癌細胞之鹼性磷酸酵素含量較正常細胞低得多,癌細胞內的血流狀況及較酸環境亦不利鹼性磷酸酵素作用,實驗証明Amifostine注射後,正常細胞內的濃度會比癌細胞高出十倍,因此Amifostine對正常細胞有選擇性的保護作用,但必須於化療或放射治療前15--30分鐘給予。超過半數患者使用Amifostine時會有輕微嘔吐及低血壓現象。

另外化療及電療對正常細胞有致癌及突變效應,Amifostine 的保護作用是否可減少癌症病患日後發生續發癌的機會,則有待長期評估。不過現在已進行之多項試驗証明,Amifostine可提高化療及電療的有效治療劑量,增加反應率,並觀察到Amifostine可以配合其他生長因子,細胞素共同使用,有加成保護造血幹細胞效果。


1. 腎毒性與神經毒性: cisplatin, vincristine, paclitaxel及oxaliplatin皆有腎毒性或神經毒性:分別試用於皮膚黑色素瘤、頭頸癌、肺癌、卵巢癌病患
Cisplatin普遍會引起腎臟及神經毒性,尤其在糖尿病或年老患者,對Cisplatin毒性更為敏感,當Amifostine 以740-910 mg /m2的劑量伴隨Cisplatin給予,其10% 的腎毒性發生率,較對照組的36% 顯然低得多。Carboplatin 與Paclitaxel聯合治療目前被認為是卵巢癌的最佳療法,但副作用大,Amifostine 可明顯舒緩治療期間的腎、神經毒性及血小板下降的程度,減少併發症的發生。Oxaliplatin 所引起之神經毒性也有明顯減低之現象。


目前巳有研究評估Amifostine對(MDS) myelodysplasic syndrome的治療效果,研究發現Amifostine 具有刺激骨髓造血之作用,且Amifostine有誘發myelodysplastic 細胞凋零、衰敗之作用。多項實驗證實Amifostine配合其他生長因子,細胞素共同使用,有加成保護造血幹細胞之效果,使用Amifostine 對於MDS之病患建議劑量為200--300mg/m2 ,每週三次 ,連續使用四週-六週,這也是Amifostine有別於保護劑的角色,使用於治療作用,最有潛力之發展方向。


2. 放射治療毒性:頭頸癌放射治療後引起的乾口症(100% vs 12% ,P<0.001)及口腔黏膜炎(86% vs. 0%,P<0.001),Amifostine可有效降低其發生率,因此有利放射治療反應率的提高,縱使同時併行放射及化學治療的病患亦有減輕毒性的療效,多項多中心隨機雙盲實驗皆有令人滿意之結果。

3. 至於直腸癌及子宮癌放射治療引起的骨盆腔器官毒性如直腸炎,膀胱炎等及胸腔放射治療的食道,肺臟傷害,Amifostine的臨床試驗亦在進行中。





阿米福汀注射剂|Ethyol(Amifostine Crystalline Vial)
氨磷汀(阿米福汀注射剂)|Ethyol(Amifostine Crystalline Vial)
阿米福汀注射剂|Ethyol(Amifostine Crystalline Vial)



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