ELMIRON® is indicated for the relief of bladder pain or discomfort associated with interstitial cystitis. ELMIRON® is available by prescription only.
Using ELMIRON® ELMIRON® is a prescription oral medication that's FDA approved to treat the symptoms of interstitial cystitis (IC). It's important to take ELMIRON® as prescribed by your doctor and to stick with it, because IC symptom improvement will be gradual.
How to Take ELMIRON® Always take ELMIRON® according to the instructions given to you by your doctor. The recommended dosage of ELMIRON® is one capsule, 3 times a day. It is important that you don't stop taking ELMIRON® or reduce your dosage just because you are feeling better or because ELMIRON® is not working right away. Follow any other advice your doctor gives you for managing symptoms — for example, avoiding foods that may make your symptoms worse.
Please keep in mind, ELMIRON® is not the answer for everyone diagnosed with IC, but it does help many people gain and maintain relief from the bladder pain and discomfort associated with IC.
What to Expect While some patients may notice improvement in as little as 4 weeks, studies show that ELMIRON® improves bladder pain, in many patients, after just 3 months.
Symptom improvement is generally gradual. To help monitor your progress, use an IC Symptom Journal, keep it up to date, and show it to your doctor. If you have not experienced improvement by 6 months of therapy, please talk to your doctor.
Unlike some medications, ELMIRON® does not lose its effectiveness with prolonged, continuous use. In a long-term study, ELMIRON® provided relief for as long as 3 years.
How ELMIRON® works Although how ELMIRON® works is not completely understood, it is thought to adhere to the bladder mucosal lining, preventing potentially irritating solutes in the urine from reaching the bladder wall.
Remember, symptom improvement may be gradual. It's important to keep taking ELMIRON® as prescribed by your doctor.
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ELMIRON® is a weak anticoagulant (blood thinner) which may increase bleeding. Call your doctor if you will be undergoing surgery or will begin taking anticoagulant therapy such as warfarin, heparin, high doses of aspirin, or anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
ELMIRON® should not be taken if you have a known hypersensitivity to the drug or similar drugs.
The most common side effects observed in clinical trials were blood in stool, diarrhea, nausea, hair loss, headache, rash, upset stomach, abdominal pain, liver function abnormalities, and dizziness. Hair loss, when it occurred, was almost always limited to a single area of the scalp, and grew back when ELMIRON® was discontinued.
The mechanism of action of ELMIRON® in interstitial cystitis is not fully understood.

药品名称 中文商品名:爱泌罗 英文商品名:Elmiron
药品简介 Elmiron(pentosan polysulfate sodium、爱泌罗、戊糖多硫酸钠)是一种口服用药,能修补受损的,薄的,或是“漏洞的”膀胱表面。这些表面(氨基葡萄聚醣或是GAG层)是由一层黏膜所组成,能保护膀胱壁免被尿液的细菌和腐蚀物感染。 Elmiron具有人工GAG层的功能,但是它在IC的机械性功能还不为所知。 1996年的秋天,FDA当局批准了Elmiron的销售市场,Elmiron成了第一个合法的专治IC的疼痛及不舒适的口服用药。 临床研究: 有38%的病患在接受Elmiron治疗三个月后,他们的IC徵状有显著的进展。在公开测试中,有61%的病患的病情证实有进展。 治疗计划: 建议IC病患每天服用Elmiron三次,每次服用100毫克,总共是一天300毫克。 Elmiron须服用二到四个月后才能见效,但是病患最好是持续个至少六个月的治疗才停止。疼痛首先减轻,但是通常需要六到九个月的舒缓期。
适应症 主要用於治疗间质性膀胱炎引起之膀胱疼痛。
用法用量 请遵照医师或药师指示服药,一般建议空腹服用(饭前至少1小时或饭后2小时)。 若忘记服药,则于想起时尽快服用;如果一天服药超过两次以上,若距离下次服药时间少於4小时,则不需要补服,按原时间服用即可,切勿一次服用两倍剂量。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱!
副作用 Elmiron的副作用很小,只限于起先的小小的肠胃障碍。一些病患也有掉头发的迹象,但这可经停止用药来制止。没有研究报告指出Elmiron和其他用药有负面的作用。在有控制因素的测试中,Elmiron不比安慰剂有更多的负面的作用。
注意事项 1. 若有在使用阿司匹林或其他抗凝血剂如heparin及Coumadin,用此药前请告知医师。 2. 在手术及牙科处置前,请告知医师有在服用此药。 3. 此药有抗凝血效果,因此可能会延长伤口出血时间。 4. 请将本剂连同药袋放置於室温之阴凉干燥处避光储存,请勿冷藏或冷冻。请勿放在孩童可以取得的场所。 5. 服用此药期间如需服用其它药品时,请主动告诉您的医师或药师。 此药品可能引起的副作用及处理方式:若症状持续数日或严重时,请停药并立即就医或与医师连络。 1. 可能发生落发,胃部不适,消化不良、恶心,轻微腹痛或腹泻等副作用。 2. 当您发生下列症状时,请与您的医师联络:鼻子或牙龈出血,咳血,血便或黑便,吐血或呕吐物中有黑色血块,严重胃痛,不停的腹泻,不正常的月经大量出血,无法停止的伤口出血,皮肤容易瘀青。
怀孕,哺乳或儿童 如果您准备怀孕或已怀孕,应告知并与您的医师讨论。本药目前尚无使用于授乳妇女的资料,使用前请先询问您的医师或药师。怀孕:由於怀孕女性在这方面没有足够及良好控制的研究,不建议孕妇使用。 儿童的用药安全及有效性也还没证实。 |