FDA批准Tekamlo的依据是包括5000例以上轻中度高血压患者的临床试验数据。一项历时8周、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照、多因素研究的结果表明,联用Tekturna(阿利吉仑)与氨氯地平使收缩压/舒张压谷水平下降14~17/9~11mmHg,而单用Tekturna或单用氨氯地平分别下降4~9/3~4 mmHg和9~14/6~8 mmHg。
另有2项设计相近、双盲、阳性对照、受试者为中重度高血压患者(即收缩压为160~200 mmHg)的研究表明,与单用氨氯地平组相比,Tekamlo治疗组的收缩压和舒张压下得降更为显著。一项对443例黑人患者进行的研究表明,Tekamlo组与氨氯地平组的收缩压/舒张压在8周主要研究终点时相差5.2/3.8 mmHg。另一项涉及484例患者的研究表明,Tekamlo组与氨氯地平组在研究终点时相差7.1/3.8 mmHg。据诺华公司表示,Tekamlo主要在用药后的1~2周内达到降压效果。
TEKAMLO 150mg/5mg
制造商: 诺华制药公司
药理分类: 抗高血压(肾素抑制剂二氢[吡啶]钙通道阻滞剂[建行])。
活性成分(补): 阿利吉仑150毫克,氨氯地平5毫克;片。
另外: TEKAMLO 150mg/10mg 阿利吉仑150毫克,氨氯地平10毫克;片。
TEKAMLO 300mg/5mg 阿利吉仑300毫克,氨氯地平5毫克;片。
TEKAMLO 300mg/10mg 阿利吉仑300毫克,氨氯地平10毫克;片。
适应症: 高血压。
药理作用: Tekamlo结合阿利吉仑,直接肾素抑制剂,钙通道阻滞剂的,氨氯地平对高血压的治疗。患者的血压(BP)是由控制不佳或氨氯地平与阿利吉仑(或其他吡啶建行)可以切换到这个单一疗法相结合的产物。另外,该产品可替代的个体滴定组件,也可能作为初始疗法使用。基于BP结合本产品的影响是相辅相成的机制,规范的血压,血管收缩,钠排泄的结果。
临床试验: 阿利吉仑和氨氯地平,研究了8周的单独和组合,随机,安慰剂多因素研究,比较不同剂量组合。超过五千轻,中度高血压患者(舒张压90 - 109mmHg)患者。与Tekamlo处理导致整体明显更大的舒张压和收缩压相比,与各自的单一药物治疗减少。
成人: 给予每日一次,始终与膳食有关。初始治疗:一是150mg/5mg片剂每日。附加:开关,当血压不与任何DHP的建行或阿利吉仑单独控制。替代疗法:切换从以前滴定组件。滴定在2至4周的时间间隔(在肝功能不全或心力衰竭缓慢滴定法),最大一300mg/10mg片剂每日。
儿童: 不推荐。
警告/注意事项: 妊娠(Cat.D,避免);尽快中止妊娠检测。正确盐/容衰竭开始之前或在密切监督下开始。重度阻塞性冠状动脉疾病;心绞痛或心肌梗塞后的剂量与建行启动或更改的风险增加。中度至重度肾功能不全;考虑监测电解质。历史透析。肾病综合症。里诺输精管- cular高血压。肾动脉狭窄。严重肝损害。心力衰竭。监控高血钾(特别是在糖尿病患者对ACE抑制剂)。哺乳母亲:不推荐。
互动(补): 伴随环孢素:不推荐。注意与ACE抑制剂,钾补充剂,钾利尿剂,钾含有盐的替代品。五月对抗速尿。 Potentiated阿托伐他汀,酮康唑。拮抗厄贝沙坦。
不良反应(补): 周围水肿,腹泻,咳嗽,皮疹,高尿酸血症;罕见:血管性水肿(如果发生中断,不重新启动),低血压。
规格:30,90,100 Manufacturer: Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp
Pharmacological Class: Antihypertensive (renin inhibitor + dihydropyridine [DHP] calcium channel blocker [CCB]).
Active Ingredient(s): Aliskiren 150mg, amlodipine 5mg; tablets.
Also: TEKAMLO 150mg/10mg Aliskiren 150mg, amlodipine 10mg; tablets.
TEKAMLO 300mg/5mg Aliskiren 300mg, amlodipine 5mg; tablets.
TEKAMLO 300mg/10mg Aliskiren 300mg, amlodipine 10mg; tablets.
Indication(s): Hypertension.
Pharmacology: Tekamlo combines aliskiren, a direct renin inhibitor, with the calcium channel blocker, amlodipine, for the treatment of hypertension. Patients whose blood pressure (BP) is inadequately controlled by monotherapy with aliskiren or amlodipine (or another DHP CCB) can be switched to this combination product. Alternatively, this product can be substituted for the individually-titrated components, or it may be used as initial therapy. The effects of this combined product on BP are the result of complementary mechanisms that regulate BP, vasoconstriction, and sodium excretion.
Aliskiren reduces plasma renin activity and inhibits the conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin I, resulting in a decrease in BP. Amlodipine inhibits the transmembrane influx of calcium ions into vascular smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. It is also a peripheral arterial vasodilator that reduces peripheral vascular resistance and BP.
Clinical Trials: Aliskiren and amlodipine were studied alone and in combination in an 8-week, randomized, multifactorial study comparing various dose combinations with placebo. Over five thousand patients with mild to moderate hypertension (DBP 90–109mmHg) were enrolled. Treatment with Tekamlo resulted in an overall significantly greater reduction in diastolic and systolic BP compared to treatment with the respective monotherapy drugs.
In other studies, patients with moderate to severe hypertension (SBP 160–200 mmHg) were given initial therapy with either aliskiren + amlodipine or amlodipine monotherapy. In one study involving 484 patients, the treatment difference between combination therapy and amlodipine alone at 8 weeks was 7.1/3.8mmHg. In a study involving 443 Black patients, the treatment difference was 5.2/3.8mmHg.
Legal Classification: Rx
Adults: Give once daily, consistently with regard to meals. Initial therapy: One 150mg/5mg tablet daily. Add-on: switch when BP is not controlled with aliskiren or any DHP CCB alone. Replacement therapy: switch from previously-titrated components. Titrate at 2 to 4-week intervals (slow titration in hepatic impairment or heart failure); max one 300mg/10mg tablet daily.
Children: Not recommended.
Warnings/Precautions: Pregnancy (Cat.D; avoid); discontinue as soon as pregnancy detected. Correct salt/volume depletion before starting or start under close supervision. Severe obstructive coronary disease; increased risk of angina or MI with CCB upon dose initiation or change. Moderate to severe renal dysfunction; consider monitoring electrolytes. History of dialysis. Nephrotic syndrome. Renovascular hypertension. Renal artery stenosis. Severe hepatic impairment. Heart failure. Monitor for hyperkalemia (esp. in diabetics on ACE inhibitors). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interaction(s): Concomitant cyclosporine: not recommended. Caution with ACE inhibitors, K+ supplements, K+ sparing diuretics, K+ containing salt substitutes. May antagonize furosemide. Potentiated by atorvastatin, ketoconazole. Antagonized by irbesartan.
Adverse Reaction(s): Peripheral edema; diarrhea, cough, rash, hyperuricemia; rare: angioedema (discontinue if occurs, do not restart), hypotension.
How Supplied: Tabs—30, 90, 100
Last Updated: 9/30/2010 |