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托拉塞米注射液Demadex (torsemide tablets)

2010-12-29 00:22:14  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:175  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 托拉塞米注射液,主要功效为利尿,适用于需要迅速利尿或不能口服利尿的充血性心力衰竭、肝硬化腹水、肾脏疾病所致的水肿患者。 通用名称:托拉塞米注射液    托拉塞米是新一代高效髓袢利尿剂,于199 ...



◆ 起效迅速:静脉用药10分钟即可起效,达峰时间为1~2小时。
◆ 作用持久:体内半衰期为3.8小时,作用持续时间长达5~8小时。
◆ 量效关系稳定:在相当大的剂量范围内可保持良好的量效关系。
◆ 适应证广泛:适用于治疗发生于多种组织多种原因所致的中重度水肿、急慢性心力衰竭,防治急慢性肾衰,治疗肝硬化腹水、脑水肿以及急性毒物和(或)药物中毒,以及抢救原发性高血压危象和多器官功能衰竭等急重症。
◆ 疗效好:可充分改善患者的临床预后,降低疾病复发率,提高患者生活质量,缩短住院时间,减少医疗费用。
◆ 安全性和耐受性好:通过肝肾双通道代谢,80%经肝脏代谢,20%以原形经肾脏排泄,有效减轻了肾脏负担和药物蓄积。其独特的醛固酮拮抗作用,使K+等电解质排泄量明显减少,临床上对Mg2+、尿酸、糖和脂类无明显影响。长期应用不易产生利尿抵抗,患者耐受性好。

Information on DEMADEX


Demadex is a drug also generically known under the name of Torsemide. Demadex is a medicine that belongs to the wide class of water pills (loop diuretics). Demadex, just like any other water pill helps decrease the amount of fluid (water) that is retained in the body. This goal is achieved because Demadex ensures that more salt and more water are eliminated through urine.
Demadex Indications
Demadex is usually indicated in the treatment of patients who have water retention problems that have lead to swellings. Water retention problems are normally caused by:
Kidney problems
Liver disease
Congestive heart failure
Demadex is sometimes recommended in the treatment of other disorders and diseases that have not been mentioned here.

Demadex Warnings
Demadex is a Category B FDA pregnancy drug. Therefore, Demadex is a medicine that should not harm an unborn baby or the carrying mother if taken during pregnancy. If you are pregnant or if you are planning to get pregnant soon, it is best that you should consult with a doctor before starting taking this drug. It has not been clearly established whether Demadex’s main ingredient (Torsemide) or other of Demadex’s ingredients can pass into breast milk. However, if you are breastfeeding an infant you must not start taking this drug without consulting with your personal physician. 
If you have some of the following conditions you may not be allowed to start a treatment with Demadex:
Allergic reactions sulfa-based drugs (including sulfa-based antibiotics).
Gout Systemic lupus erythematosus
Liver problems
Kidney problems
Diabetes mellitus
If you are suffering from any of the diseases that have been listed here you should consult with your doctor before you start a treatment with Demadex (Torsemide). He might want to monitorize your treatment and its results or to make adjustments (to lower) your normal dose of Demadex. During a treatment with Demadex, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of alcohol, because alcohol is known to increase the severity of some of Demadex’s side effects. 

Demadex Intake Guidelines
Ask your doctor if you should take any necessary precautions during your treatment with Demadex. Follow each and every one of them carefully (do not disobey any of them). If you happen to have any further questions you should ask your doctor, a pharmacist or a nurse. Each dose of this drug is regularly taken with a glass of water.
You can take this drug either on an empty or on a full stomach. Try to take Demadex regularly. You should take this drug during daytime, because it causes more frequent urination. You should not stop your treatment with Demadex without first consulting with your doctor even if you begin to feel better.

Demadex Dosage
The best way to get your correct dosage established is to ask your doctor. In order to tell you the amount of Demadex that you should take he or she must known the patient’s history (old / recent disorders).  The correct dosage sometimes varies from one person to another, as it depends on some variables (among them: body weight, the disorder’s severity, etc).

Demadex Overdose
An overdose with Demadex should trigger the following:
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle cramps
Irregular pulse
If you have these symptoms and if you suspect that you are suffering from overdose you should seek medical attention at once (contact your local poison control center, inform your personal physician). 
Demadex Missed Dose
Try to follow your dose schedule. If you are taking one pill each day and you miss one of your doses you can take it as soon as you remember (if no more than 12 hours have passed). If more than 12 hours have passed you should skip the dose that you have missed and proceed with your regular treatment.
If you are supposed to take more than one pill of Demadex each day, you should take the dose that you have missed up to 2 hours after your scheduled time. If more than 2 hours have passed, you should skip the dose that you have missed and proceed with your regular treatment.

Demadex Side Effects
A treatment with Demadex sometimes results in some of the following side effects:
Allergic Reactions (such as, throat closing, swelling of the nose, lips, face and throat)
Hearing loss
Muscle cramps
Irregular heartbeat
Low blood pressure
Dry mouth or increased thirst
Numbness of limbs
Buzzing or ringing in the ears 
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you should continue using Demadex but you must inform your personal physician of this. 
There are other side effects and allergic reactions that can also be triggered by Demadex. Inform your personal physician as soon as possible if you experience anything abnormal while taking this drug.

Demadex Drug Reactions
There are some drugs that are known to interact with Demadex:
Diabetes medicines (like Glyburide, glypizide etc)
If you have to follow a treatment with another drug (apart from Demadex) you should ask for your doctor’s consent before doing so.





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