Information on Aviane 28
General Uses
Aviane 28 is a product that has been found effective as an oral contraceptive (birth control pill). Aviane 28 can prevent ovulation and pregnancy. Aviane 28 can also be helpful to regulate your menstrual flow, treat acne, or might be used for other problems related to hormones in females.
If you are experiencing any of the conditions listed above, do not hesitate to contact your personal physician about Aviane 28. Your Prescribing Doctor Must Know Tell your physician if you have experienced any of these conditions: •Cancer of the breast, ovary, cervix, uterus, vagina or unusual vaginal bleeding that has not been evaluated by a health care professional •Jaundice •Stroke •Liver disease •Smoke tobacco products •Menstrual problems •Migraine headaches •Blood sugar problems such as diabetes •Fibroids •Heart or circulation problems •Blood clots •High blood pressure •Gallbladder disease •Depression •Pregnant or trying to get pregnant •Breastfeeding If you are pregnant, breast feeding or currently trying to become pregnant, make sure your doctor is aware of your maternal condition; as Aviane 28 may not be recommended for certain situations.
Administering Aviane 28 It is important that you leave regular intervals between every dose of medication. Doing so will help the efficiency of this drug. Every prescription comes with instructions on the reverse side of each bottle or packaging. It is important that you follow the written instructions carefully as not all of them are identical. For routine pregnancy prevention Aviane 28 pills should be taken orally with a glass of water. To prevent an upset stomach, you may take with food. Find the best time of day for you to take Aviane 28 and try to stay with that same time daily. Be sure to space doses evenly and do not take more than directed.Aviane 28 should only be taken as instructed by a professional physician. Be sure to remember not to stop taking this medicine without consulting your physician first about how to stop safely. If you are researching this medication for your child, keep in mind that children often have special dosage instructions. Ask your physician about these differences prior to starting this medication if this is the case.
What if I Miss a Dose of Aviane 28 In the event that a dose of Aviane 28 was missed, take one as soon as you can. But if your next scheduled dose is near, wait until that next dose is due and just skip the one you’ve already missed. Caution: You should NEVER take double or extra doses of Aviane 28. Always ask your physician further about missed doses, as he may have special instructions.
Conflicting Medications Always onsult the doctor who prescribed Aviane 28 to you; as this is only a partial interacting medicines list: •Carbamazepine •Oxcarbazepine •Soy isoflavones supplements •Phenytoin •Selegiline •Prednisolone •Ritonavid or other medicines for the treatment of HIV virus or AIDS •Hydrocortisone •Warfarin •Medicines for anxiety or sleeping problems such as diazepam or temazepam •Topiramate •Medicines for diabetes including troglitazone and pioglitazone •Theophylline •Mineral oil •Tamoxifen or raloxifene •Modafinil •St. John's Wort •Clofibrate •Barbiturate medicines for producing sleep or treating seizures •Dantrolene •Antibiotics or medicines for infections, especially rifampin •Caffeine •Grapefruit juice •Cyclosporine It is important that your physician knows if you are currently taking any medications along with Aviane 28; as there may be conflicting interaction. Let your physician know if you: •Are a smoker •Use any other legal or illegal drugs or substances •Consume alcohol or caffeine on a regular basis All of the activities listed above could affect the results you see from taking Aviane 28.
Aviane 28 Common side effects The following are side effects known to be common of Aviane 28 and they are experienced by users. These are common, side effects but if you feel uneasy or they persist do not hesitate to contact your physician. •Mild upset stomach •Increased or decreased appetite •Fatigue •Weight gain •Nausea •Breakthrough bleeding and spotting that continues beyond the 3 initial cycles of pills •Skin rash, acne or brown spots on the skin •Increased sensitivity to sun or ultraviolet light •Breast enlargement, tenderness, unusual discharge or milk production •Mood changes, anxiety, depression, frustration, anger or emotional outburst None of the above listed side effects require immediate medical attention. If you continue to experience these .Common side effects for a few days, consult your prescribing physician for more advice. It is very important that you do not try to treat these symptoms on your own. Note: that elderly patients have a higher likelihood of experiencing side effects.
Aviane 28 Least Common side effects The following side effects are rare and should not be taken lightly. If you experience any of these less common side effects from taking Aviane 28 consult your healthcare professional immediately. The following are less common side effects associated with Aviane 28: •Coughing up blood •Vision or speech problems •Leg, arm or groin pain •Chest pain •Weakness or numbness in the arms or legs, especially on one side of the body •Severe or sudden headaches •Swelling of the hands, feet or ankles, or rapid weight gain •Dizziness or fainting spells •Stomach pain •Sudden loss of coordination, especially on one side of the body •Sudden shortness or breath •Changes in vaginal bleeding during your period or between your periods •Yellowing of the eyes or skin •Headaches or migraines •Vomiting •Increases in blood sugar, especially if you have diabetes •Symptoms of vaginal infection •Increases in high blood pressure especially if you are known to have high blood pressure It is important that you contact your physician right away if you've experienced any of the Less Common side effects listed above.
Aviane 28 Precautions You should receive physical checkups on a regular basis; especially while taking prescription medicines. This is an easy way to monitor your progress and ensure your physical health as well. Your body may build up a dependency on Aviane 28 and you may experience dizziness or drowsiness up to a few days after you stop taking this medication. Patients are advised not to operate heavy machinery or automobiles until the full effect of Aviane 28 is known. Do not consume alcohol while taking Aviane 28. Make sure your doctor is aware of upcoming surgeries you may have scheduled; or will be scheduling while taking this medication.Contact your doctor for professional advice if you experience a cold, coughs or allergies. You should not try to treat yourself for such symptoms. Some ingredients found in other medications may have conflicting affects while taking Aviane 28 and may affect desired results. Aviane 28 cannot be given to any person without a prescription. Sharing Aviane 28 is against the law.
How To Store Aviane 28 The following is general storage information for Aviane 28: •It is important that you store Aviane 28 at temperatures between 59 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. •Make sure Aviane 28 is kept away from direct sunlight and moisture. •Be sure to store Aviane 28 out of reach of any pets or small children; in a small childproof container. •Dispose of any expired or unused Aviane 28 properly

部分Aviane-28 处方资料(仅供参考) Aviane 28是一个已发现一个口服避孕药(避孕药)有效的产品。 Aviane 28可以抑制排卵和怀孕,也有助于调节月经,治疗痤疮,或可能被用于其他问题。Aviane 28口服避孕药分为两种形式合成人体自然产生的荷尔蒙,这些荷尔蒙水平波动起着重要作用,有助于避免意外怀孕生育的妇女. 它有效防止工程过程中排卵、子宫颈粘液增厚的加入使精子和卵子以外的子宫. 载的荷尔蒙,使衬砌两粒较薄,防止妊娠子宫干扰受精卵植入. 【活性成分】左炔诺孕酮+炔雌醇 【化学名称】D(-)-17α-乙炔基-17β-羟基-18-甲基雌甾-4-烯-3-酮+3-羟基-19-去甲-17α-孕甾-1,3,5(10)-三烯-20-炔-17-醇 【剂型】片剂 【规格】28片X6包/盒;左炔诺孕酮0.10mg+炔雌醇0.02mg/片 【作用类别】本品为口服避孕药类非处方药药品。 【适 应 症】用于女性紧急避孕,即在无防护措施或其他避孕方法偶然失误时使用。 【禁忌】乳腺癌、生殖器官癌、肝功能异常或近期有肝病或黄疸史、静脉血栓病、脑血管意外、高血压、心血管病、糖尿病、高脂血症、精神抑郁症患者及40岁以上妇女禁用。 【注意事项】 1、本品是用于避孕失误的紧急补救避孕药,不是引产药。 2、本品不宜作为常规避孕药,服药后至下次月经前应采取可靠的避孕措施。 3、如服药后2小时内发生呕吐反应,应立即补服1片。 4、本品可能使下次月经提前或延期,如逾期1周月经仍未来潮,应立即到医院检查,以排除妊娠。 5、对本品过敏者禁用,过敏体质者慎用。 6、乳腺癌、生殖器官癌,肝功能异常或近期有肝病或黄疸史、静脉血栓病、脑血管意外、高血压、心血管病、糖尿病、高脂血症、精神抑郁患者以及40岁以上妇女禁用。 7、本品性状发生改变时禁止使用。 8、请将本品放在儿童不能接触的地方。 9、如正在使用其他药品,使用本品前请咨询医师或药师。 【贮藏】避光,密封保存。
【原产地英文商品名】:Generic Alesse-AVIANE-28 TABLET 0.10-0.02MG 6 X 28 【原产地英文药品名】:Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl estradiol Tablets 【中文参考商品译名】:Alesse仿制药AVIANE-28 ,28片X6包/盒;左炔诺孕酮0.10mg+炔雌醇0.02mg/片 【中文参考药品译名】:左炔诺孕酮+炔雌醇片 【生产厂家中文参考译名】:杜伦制药—巴尔实验室公司 【生产厂家英文名】:DURAMED PHARMS BARR |
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