英文药名: Zestoretic (Lisinopril/Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets)
中文药名: 赖诺普利氢氯噻嗪片
生产厂家: AstraZeneca
用名:赖诺普利氢氯噻嗪片 英文名称:Lisinopril and Hydrochlorothiazide Tablets 适应症
用于治疗高血压。 本复方不适用于高血压的初始治疗,适用于赖诺普利或氢氯噻嗪单独治疗不能满意控制血压的患者,也适用于两单药联合治疗获得满意疗效后的替代治疗。 用法用量
视病情或个体差异而定,本品宜在医师指导或监护下服用,给药剂量须遵循个体化原则,按疗效而予以调整,剂量调整一般需要在使用2-3周后方可进行。 当患者单用赖诺普利或氢氯噻嗪治疗无法获得足够降压效果时,可以采用口服赖诺普利氢氯噻嗪片10mg/12.5mg,一次1片,一日1次,剂量的调整根据服药期间血压变化而定。 每天服用25mg氢氯噻嗪可良好控制血压,但出现显著的钾流失的患者,选择赖诺普利-氢氯噻嗪10-12.5可能在疗效相似或更好的同时,减少钾的流失。 不良反应
对930名患者进行了本品的安全性评价,其中100名患者服用本品超过50周。 副反应的发生限于单独使用赖诺普利或氢氯噻嗪的范围。 联合使用赖诺普利和氢氯噻嗪,对照试验(包括开放试验)中最常见的副反应为:眩晕(7.5%)、头痛(5.2%)、咳嗽(3.9%)、疲劳(3.7%)和直立作用(3.2%),发生率均比安慰剂组高。 一般来说,副反应为轻微且短暂的。由于副反应而停药的发生率为4.4%,主要是由于眩晕、咳嗽、疲劳和肌肉抽筋。 禁 忌
Zestoretic 學名 hydrochlorothiazide Lisinopril dihydrate 牌照持有者 AstraZeneca Hong Kong Limited 香港註冊編號 HK-35742 藥物法例分類 P1 S1 S3 劑形 Tablet 劑量 Anhydrous lisinopril 20mg, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg 每一包裝數量 28's
Generic Name for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Lisinopril 20mg, hydrochlorothiazide 25mg; tabs.
Legal Classification: Rx
Pharmacological Class for ZESTORETIC 20-25 ACE inhibitor + diuretic.
Manufacturer of ZESTORETIC 20-25 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Indications for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Hypertension.
Adult dose for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Switching from monotherapy with either component: start with Zestoretic 10/12.5 or 20/12.5 once daily, then adjust. Allow 2–3 weeks for titration of HCTZ component. If on diuretic: if possible, suspend diuretic for 2–3 days, then adjust. Or, substitute for individually titrated components.
Children's dosing for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Not recommended.
Also: ZESTORETIC 10-12.5 ZESTORETIC 20-12.5 Contraindications for ZESTORETIC 20-25 History of ACEI-associated or other angioedema. Anuria. Sulfonamide allergy. Pregnancy (Cat.D in 2nd and 3rd trimesters).
Warnings/Precautions for ZESTORETIC 20-25 CHF. Coronary or cerebrovascular ischemia. Arrhythmias. Salt/volume depletion. Postsympathectomy. Dialysis (esp. high-flux membrane). Renal or hepatic impairment. Severe renal impairment (CrCl ≤30mL/min or serum creatinine >3mg/dL): not recommended. Diabetes. Gout. Asthma. SLE. Renal artery stenosis. Surgery. Monitor electrolytes, renal and hepatic function. Discontinue if angioedema or laryngeal edema (SC epinephrine should be available), jaundice or elevated liver enzymes occurs. Monitor WBC in renal or collagen vascular disease. Pregnancy (Cat.C in 1st trimester). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Potentiates tubocurarine, neuromuscular blocking agents. May antagonize sulfonylureas, oral anticoagulants, uricosurics. May be antagonized by NSAIDs, sympathomimetics. May increase digitalis, lithium, insulin, diazoxide toxicity. Hyperkalemia with K+-sparing diuretics, K+ supplements. Hypokalemia with ACTH, corticosteroids. Orthostatic hypotension may be increased by alcohol, CNS depressants. May interfere with parathyroid, urinary acetone tests. Cholestyramine, colestipol inhibit absorption; separate doses by 2–4 hours.
Adverse Reactions for ZESTORETIC 20-25 Dizziness, headache, cough, fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, GI disturbances, upper respiratory infection, muscle cramps, asthenia, paresthesia, rash, electrolyte disturbances (hypo- or hyperkalemia, hyponatremia), hyperuricemia, angioedema; liver dysfunction, blood dyscrasias (rare).
How is ZESTORETIC 20-25 supplied? Tabs—100
ZESTORETIC 20-25 Lisinopril 20mg, hydrochlorothiazide 25mg; tabs. Drug ZESTORETIC 10-12.5 Lisinopril 10mg, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg; tabs. Drug ZESTORETIC 20-12.5 Lisinopril 20mg, hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg; tabs. |