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基因祛鳞康注射生物制剂(ALEFACEPT 别名:阿法赛特注射液AMEVIVE)

2011-08-06 09:53:33  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:229  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【通用名称】基因祛鳞康(AMEVIVE)【剂  型】VIAL【活性成份】ALEFACEPT【主要成份】:全人源化抗体融合蛋白(作用于人体免疫系统的T细胞,从而中断鱼鳞病的发生过程)。【用法用量】:遵医嘱。【功能主 ...

【剂  型】VIAL
【贮    藏】:阴凉、干燥处
【研制机构】:美国生物技术Biogen idec公司
Amevive的作用机制是减少与牛皮癣有关的免疫性反应,后者会增加皮肤感染甚至发生恶性病变的危险。FDA是根据最近完成的两项双盲随机临床治疗结果做出上述批准的。这两项研究总共涉及到1,060例慢性噬斑型牛皮癣成人患者,结果表明Amevive组患者的病变皮肤面积、病变程度以及与此有关的炎症反应都要比对照组得到更为显著的改善。可能发生的副作用包括咽喉痛、眩晕、咳嗽、恶心以及肌肉酸痛等。鉴于目前还不大清楚该药对妊娠的影响,有关专家建议孕妇应当与AME-VIVE药厂(Biogen公司)取得联系,以便后者监测可能对胎儿发生的任何副作用。此外专家们还提醒说,患者在接受 Amevive治疗期间还需要定期检查白细胞数。

【生产厂家英文名】Biogen, Inc

Treatment of adult patients with moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis who are candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy
The Amevive (alefacept) treatment is generally indicated in the patients of psoriasis. Psoriasis is often the result of a hyperactivity of the immune system. The disease is dermatological and implies a rapid growth of the skin cells. The result is very unpleasant – a thick white crust. These wounds may vary in sizes and are normally located around the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet and back. It usually affects the adults, but this doesn't mean the teenagers are protected.

Normally, the cells in this crust grow gradually, in about 4 weeks. They are then replaced by new cells. The old ones fall down during shower, changing clothes and so on. The medicine works against the activity of the immune system. It is lowered, so the response to various factors is less active.

The Amevive (alefacept) treatment can only be prescribed by a physician, who should also take the injection. It is an intramuscular injection. The optimal dose is 15mg a week. It must be taken in one injection only, administered in the same day every week. The treatment normally lasts for 3 months. It might be increased with extra 3 months if the results are encouraging, but the symptoms are still there.

The medicine is often used in associated therapies. The most common combination is with lymphocyte counts. Such combinations should only be done by the doctor. Amevive (alefacept) may be highly reactive with a lot of other medicines, so avoid doing it yourself. Let your doctor know if you suffer from other diseases or you go through other treatments at the same time. The adverse reactions of inadequate associations may be worse than the problem you actually start with.

Prior to the treatment, you will need to be fully evaluated. The doctor will perform a series of tests to check out for any potential dangers of this medicine in your organism.

Amevive (alefacept) is contraindicated if the initial tests reveal positive results to possible allergies to any ingredients of this drug. There is also a wide variety of diseases that imply a lower starting dose or even a different treatment, such as:

Cardiovascular diseases
Chronic infections

Phototherapy is also risky to combine with this treatment.

Side effects
The initial adverse reactions to Amevive (alefacept) affect the injection site. The sensitive patients may notice small inflammations, irritations, redness or itchy sensations. These are mild and temporary.

Other severe Amevive (alefacept) side effects include various forms of skin cancer, headaches, muscular pains or nausea.





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