英文药名: Repronex(Menotropins Vials)
中文药名: 注射用尿促性素
生产品牌药厂家: Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc
通用名: 注射用尿促性素 英文名: MENOTROPHIN FOR INJECTION 药品类别: 下丘脑垂体激素及其类似物 性状: 本品为白色或类白色的冻干块状物或粉末。本品在水中溶解。 药理毒理
本品是促性腺激素类药。主要具有促卵泡生成素(FSH)的作用,促进卵巢中卵泡发育成熟和睾丸生成并分泌甾体性激素。使女性子宫内膜增生,男性促进曲细精管发育、造精细胞分裂和精子成熟。 药代动力学
本品肌注能吸收,血药浓度达峰时间为4~6小时,给药后血清雌二醇在18小时达峰,升高88%,静注150IU后,药物的Cmax为24IU/L,在15分钟达峰,消除为双相,主要经肾脏排泄,未见报道母乳中有分泌。 适应症
与绒促性素合用,用于促性腺激素分泌不足所致的原发性或继发性闭经、无排卵所致的不孕症等。 用法用量
肌肉注射 溶于1~2ml灭菌注射用水。起始(或周期第五天起)1次75~150u,一日1次。七日后根据患者雌激素水平和卵泡发育情况调整剂量,增加至每日150~225u。卵泡成熟后肌内注射绒促性素(HCG)10,000u,诱导排卵。对注射三周后卵巢无反应者,则停止用药。 任何疑问,请遵医嘱! 不良反应
主要为卵巢过度刺激综合征,表现为下腹不适或胀感、腹痛、恶心、呕吐、卵巢增大。严重可致胸闷、气急、尿量减少、胸水、腹水、甚至卵泡囊肿破裂出血等。此外尚有多胎妊娠和早产等。 禁忌症
过敏、卵巢早衰、绝经、原因不明的阴道出血、子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、卵巢增大患者禁用。 注意事项
1.应在有经验的妇科内分泌医生指导下用药。用药期间应定期进行全面检查:B型超声波(监测卵泡发育)、宫颈粘液检查、雌激素水平测定和每日基础体温测量。 2.如出现重度卵巢过度刺激综合征,应立即停药。 3.哮喘、心脏病、癫痫、肾功能不全、垂体肿瘤或肥大、甲状腺或肾上腺皮质功能减退患者慎用。 孕妇及哺乳期妇女用药
孕妇禁用。 规格
75单位 (以卵泡刺激素效价计)

REPRONEX (Menotropins for Injection, USP)
REPRONEX (menotropins for injection, USP) consists of two different hormones – luteinizing and follicle stimulating – that are naturally produced by the organism in order to help a woman with the egg releasing process. At the same time, the combination is also administered in men with a low sperm production. It is, therefore, a very effective treatment for both men and women, according to which one of them actually suffers from infertility.
REPRONEX® is a purified preparation of naturally derived gonadotropins. REPRONEX® contains 75 IU follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and 75 IU luteinizing hormone (LH) in a 1:1 ratio. REPRONEX® stimulates eggs to mature in women whose ovaries are basically healthy but are unable to develop eggs. It is not used for women who suffer from ovarian failure.
REPRONEX® is usually used together with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and is indicated for the development of multiple follicles and ovulation induction following pituitary suppression.
REPRONEX® is available by prescription in 5 mL vials containing 75 IU FSH and 75 LH activity with accompanying diluent.
Please note: Only physicians thoroughly familiar with infertility treatment, including the risk of multiple births and adverse reactions, should prescribe REPRONEX. It is a potent gonadotropic substance capable of causing mild to severe adverse reactions in women. Gonadotropin therapy requires a certain time commitment by physicians and supportive health professionals, and its use requires the availability of appropriate monitoring facilities. In female patients it must be used with a great deal of care. REPRONEX, like all gonadotropins, is a potent substance capable of causing mild to severe adverse reactions, including OHSS (incidence of 3.5%), with or without pulmonary or vascular complications, in women undergoing therapy for infertility.