通用名 注射用尿促性素 英文通用名 Menotropins 其他名称 喜美康, 休米根, 高孕乐, 注射用尿促性素, 护玫贡, 普格纳, 注射用高纯度尿促性素, 贺美奇, 美能康。 英文其他名称 Pergonal, Menotrophin, HMG, Humegon, Menotrophins, Ganadotrophin, Gonadotrophin, Pergogreen, Menotrophin for Injection, Highly Purified Menotrophin for Injection, Menopur 功能/功效 1.主要与绒促性素合用,用于促性腺激素分泌不足(下丘脑-垂体功能低下或不协调)所致的无排卵性不孕症,一般主张用于氯米芬(CC)或溴隐停等诱发排卵无效的病例。 2.与绒促性素合用,用于原发性或继发性闭经的治疗以及.. 注意事项 1.禁忌症 (1)对本药过敏者。(2)孕妇。(3)绝经妇女。(4)原因不明的阴道出血者。(5)子宫肌瘤患者。(6)卵巢功能低下或缺如者(女性先天性性腺或卵巢发育不全综合征(Turner综合征)、单纯性腺发育不良、卵巢早衰)。(7)多.. 不良反应 1.常见卵巢过度刺激综合征(OHSS),轻者出现恶心、呕吐、胃部与下腹部的不适或胀感及疼痛、卵巢轻度增大(可在7-10日内消除);中度与重度者可致卵巢直径增大至10cm、胸闷、气急、尿量减少、胸水、腹水、卵泡囊肿破裂出.. 给药说明 1.由于本药在体内的药代动力学和降解速度因人而异,卵巢血供也受过去盆腔手术或疾病的影响,并且卵巢贮备能力还因年龄而不同,因此,促排卵药物必须强调个体化方案。应根据卵巢的反应,选择适当的用药时间及剂量,以.. 用法与用量 成人 ·常规剂量 ·肌内注射 1.用于助孕技术中,刺激超排卵周期:对正常排卵妇女,希望刺激更多卵泡发育。从月经的第3-5日开始使用本药,一次75-150U,一日1次,连用7日。同时用B超监测卵泡变化,当卵泡直.. 制剂与规格 注射用尿促性素(以FSH效价计) (1)75U。(2)150U。 贮法:遮光,密闭,在干燥处保存。 禁忌 (1)对本药过敏者。(2)孕妇。(3)绝经妇女。(4)原因不明的阴道出血者。(5)子宫肌瘤患者。(6)卵巢功能低下或缺如者(女性先天性性腺或卵巢发育不全综合征(Turner综合征)、单纯性腺发育不良、卵巢早衰)。(7)多囊泡性卵巢.
Pergonal What is the most common Pergonal / Menotropins the use?
Pergonal / Menotropins is used as an injection several days before the injection of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in general for the treatment of female infertility.
Pergonal / Menotropins also used to treat women who are infertile, who are not pregnant, for them, in vitro fertilization is the next step.
Pergonal / Menotropins also used to treat male fertility and male sperm with increasing hCG production.
Pergonal / Menotropins can also be used to reduce, through your doctor or consultant to determine the other conditions.
How Pergonal / Menotropins work?
Pergonal / Menotropins ampoule injection is commonly used as a male and female infertility drugs known drugs for the treatment of the family. Pergonal / Menotropins works to stimulate follicle growth. Pergonal / Menotropins is a naturally occurring hormones, including follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) of the mixture. FSH stimulated mainly the growth of ovarian follicles of women, responsible. It includes the development of eggs and egg cells surrounding the hormone (eg estrogen) to maintain pregnancy. LH Ovulation important is the role of hair follicle cells and form a group, so that corpus luteum produces progesterone after ovulation, this will lead to endometrial thickening, so that it can support the process of implantation. Pergonal / Menotropins usually given to human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). This works similarly to LH and helps to ensure a predictable time of ovulation occurs.
Whether any Pergonal / Menotropins any prescription?
Yes, prescription is necessary, it is best to use a valid prescription Pergonal / Menotropins. In this case, because sometimes Pergonal / Menotropins more harmful to health if it is used in a doctor's guidance Pergonal / Menotropins or according to your medical consultant.
Dose of Pergonal / Menotropins?
Pergonal / Menotropins always in a doctor's guidance. Of Pergonal / Menotropins recommended dose will be different in different patients, according to each patient's requirements, you keep it, as long as your doctor prescribes. Your doctor can open a dose sufficient for you ..
What is the minimum duration of Pergonal / Menotropins should be taken?
Must be taken Pergonal / Menotropins is not a fixed time, depending on the under question. Your doctor or consultant can describe you on this time period Pergonal / Menotropins should be taken or until the drug is considered to be more effective.
Is there Pergonal / Menotropins any side effects?
Possible side effects, in the Pergonal / Menotropins use occurred:
Anaphylaxis Blurred vision Dizziness Headache Dizziness Measles Nervousness Severe abdominal pain Nausea Vomiting Weight gain Pain in the calf or groin Fever Chills Joint pain Mild abdominal distension Mild stomach pain Diarrhea Breast tenderness Pain Swelling Redness of the injection is given Rash Emotional changes Restlessness Shaking Heartbeat Weakness Under what circumstances Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used?
If you have a pair of Pergonal / Menotropins or any other ingredients of this medicine allergies, you should not use.
If you are a painful abnormal vaginal bleeding problems, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If you have ovarian cysts, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If you have ovaries increases, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If your pain, the problem of primary testicular failure, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If you have pain, thyroid disease, problems, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If you are pregnant and planning to become pregnant, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
If you are breastfeeding, the pain, Pergonal / Menotropins should not be used without medical advice.
What storage conditions in the Pergonal / Menotropins should be kept?
Pergonal / Menotropins should be stored in a cabinet at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Do not store in the bathroom Pergonal / Menotropins near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Always maintain contact with the children Pergonal / Menotropins medicine.
Major pharmaceutical manufacturers
Serono Pharmaceuticals, Canada Ferring Company, Canada Σ-Tau Pharmaceuticals SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceutical Hoechst Marion Russell Similar drugs Pergonal / Menotropins
Menotropins Metrodin Humegon Fertinex Repronex Follistim Gonal - F
注册证号 X19990042 原注册证号 产品名称(中文) 注射用尿促性素 产品名称(英文) Menotrophin for Injection 商品名(中文) Pergonal 商品名(英文) 剂型(中文) 注射剂 规格(中文) 150IU/支 注册证号备注 包装规格(中文) 1支/盒 生产厂商(中文) 生产厂商(英文) Laboratoires Serono S.A. 厂商地址(中文) 厂商地址(英文) CH-1170, Aubonne 厂商国家(中文) 瑞士 厂商国家(英文) Switzerland 分包装批准文号 发证日期 1999-02-13 有效期截止日 2002-02-12 分包装企业名称 分包装企业地址 分包装文号批准日期 分包装文号有效期截止日 产品类别 化学药品 药品本位码 86978580000062 药品本位码备注 公司名称(中文) 公司名称(英文) Laboratoires Serono S.A. 地址(中文) 地址(英文) CH-1170, Aubonne 国家(中文) 瑞士 国家(英文) Switzerland