英文药名: Celebrex(Celecoxib Capsules)
中文药名: 西乐葆(塞来昔布胶囊)
生产厂家: Pfizer
药品名称 通用名:塞来昔布胶囊 商品名:西乐葆 胶囊剂,内容物为白色粉末。 适应症 1.用于缓解骨关节炎症状和体征。 2.用于缓解成人类风湿关节炎的症状和体征。 3.作为常规疗法(如:内镜监测、手术)的一项辅助治疗,可减少家族性腺瘤息肉(FAP)患者的腺瘤性结直肠息肉的数目。目前尚不知FAP患者腺瘤性结直肠息肉的数目的减少是否具有临床意义。停用本品后其治疗效果是否能维持还不明确。尚无关于本品治疗FAP患者大于6个月的疗效和安全性的研究。 用法用量 骨关节炎和类风湿关节炎,根据个体情况决定本品治疗的最低剂量。进食的时间对此使用剂量没有影响。 关节炎类:本品缓解骨关节炎的症状和体征推荐剂量为200mg,每日一次口服或100mg每日两次口服。 类风湿关节炎:本品缓解类风湿关节炎的症状和体征推荐剂量为100mg至200mg,每日两次。 家族性腺瘤息肉(FAP):FAP患者在接收本品治疗时,应继续其常规的治疗。用于FAP患者减少腺瘤性结直肠息肉数目治疗时,推荐剂量为400mg,每日两次,与食物同服。 肝功能受损患者:中度肝功能损害患者的推荐剂量约为常规剂量的50%。 如果您有任何疑问,请遵医嘱。 禁忌 本品禁用于对塞来昔布过敏者。 本品不可用于已知对磺胺过敏者。 本品不可用于服用阿司匹林或其他非甾体类抗炎药后诱发哮喘、荨麻疹或过敏反应的患者。 贮藏 密闭,室温保存。
CELEBREX (celecoxib capsules)
This product information is intended only for residents of the United States. Celebrex is used to relieve the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in adults. It reduces pain, tenderness, stiffness and swelling in affected joints. It improves the functional use of affected joints and extremities. It also has antipyretic effects (reduces fever). Dosage and Administration of Celebrex Celebrex dosages may require modification to adjust for individual sensitivities and associated medical conditions. Adults Under 60 For osteoarthritis: 100 mg of Celebrex taken twice daily or 200 mg taken once daily. For rheumatoid arthritis: 100mg to 200mg taken twice daily. Note: Celecoxib can be taken with or without food. However, if this medication upsets your stomach, then you should consider taking it with food. Adults 60 and Over Dosage adjustment is generally not necessary. However, for patients weighing less than 50kg (or 110 lb), should start at the lowest recommended dose. Maximum Dosage Recommendations For adults: 400 mg daily. Usual Duration of Use The length of therapy varies depending on the response of the patient. If You Miss a Dose If you miss a dose, take as soon as possible. If close to the next dose, skip and take the next dose. Do not double dose. Side Effects of Celebrex Common side effects of Celebrex are headache and dyspepsia (upset stomach) Drug Interactions Tell your health care provider if you are trying to become pregnant, are already pregnant, or are breast-feeding. Because certain medications may interact with NSAIDs or Celebrex, review all medications that you take with your health care provider, including those that you take without a prescription. Your health care provider may have to adjust your dose or monitor you more closely if you take: certain blood pressure medications called ACE-inhibitors furosemide fluconazole lithium While Celecoxib or Celebrex does have a lower incidence of stomach adverse effects, care must be taken when combining it with other drugs, most notably other anti inflammatory drugs, because stomach irritation may result. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 包装规格:
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