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甲氧苯酚 维甲酸外用溶液|Solage(mequinol/tretinoin)

2012-02-26 19:26:58  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:354  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名: Solage(mequinol/tretinoin) 中文药名: 甲氧苯酚~维甲酸外用溶液 药品简介 Solage是第一个批准局部外用药物治疗太阳斑的。 Solage每天要使用两次,或听从医生的指示。 Solage是一个局部外 ...

 英文药名: Solage(mequinol/tretinoin)

中文药名: 甲氧苯酚~维甲酸外用溶液



Solage Topical Solution is the first combination topical product approved for the treatment of solar lentigines (age/sun spots) in conjunction with a comprehensive skin care and sun avoidance program.
Solage Topical Solution is quick drying and has a unique contoured felt tip delivery system that allows for targeted application. Solage Topical Solution is a quick-drying solution for easy twice-daily use.
Solag  Solution is to be used twice daily, at least eight hours apart, or as directed by your doctor. Solage Topical Solution is a drug for topical use only and is not a cosmetic preparation. Do not use Solage Topical Solution around your eyes, lips, creases of the nose or mucous membranes. Solage Topical Solution may cause severe redness, itching, burning, stinging, and peeling if applied to these areas. If Solage Topical Solution gets in your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water and contact your doctor.
Apply Solage Topical Solution to the age spots using the applicator provided with the medication. Avoid application of Solage Topical Solution to the surrounding, normally colored skin. Only enough Solage Topical Solution should be applied to make the lesion appear moist   running or dripping of the medication should be avoided. Applications of larger amounts of Solage Topical Solution, or more frequent applications than recommended, will not lead to more rapid or better results, and marked redness, peeling, irritation or hypopigmentation may occur. You should not shower or bathe the treatment areas for at least 6 hours after application of Solage Topical Solution.
Purchase Solage Topical Solution from Canada without a prescription and at the lowest prices available online.
One may safely purchase Solage Topical Solution (mequinol/tretinoin) online from Canada.
Stop treating any age spots that become the same color or lighter than your normally colored skin. If the skin surrounding an age spot becomes lighter than your normally colored skin, stop treating that age spot and contact your doctor regarding continued use of Solage Topical Solution to that age spot.
Solage Topical Solution increases your sensitivity to sunlight. Sun exposure (natural or artificial) to areas of the skin treated with Solage Topical Solution should be avoided. Wear protective clothing if exposure to the sun cannot be avoided. Patients using Solage Topical Solution should practice a comprehensive sun protection program. Following discontinuation of Solage Topical Solution, patients should continue to practice a comprehensive sun protection program.
Solage Topical Solution should be used with caution if you are also using other topical products with a strong drying effect on the skin, products with high concentrations of alcohol, astringents, spices or lime, medicated soaps, or shampoos, permanent wave solutions, electrolysis, hair removal products or waxes, or other preparations or processes that may dry or irritate your skin. If you are using any of these types of products, tell your doctor before using Solage Topical Solution.
Solage Topical Solution should not be used if you are pregnant, attempting to become pregnant, or at a high risk of pregnancy. Consult your doctor for adequate birth control measures if you are a female of child-bearing potential.
It is not known if Solage Topical Solution is passed to infants through breast milk. Do not use Solage Topical Solution if you intend to breast feed, unless advised otherwise by your doctor.
Solage Topical Solution should not be used on children.
Do not use Solage Topical Solution if you are allergic to any ingredients in this medicine. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, tell your doctor.
If you are sunburned, do not use Solage Topical Solution until you have fully recovered.
Do not use Solage Topical Solution if you have a skin condition called eczema or other inflamed or irritated chronic skin conditions.
Do not use Solage Topical Solution if you are inherently sensitive to sunlight or taking other drugs that increase your sensitivity to sunlight. You should tell your physician if you are also using other medicines that increase sensitivity to sunlight. These medications include but are not limited to: thiazides (used to treat high blood pressure), tetracyclines, fluroquinolones or sulfonamides (used to treat infection), and phenothiazines (used to treat serious emotional problems). If you are taking any prescription medicines, non-prescription medicines or using any facial or skin creams, check with your physician to make sure they do not interact with Solag楫 Solution.
There is very limited information on the safety of Solag楫 Solution in people iwth moderately or darkly pigmented skin. If you, or a family member, have a history of vitiligo (a skin condition consisting of white patches on various parts of the body), consult your doctor before using Solag楫 Solution.

Solag楫 Solution should be protected from light by returning the bottle to the carton after each use. Store at room temperature, 20  C - 25  C (68  F - 77  F).

Solag楫 Solution is FLAMMABLE. Keep away from heat or open flame.


维甲酸软膏|RETIN-A MICRO(tretinoin gel)
维A酸胶囊(维甲酸,TRETINOIN capsule)



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· Levulan Kerastick(氨基...
· DAKTACORT(miconazole/...
· Neurotropin tab(度洛西...
· SUMITHRIN Lotion 5%(七...
· 传明酸片TRANSAMIN(Tran...
· U-PASTA KOWA(蔗糖聚维...
· LAC-HYDRIN(ammonium l...
· Lac-Hydrin 12%(ammoniu...
· Mirvaso(Brimonidine To...

