英文药名: Depakene(Valproic Acid Enteric Coated Capsules) 中文药名: 丙戊酸肠溶胶囊 药品名称 【别名】二丙基乙酸钠; 抗癫灵; 乙-丙基戊酸钠, 丙戊酸钠, 敌百痉, 二丙二乙酸钠, α-丙基戊酸钠, 德巴金 规格 丙戊酸胶囊250mg.500mg; 药理作用 抗癫痫作用机理尚未阐明,可能与脑内抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的浓度升高有关。一般GABA的升高是通过代谢的降低或重吸收来达到。另外丙戊酸作用于突触后感受器部位模拟或加强着GABA的抑制作用,对神经膜的作用则尚未完全阐明,可能直接作用于对钾传导有关的膜活动。 口服从胃肠道迅速吸收,胶囊剂与普通片约经1—4小时血药浓度可达峰值,肠溶片则需3—4小时,饭后服用延迟吸收。缓释片在胃内可有少量释放,在肠道亦缓慢吸收,因此达峰时间较长,峰浓度较低,可以避免一天内血药浓度的过大波动,其生物利用度与肠溶片相同。各种剂型的生物利用度近100%。T1/2为7—10小时。有效血药浓度为50—100µg/ml。血浆蛋白结合率高,约80~94%,随着血药浓度的增高,游离部分逐渐增多,从而增加进入脑组织的梯度;尿毒症和肝硬化时则降低。在肝中代谢,包括葡糖醛酸化和某些氧化过程。主要由肾排泄,少量随粪便排出。妊娠早期丙戊酸与血浆蛋白结合可减少到74%。半减期为5~20h。本药与多种抗癫痫药物合用时半减期可缩短。丙戊酸可通过胎盘,并从乳汁中少量分泌。 用于其它抗癫痫药无效的各型癫痫病人,尤以小发作者最佳。 口服:成人每次200~400mg,每日2~3次,儿童每日30~60mg,分次给药。一般宜从小量开始。如原服用其他抗癫痫药者,可合并应用,也可逐渐减少原药量,视情况而定。 最常见副反应是胃肠功能紊乱,其中以丙戊酸半钠的反应最小。如果反应严重时。可将药物与食物同服或逐渐加量或减少剂量。 (1)本药能透过胎盘屏障,动物试验有致畸的报道,人类尚未能证实。孕妇应用时需权衡利弊得失。 (1)饮酒可加重镇静作用。 规格:500mg *100 胶囊 DEPAKOTE or DEPAKENE (Divalproex Sodium or Valproic Acid) Depakote (divalproex sodium) is an enteric-coated antiepileptic drug used for treating seizures. Other forms of the drug include Depakene (valproic acid), Depakote sprinkle capsules, and Depakote ER, an extended release formulation. They are used for generalized tonic/clonic, myoclonic, partial and absence seizures. Depakote/Depakene can be taken as a single drug therapy or in combination with other antiepileptic drugs. Depakote is also indicated in the treatment of bipolar disorders and migraine headaches (prophylaxis). Dosage forms Depakote is available in 125 mg, 250 mg and 500 mg tablets. Depakote ER is available in 250 mg and 500 m extended release tablets. Depakote sprinkle capsules are only available in 125 mg capsules. Depakene is available as 250 mg capsules or as a syrup (250mg/5 ml). What side effects can be caused by Depakote/Depakene? Just like other drugs, Depakote/Depakene can cause side effects. Also, every patient is different. If you experience any bothersome side effects, report them to your doctor. (There is a risk of serious side effects, including death, with all medications that are used to treat seizures; however, the risk is very small). This list is not meant to be exhaustive. Please refer to the package insert for more details about Depakote/Depakene. Some of the common side effects of Depakote/Depakene include: It is important that you take the total dose of Depakote as prescribed by your doctor. Depakote is normally taken two or three times a day. Depakote ER, however, can be taken once a day. A convenient dosing would be at meals or at breakfast and bedtime. Do not stop this medication without the advice of your doctor; doing so may result in an increase in seizures. Does Depakote/Depakene interact with other medications? Tegretol/Carbatrol (carbamazepine), Dilantin/Phenytek (phenytoin), Luminal (phenobarbital), Mysoline (primidone), Felbatol (felbamate) and rifampin may affect valproic acid levels in the bloodstream. Depakote/Depakene can affect the levels of Tegretol/Carbatrol (carbamazepine), Dilantin/Phenytek (phenytoin), Luminal (phenobarbital), Mysoline (primidone), zidovudine, Warfarin (coumadin), amitryptiline and nortryptiline. This list is not meant to be complete. Please ask your doctor about any specific drug-drug interactions, especially when starting a new prescribed or over-the-counter drug. Can I take Depakote/Depakene with food or other medications? Yes, Depakote and Depakene can be taken with meals and at the same time as other medications. |
丙戊酸肠溶胶囊|Depakene(Valproic Acid Enteric Coated Capsules)简介:
英文药名: Depakene(Valproic Acid Enteric Coated Capsules)
中文药名: 丙戊酸肠溶胶囊
【别名】二丙基乙酸钠; 抗癫灵; 乙-丙基戊酸钠, 丙戊酸钠, 敌百痉, 二丙二乙酸钠, α-丙基戊酸钠, ... 责任编辑:admin |
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