美国食品药品管理局(FDA)宣布批准贝西沙星(besifloxacin,喹诺酮类抗菌素)0.6%眼用混悬液(商品名Besivance)用于治疗细菌性结膜炎(非病毒引起),这是一种传染性强的化脓性眼部刺激性结膜炎。 FDA抗感染及眼科药品办公室主任表示,细菌性结膜炎易感染各年龄层的人群,有效的药物治疗可以减少患者的患病时间并降低感染他人的几率,为医务人员和患者提供多样的治疗手段非常重要。 细菌性结膜炎多见于儿童,在其他年龄人群中也有发生。其症状包括眼睛发红、肿胀、眼睑高度水肿、刺痒、流泪并伴有白色或黄色分泌物。病情持续时间通常为7-14天。 在临床试验中,实验组康复的时间快于仅含防腐剂的对照组。Besivance对于一岁及以上的儿童也有疗效。 临床研究过程中不良反应的发生率不到3%,主要是眼睛发红、视力模糊、眼睛疼痛、刺痒及头痛。Besivance仅为滴眼液,不用于眼部注射。Besivance由博士伦公司(Bausch & Lomb)生产。 药理分类: 活性成分(补): 药理作用: 该产品是治疗由过敏表示要对以下细菌引起的细菌性结膜炎的菌株:中华网棒形G组,棒状杆菌pseudodiphtheriticum,纹状体棒状杆菌,流感嗜血杆菌,莫拉lacunata,金黄色葡萄球菌,表皮葡萄球菌,金黄色葡萄球菌hominus,金黄色葡萄球菌lugdunensis,缓症链球菌群,口腔链球菌,肺炎链球菌,唾液链球菌。 与其他抗感染,对besifloxacin长时间使用可能导致非敏感微生物过度生长,计有真菌。如果超感染,就会停止使用,并制定替代疗法。跳绳剂量或不能完成整个疗程的治疗可能会降低,直接的治疗效果,增加的可能性,细菌会产生耐药性,不会被besifloxacin或将来在其他抗菌药物治疗。 Besivance是外用眼科只使用,不应该被注入结膜,也不应该被引入到眼睛前房直接。 临床试验: 法律分类: 成人和儿童: 警告/注意事项: 不良反应(补): 注释: 如何提供: 最后更新: Besivance (Besifloxacin Ophthalmic Suspension) The infections of the eye occur from multiple reasons. The most common ones are the dust and the patients’ lack of care by rubbing their eyes without washing their hands before. They may also be caused by other medicines, as secondary effects. For all these reasons, Besivance (besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension) is probably the most appropriate solution. It has been approved by the FDA in 2009 and may be released with a medical prescription only, especially since there haven’t been any advanced tests performed with this medicine. Administration The dose is one drop in the affected eye. You need four drops a day during your awake time, with at least 4 hours between two consecutive doses. The treatment should go on for about a week. It may be prolonged if the infection is severe. Keep the Besivance (besifloxacin ophthalmic suspension) bottle in a safe place, away from children, moisture and direct sunlight, at the room temperature. If you miss a dose, delay your treatment with a few hours then. If it is almost time for the next one, then forget about it. Overdoses are less likely to occur too. You will have to call a doctor if you get one, but there aren’t any major or life threatening effects to be worried about. Contraindications Don’t use it with contact lenses either, as it may harm both the lenses and your eyes. Side effects |
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