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2012-08-11 08:53:13  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:77  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: SecreFlo (secretin); 用于胰腺功能診斷和治療胃泌素腫瘤; Repligen; 2002年4月批准上市 Drugs Approved by the FDADrug Name: SecreFlo (secretin)The following information is obtaine ...

英文药名: SecreFlo(secretin injection)

中文药名: 分泌活素注射液(胃泌素肿瘤)

生产厂家: Repligen制药
包装规格:16mcg Vial DS

Company: Repligen
Approval Status: Approved April 2002
Treatment for: Pancreatic dysfunction and gastrinoma
General Information
SecreFlo is a synthetic version of the intestinal hormone secretin. This product has been approved by the FDA for use in stimulating pancreatic secretions, including bicarbonate, to aid in the diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine dysfunction. Additionally, SecreFlo is approved for use in stimulating gastrin secretion to aid in the diagnosis of gastrinoma, a tumor usually found in the pancreas.
Clinical Results
Intravenous administration of SecreFlo stimulates the pancreas to secrete pancreatic juice, which can aid in the diagnosis of exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. Three crossover studies eva luated 21 subjects with a history of chronic pancreatitis. In these trials, SecreFlo was compared to biologically derived porcine secretin (bPS). Results demonstrated that all subjects - treated with either drug - had peak bicarbonate concentrations of less than 80 mEq/L, which is consistent with impaired pancreatic function.
Intravenously administered SecreFlo has been shown to stimulate gastrin secretion in patients with gastrinoma; in contrast, secretion is not considerably increased in healthy individuals or those with peptic ulcer disease. Two SecreFlo crossover studies included eight subjects with tissue-confirmed gastrinoma. Subjects received treatment with SecreFlo, and serum gastrin concentrations were compared to those obtained with bPS. Results showed that for both drugs, serum gastrin concentrations exceeded 100 pg/mL from basal levels.
Side Effects<br>
Adverse events noted in clinical trials of SecreFlo include (but are not limited to) the following:
· Abdominal discomfort
· Nausea
· Mild bradycardia (reduced heart rate)
· Decreased blood pressure
· Diaphoresis (profuse perspiration)
· Endoscopic perforation of pancreatic duct
Mechanism of Action
SecreFlo (secretin) is a pure sterile, non-pyrogenic, lypholized white cake powder acetate salt of secretin, a peptide hormone. The primary action of SecreFlo is to increase the volume and bicarbonate content of secreted pancreatic juices.
New Drugs Online Report for secretin
Generic Name: secretin  
Trade Name: SecreFlo 
Synonym: RG1068 
Entry Type: New molecular entity  
Development and Regulatory status
UK: Filing withdrawn 
EU: Filing withdrawn 
US: Not recommended for approval (Negative opinion) 
UK launch Plans: Available only to registered users
Actual UK launch date:  
Sep 12: EU filing withdrawn. RepliGen decided to withdraw the application as major objections raised by the Committee cannot be answered in the available timeframe [8].
17/09/2012 10:52:54 
Jun 12: FDA has issued a Complete Response letter requesting additional efficacy and safety trial data [7].
23/06/2012 22:15:31 
Apr 12: The FDA Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for May 31 has been cancelled and the Company expects to receive a Complete Response letter requesting additional clinical trial data [6]
16/05/2012 15:38:54 
May 12: Filed in the EU via the centralised procedure [5].
15/05/2012 14:28:15 
Feb 12: Plans to file in the EU Q1 2012 [4]. 
22/02/2012 09:45:17 
Feb 12: Filed in the US for the improved detection of pancreatic duct abnormalities in patients with pancreatitis and granted priority review, with a decision date of 21 Jun. It had previously been granted fast-track and orphan status [4].
22/02/2012 09:45:05 
Trial or other data
In a PIII multi-centre, baseline controlled, single dose study 258 patients were enrolled at 23 clinical sites in the US and Canada. Each patient received an MRI of the pancreas with and without SecreFlo and separately underwent endoscopy (ERCP) as a diagnostic reference. The MRI images were randomized and independently read and reviewed by three central radiologists. The study´s co-primary endpoints were achievement of a statistically significant improvement in sensitivity of detection of abnormalities of the pancreatic ducts with minimal loss in specificity by 2 of the 3 central radiologists reading the MRI images. The study met its primary endpoints; the addition of SecreFlo to MRI resulted in a significant improvement (p<0.0001) in sensitivity of detection of 10 prespecified abnormalities of the pancreatic ducts, with minimal loss in specificity (<7.5%). All 3 secondary endpoints were also met, with improvements (p<0.0001) in image quality, visualization of the main pancreatic duct and diagnostic confidence when compared to MRI alone [4]. 
22/02/2012 09:45:46
RG 1068, a synthetic human form of secretin, is in development as a diagnostic agent in functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the detection of pancreatic disorders. Clinical trials are in progress in North America. The agent also has potential in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders. The development of RG 1068 for the treatment of autism and schizophrenia appears to have been discontinued.(3)
22/07/2008 14:11:47
Available only to registered users
BNF Category: Endocrine system (06)
Pharmacology: gastrointestinal peptide  
Epidemiology: Company claim that there are approximately 300,000 abdominal MRI procedures conducted in the US and EU each year that may directly benefit from the addition of SecreFlo [4].  
Indication: Pancreatic disorders 
Additional Details: diagnostic with MRI 
Company Information
Name: Repligen 
US Name: Repligen 
Further Information
Anticipated commissioning route (England) - 
High cost drug list? Awaiting Update
Implications Available only to registered users


SecreFlo (secretin)用于胰腺功能诊断和治疗胃泌素肿瘤



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· Futraful capsule(替加...
· 注射用曲妥珠单抗|HERCE...
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· Futraful injection(替...
· HERCEPTIN(重组曲妥珠单...
· Futraful capsule(替加...
· 注射用曲妥珠单抗|HERCE...
· 雷莫芦单抗注射液Cyramz...
· Teysuno(替吉奥胶囊)
· Xeloda(Capecitabine Ta...
· 香菇多糖注射液LENTINAN...
· 左亚叶酸钠注射液Levofo...
· 替吉奥胶囊(Gimeracil ...



· Futraful injection(替...