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Eutravac(DTaP-HepB vaccine)

2012-11-27 23:54:47  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:125  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文名称: DTaP-HepB vaccine 中文名称: 预防乙肝病毒、白喉病毒、破伤风、百日咳病毒感染 通用名称: DTaP-HepB vaccine 商品名称: Eutravac 原研企业: LG Life Sciences 适应证: 预防乙型肺炎病 ...

英文名称:  DTaP-HepB vaccine

中文名称: 预防乙肝病毒、白喉病毒、破伤风、百日咳病毒感染

通用名称: DTaP-HepB vaccine

商品名称:  Eutravac

原研企业: LG Life Sciences

适应证: 预防乙型肺炎病毒感染,白喉、破伤风和百日咳

作用机制: 免疫刺激剂

原产地:  韩国LG生命科学 LG Life Sciences Ltd

Combined diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and r-DNA hepatitis B vaccine
Suspension for injection in a vial
Each vial(0.5㎖) of Eutravac Inj. contains Diphtheria toxoid(≤16.7Lf), Tetanus toxoid(≤26.7㎍), Detoxified/purified Pertussis antigens(≥4IU) and purified HBsAg(10㎍)
Active primary immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and hepatitis B infection
Dosage and Administration
3 doses (1 dose = 0.5㎖) at 2, 4 and 6 months of age by intramuscular injection.
Above schedule is the same when hepatitis B vaccine was already administered at birth.
How supplied
0.5㎖/vial x 1, 10, 20, 50 vials
Storage condition
Store at 2~8℃ in hermetic container. Do not freeze.

Shelf life
30 months
In the process, corporate value is being raised as we strive to attain our goal of being a top-tier pharmaceutical maker in the global market.
Our involvement in pharmaceuticals dates back to 1981, when we
began genetic engineering research as a division of LG Chemical. Since
then, we have focused on the development of synthetic and bioengineered drugs, and we have enjoyed noteworthy success. For example, our quinolone antibiotic FACTIVE® became the first-ever new drug developed in Korea to receive FDA approval in 2003. It is now available in the US market and sales are growing steadily.
The life sciences industry is committed to promoting human health and longevity. This business also
represents unlimited possibilities and potential for growth.
LG Life Sciences is contributing to the improvement of people health and life quality and is firmly
established as the Korean leader of this strategically important industry. In the future, all LG Life
Sciences employees will continue to strive for global prominence while operating as a highly ethical
corporation that has the public trust.


Euforvac(DTwp-HepB vaccine)注射液
卡介苗灌注剂(BCG vaccine,ONCOTICE)
脑癌疫苗DCVax-Brain(vaccine for brain cancer)
流感病毒疫苗肌肉注射|Afluria(Influenza Virus Vaccine)
流感病毒疫苗|Influvac(Influenza Virus Vaccine)
爱阁力保(流感病毒疫苗)|Agrippal(Influenza Virus Vaccine)
流感病毒疫苗注射剂|Begrivac(Influenza Virus Vaccine)
Priorix(Measles,Mumps and Rubella Vaccine)疫苗
Afluria (Influenza Virus Vaccine)



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· Eutravac(DTaP-HepB va...
· Euforvac(DTwp-HepB v...
· 拉米夫定片Lamivir(Lami...
· 舒太(阿德福韦酯片)
· 天晴顺欣(苦参碱葡萄糖注...
· 名正(阿德福韦酯胶囊)
· 健甘灵(拉米夫定片)-2...
· 韦瑞德(富马酸替诺福韦...
· 舒维疗(阿昔洛韦片)|Z...
· 舒维疗(阿昔洛韦口服混...

