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Revolade(Revolade film-coated Tablets)

2014-11-13 20:03:52  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:864  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 英文药名:Revolade(Revolade film-coated Tablets) 中文药名:艾曲波帕片 生产厂家:葛兰素史克药品介绍【研发公司】葛兰素史克;目前已在美国、英国、德国、澳大利亚上市;【剂型规格】片剂:25mg、 ...

英文药名:Revolade(Revolade film-coated Tablets)


【用    途】治疗经糖皮质激素类药物、免疫球蛋白治疗无效或脾切除术后慢性特发性血小板减少性紫(ITP)患者的血小板减少。
Revolade 25mg film-coated tabletsRevolade 50mg film-coated
Revolade 25 mg film-coated tablets
Revolade 50 mg film-coated tablets
Revolade 25 mg film-coated tablets:
Each film-coated tablet contains eltrombopag olamine equivalent to 25 mg eltrombopag.
Revolade 50 mg film-coated tablets:
Each film-coated tablet contains eltrombopag olamine equivalent to 50 mg eltrombopag.
For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1.
Film-coated tablet.
Revolade 25 mg film-coated tablets:
Round, biconvex, white film-coated tablet debossed with 'GS NX3' and '25' on one side.
Revolade 50 mg film-coated tablets:
Round, biconvex, brown film-coated tablet debossed with 'GS UFU' and '50' on one side.
4.1 Therapeutic indications
Revolade is indicated for adult chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) splenectomised patients who are refractory to other treatments (e.g. corticosteroids, immunoglobulins). Revolade may be considered as second line treatment for adult non-splenectomised patients where surgery is contraindicated.
4.2 Posology and method of administration
Eltrombopag treatment should remain under the supervision of a physician who is experienced in the treatment of haematological diseases.
Eltrombopag dosing requirements must be individualised based on the patient's platelet counts. The objective of treatment with eltrombopag should not be to normalise platelet counts but to maintain platelet counts above the level for haemorrhagic risk (> 50,000/µl).
In most patients, measurable elevations in platelet counts take 1-2 weeks (see section 5.1).
The recommended starting dose of eltrombopag is 50 mg once daily. For patients of East Asian ancestry, eltrombopag should be initiated at a reduced dose of 25 mg once daily (see section 5.2).
Monitoring and dose adjustment
After initiating eltrombopag, adjust the dose to achieve and maintain a platelet count  50,000/µl as necessary to reduce the risk for bleeding. Do not exceed a dose of 75 mg daily.
Clinical haematology and liver tests should be monitored regularly throughout therapy with eltrombopag and the dose regimen of eltrombopag modified based on platelet counts as outlined in Table 1. During therapy with eltrombopag complete blood counts (CBCs), including platelet count and peripheral blood smears, should be assessed weekly until a stable platelet count ( 50,000/µl for at least 4 weeks) has been achieved. CBCs including platelet counts and peripheral blood smears should be obtained monthly thereafter.
The lowest effective dosing regimen to maintain platelet counts should be used as clinically indicated.
Table 1 Dose adjustments of eltrombopag

Platelet count

Dose adjustment or response

< 50,000/µl following at least 2 weeks of therapy

Increase daily dose by 25 mg to a maximum of 75 mg/day.

GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8805) 50,000/µl to LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8804) 150,000/µl

Use lowest dose of eltrombopag and/or concomitant ITP treatment to maintain platelet counts that avoid or reduce bleeding.

> 150,000/µl to LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8804) 250,000/µl

Decrease the daily dose by 25 mg. Wait 2 weeks to assess the effects of this and any subsequent dose adjustments.

> 250,000/µl

Stop eltrombopag; increase the frequency of platelet monitoring to twice weekly.

Once the platelet count is LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8804) 100,000/µl, reinitiate therapy at a daily dose reduced by 25 mg.

Eltrombopag can be administered in addition to other ITP medicinal products. Modify the dose regimen of concomitant ITP medicinal products, as medically appropriate, to avoid excessive increases in platelet counts during therapy with eltrombopag.
Wait for at least 2 weeks to see the effect of any dose adjustment on the patient's platelet response prior to considering another dose adjustment.
The standard eltrombopag dose adjustment, either decrease or increase, would be 25 mg once daily. However, in a few patients a combination of different film-coated tablet strengths on different days may be required.
Treatment with eltrombopag should be discontinued if the platelet count does not increase to a level sufficient to avoid clinically important bleeding after four weeks of eltrombopag therapy at 75 mg once daily.
Patients should be clinically eva luated periodically and continuation of treatment should be decided on an individual basis by the treating physician. The reoccurrence of thrombocytopenia is possible upon discontinuation of treatment (see section 4.4).
Renal impairment
No dose adjustment is necessary in patients with renal impairment. Patients with impaired renal function should use eltrombopag with caution and close monitoring, for example by testing serum creatinine and/or performing urine analysis (see section 5.2).
Hepatic impairment
Eltrombopag should not be used in ITP patients with hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score 5) unless the expected benefit outweighs the identified risk of portal venous thrombosis (see section 4.4).
If the use of eltrombopag is deemed necessary for ITP patients with hepatic impairment, the starting dose must be 25 mg once daily. After initiating the dose of eltrombopag in patients with hepatic impairment wait 3 weeks before increasing the dose.
The risk of thromboembolic events (TEEs) has been found to be increased in thrombocytopenic patients (platelet count < 50,000/ µl) with chronic liver disease (CLD), without concomitant ITP, treated with 75 mg eltrombopag once daily for two weeks in preparation for invasive procedures (see sections 4.4 and 4.8).
Paediatric population
Revolade is not recommended for use in children and adolescents below age 18 due to insufficient data on safety and efficacy.
There are limited data on the use of eltrombopag in patients aged 65 years and older. In the clinical studies of eltrombopag, overall no clinically significant differences in safety of eltrombopag were observed between subjects aged at least 65 years and younger subjects. Other reported clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between the elderly and younger patients, but greater sensitivity of some older individuals cannot be ruled out.
East Asian patients
Initiation of eltrombopag at a reduced dose of 25 mg once daily may be considered for patients of East Asian ancestry (such as Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese or Korean) (see section 5.2). Patient platelet count should continue to be monitored and the standard criteria for further dose modification followed.
Method of administration
The tablets should be administered orally. Eltrombopag should be taken at least four hours before or after any products such as antacids, dairy products (or other calcium containing food products), or mineral supplements containing polyvalent cations (e.g. iron, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, selenium and zinc) (see sections 4.5 and 5.2).
4.3 Contraindications
Hypersensitivity to eltrombopag or to any of the excipients.
4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use
The diagnosis of ITP in adults and elderly patients should have been confirmed by the exclusion of other clinical entities presenting with thrombocytopenia. Consideration should be given to performing a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy over the course of the disease and treatment, particularly in patients over 60 years of age, those with systemic symptoms or abnormal signs.
The effectiveness and safety of eltrombopag have not been established for use in other thrombocytopenic conditions including chemotherapy-induced thrombocytopenia and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
Risk of hepatotoxicity
Eltrombopag administration can cause abnormal liver function. In clinical studies with eltrombopag, increases in serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and bilirubin were observed (see section 4.8).
These findings were mostly mild (Grade 1-2), reversible and not accompanied by clinically significant symptoms that would indicate an impaired liver function. Across the 3 placebo-controlled studies, 1 patient in the placebo group and 1 patient in the eltrombopag group experienced a Grade 4 liver test abnormality.
Serum ALT, AST and bilirubin should be measured prior to initiation of eltrombopag, every 2 weeks during the dose adjustment phase and monthly following establishment of a stable dose. Abnormal serum liver tests should be eva luated with repeat testing within 3 to 5 days. If the abnormalities are confirmed, serum liver tests should be monitored until the abnormalities resolve, stabilise, or return to baseline levels. Eltrombopag should be discontinued if ALT levels increase ( 3X the upper limit of normal [ULN]) and are:
• progressive, or
• persistent for  4 weeks, or
• accompanied by increased direct bilirubin, or
• accompanied by clinical symptoms of liver injury or evidence for hepatic decompensation
Exercise caution when administering eltrombopag to patients with hepatic disease. Use a lower starting dose of eltrombopag and monitor closely when administering eltrombopag to patients with hepatic impairment (see section 4.2).
Thrombotic/Thromboembolic complications
Thrombotic/Thromboembolic complications may occur in patients with ITP. Platelet counts above the normal range present a theoretical risk of thrombotic/thromboembolic complications. In eltrombopag clinical trials in ITP thromboembolic events were observed at low and normal platelet counts. Caution should be used when administering eltrombopag to patients with known risk factors for thromboembolism including but not limited to inherited (e.g. Factor V Leiden) or acquired risk factors (e.g. ATIII deficiency, antiphospholipid syndrome), advanced age, patients with prolonged periods of immobilisation, malignancies, contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, surgery/trauma, obesity and smoking. Platelet counts should be closely monitored and consideration given to reducing the dose or discontinuing eltrombopag treatment if the platelet count exceeds the target levels (see section 4.2). The risk-benefit balance should be considered in patients at risk of thromboembolic events (TEEs) of any aetiology.
The risk of TEEs has been found to be increased in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD) treated with 75 mg eltrombopag once daily for two weeks in preparation for invasive procedures. Six of 143 (4%) adult patients with CLD receiving Eltrombopag experienced TEEs (all of the portal venous system) and two of 145 (1%) subjects in the placebo group experienced TEEs (one in the portal venous system and one myocardial infarction). Five of the 6 patients treated with eltrombopag experienced the thrombotic complication at a platelet count > 200,000/ µl and within 30 days of the last dose of Eltrombopag.
Eltrombopag should not be used in patients with hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score  5) unless the expected benefit outweighs the identified risk of portal venous thrombosis. When treatment is considered appropriate exercise caution when administering eltrombopag to ITP patients with hepatic impairment (see sections 4.2 and 4.8).
Bleeding following discontinuation of eltrombopag
Thrombocytopenia is likely to reoccur upon discontinuation of treatment with eltrombopag. Following discontinuation of eltrombopag, platelet counts return to baseline levels within 2 weeks in the majority of patients, which increase the bleeding risk and in some cases may lead to bleeding. This risk is increased if eltrombopag treatment is discontinued in the presence of anticoagulants or anti-platelet agents. It is recommended that, if treatment with eltrombopag is discontinued, ITP treatment be restarted according to current treatment guidelines. Additional medical management may include cessation of anticoagulant and/or anti-platelet therapy, reversal of anticoagulation, or platelet support. Platelet counts must be monitored weekly for 4 weeks following discontinuation of eltrombopag.
Bone marrow reticulin formation and risk of bone marrow fibrosis
Eltrombopag may increase the risk for development or progression of reticulin fibers within the bone marrow. The relevance of this finding, as with other thrombopoietin receptor (TPO-R) agonists, has not been established yet.
Prior to initiation of eltrombopag, the peripheral blood smear should be examined closely to establish a baseline level of cellular morphologic abnormalities. Following identification of a stable dose of eltrombopag, complete blood count (CBC) with white blood cell count (WBC) differential should be performed monthly. If immature or dysplastic cells are observed, peripheral blood smears should be examined for new or worsening morphological abnormalities (e.g., teardrop and nucleated red blood cells, immature white blood cells) or cytopenia(s). If the patient develops new or worsening morphological abnormalities or cytopenia(s), treatment with eltrombopag should be discontinued and a bone marrow biopsy considered, including staining for fibrosis
Malignancies and progression of malignancies
TPO-R agonists are growth factors that lead to thrombopoietic progenitor cell expansion, differentiation and platelet production. The TPO-R is predominantly expressed on the surface of cells of the myeloid lineage. For TPO-R agonists there is a theoretical concern that they may stimulate the progression of existing haematopoietic malignancies such as MDS.
Cataracts were observed in toxicology studies of eltrombopag in rodents (see section 5.3). The clinical relevance of this finding is unknown. Routine monitoring of patients for cataracts is recommended.
Loss of response to eltrombopag
A loss of response or failure to maintain a platelet response with eltrombopag treatment within the recommended dosing range should prompt a search for causative factors, including an increased bone marrow reticulin.
4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction
Effects of eltrombopag on other medicinal products
HMG CoA reductase inhibitors
In vitro studies demonstrated that eltrombopag is not a substrate for the organic anion transporter polypeptide, OATP1B1, but is an inhibitor of this transporter. In vitro studies also demonstrated that eltrombopag is a breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) substrate and inhibitor. Administration of eltrombopag 75 mg once daily for 5 days with a single 10 mg dose of the OATP1B1 and BCRP substrate rosuvastatin to 39 healthy adult subjects increased plasma rosuvastatin Cmax 103 % (90 % CI: 82 %, 126 %) and AUC0- 55 % (90 % CI: 42 %, 69 %). Interactions are also expected with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, including pravastatin, simvastatin and lovastatin, however, clinically significant interactions are not expected between eltrombopag and atorvastatin or fluvastatin. When co-administered with eltrombopag, a reduced dose of statins should be considered and careful monitoring for statin side effects should be undertaken.
OATP1B1 and BCRP substrates
Concomitant administration of eltrombopag and OATP1B1 (e.g. methotrexate) and BCRP (e.g. topotecan and methotrexate) substrates should be undertaken with caution.
Cytochrome P450 substrates
In studies utilizing human liver microsomes, eltrombopag (up to 100 μM) showed no in vitro inhibition of the CYP450 enzymes 1A2, 2A6, 2C19, 2D6, 2E1, 3A4/5, and 4A9/11 and was an inhibitor of CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 as measured using paclitaxel and diclofenac as the probe substrates. Administration of eltrombopag 75 mg once daily for 7 days to 24 healthy male subjects did not inhibit or induce the metabolism of probe substrates for 1A2 (caffeine), 2C19 (omeprazole), 2C9 (flurbiprofen), or 3A4 (midazolam) in humans. No clinically significant interactions are expected when eltrombopag and CYP450 substrates are co-administered.
Effects of other medicinal products on eltrombopag
Polyvalent cations (Chelation)
Eltrombopag chelates with polyvalent cations such as iron, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, selenium and zinc. Administration of a single dose of eltrombopag 75 mg with a polyvalent cation-containing antacid (1524 mg aluminium hydroxide and 1425 mg magnesium carbonate) decreased plasma eltrombopag AUC0- by 70 % (90 % CI: 64 %, 76 %) and Cmax by 70 % (90 % CI: 62 %, 76 %). Antacids, dairy products and other products containing polyvalent cations, such as mineral supplements, must be administered at least four hours apart from eltrombopag dosing to avoid significant reduction in eltrombopag absorption due to chelation (see section 4.2).
Food interaction
Administration of a single 50 mg-dose of eltrombopag with a standard high-calorie, high-fat breakfast that included dairy products reduced plasma eltrombopag AUC0- by 59 % (90 % CI: 54 %, 64 %) and Cmax by 65 % (90 % CI: 59 %, 70 %). Food low in calcium [< 50 mg calcium] including fruit, lean ham, beef and unfortified (no added calcium, magnesium, iron) fruit juice, unfortified soy milk, and unfortified grain did not significantly impact plasma eltrombopag exposure, regardless of calorie and fat content (see section 4.2).
Co-administration of eltrombopag with lopinavir/ritonavir (LPV/RTV) may cause a decrease in the concentration of eltrombopag. A study in 40 healthy volunteers showed that the co-administration of single dose eltrombopag 100 mg with repeat dose LPV/RTV 400 /100 mg twice daily resulted in a reduction in eltrombopag plasma AUC(0-  ) by 17 % (90 % CI: 6.6 %, 26.6 %). Therefore, caution should be used when co-administration of eltrombopag with LPV/RTV takes place. Platelet count should be closely monitored in order to ensure appropriate medical management of the dose of eltrombopag when lopinavir/ritonavir therapy is initiated or discontinued.
Medicinal products for treatment of ITP
Medicinal products used in the treatment of ITP in combination with eltrombopag in clinical studies included corticosteroids, danazol, and/or azathioprine, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and anti-D immunoglobulin. Platelet counts should be monitored when combining eltrombopag with other medicinal products for the treatment of ITP in order to avoid platelet counts outside of the recommended range (see section 4.2).
4.6 Pregnancy and lactation
There are no or limited amount of data from the use of eltrombopag in pregnant women. Studies in animals haveshown reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). The potential risk for humans is unknown.
Revolade is not recommended during pregnancy and in women of childbearing potential not using contraception.
It is not known whether eltrombopag / metabolites are excreted in human milk. Studies in animals have shown that eltrombopag is likely secreted into milk (see section 5.3); therefore a risk to the suckling child cannot be excluded. A decision must be made whether to discontinue breast-feeding or to continue / abstain from Revolade therapy, taking into account the benefit of breast-feeding for the child and the benefit of therapy for the woman.
4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines
No studies on the effects on the ability to drive and use machines have been performed.
4.8 Undesirable effects
Based on an analysis of all chronic ITP patients receiving eltrombopag in 3 controlled and 2 uncontrolled clinical studies, the overall incidence of adverse events in subjects treated with eltrombopag was 82 % (367/446). The median duration of exposure to eltrombopag was 304 days and patient year's exposure was 377 in this study population.
The adverse events listed below by MedDRA system organ class and by frequency are those that the investigator considered treatment related (N = 446). The frequency categories are defined as:
Very common
 ( 1/10)
 ( 1/100 to < 1/10)
 ( 1/1,000 to < 1/100)
 ( 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000)
Very rare
 (< 1/10,000)
Not known
(cannot be estimated from the available data)
Infections and infestations

Pharyngitis, Urinary tract infection, Influenza, Nasopharyngitis, Oral herpes, Pneumonia, Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Upper respiratory tract infection
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps)
Rectosigmoid cancer
Blood and lymphatic system disorders
Anaemia, Anisocytosis, Eosinophilia, Haemolytic anaemia, Leukocytosis, Myelocytosis, Thrombocytopenia, Haemoglobin increased, Band neutrophil count increased, Haemoglobin decreased, Myelocyte present, Platelet count increased, White blood cell count decreased
Immune system disorders
Metabolism and nutrition disorders
Anorexia, Hypokalaemia, Decreased appetite, Increased appetite, Gout, Hypocalcaemia, Blood uric acid increased
Psychiatric disorders
Sleep disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Apathy, Mood altered, Tearfulness
Nervous systems disorders
Very Common
Dizziness, Dysgeusia, Hypoaesthesia, Somnolence, Migraine, Tremor, Balance disorder, Dysaesthesia, Hemiparesis, Migraine with aura, Neuropathy peripheral, Peripheral sensory neuropathy, Speech disorder, Toxic neuropathy, Vascular headache
Eye disorders
Cataract, Dry eye
Vision blurred, Lenticular opacities, Astigmatism, Cataract cortical, Conjunctival haemorrhage, Eye pain, Lacrimation increased, Retinal haemorrhage, Retinal pigment epitheliopathy, Visual acuity reduced, Visual impairment, Visual acuity tests abnormal, Blepharitis and Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
Ear and labyrinth disorders
Ear pain, Vertigo
Cardiac disorders
Tachycardia, Acute myocardial infarction, Cardiovascular disorder, Cyanosis, Palpitations, Sinus tachycardia, Electrocardiogram QT prolonged
Vascular disorders
Deep vein thrombosis, Hypertension, Embolism, Hot flush, Thrombophlebitis superficial, Flushing, Haematoma
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders
Epistaxis, Pulmonary embolism, Pulmonary infarction, Cough, Nasal discomfort, Oropharyngeal blistering, Oropharyngeal pain, Sinus disorder, Sleep apnoea syndrome
Gastrointestinal disorders
Nausea, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Abdominal pain upper
Abdominal discomfort, Abdominal distension, Dry mouth, Dyspepsia, Vomiting, Abdominal pain, Gingival bleeding, Glossodynia, Haemorrhoids, Mouth haemorrhage, Abdominal tenderness, Faeces discoloured, Flatulence, Food poisoning, Frequent bowel movements, Haematemesis, Oral discomfort
Hepatobiliary disorders
Alanine aminotransferase increased*, Aspartate aminotransferase increased*, Blood bilirubin increased, Hyperbilirubinaemia, Hepatic function abnormal
Cholestasis, Hepatic lesion, Hepatitis
*Increase of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase may occur simultaneously, although at a lower frequency.
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders
Rash, Pruritus, Alopecia
Ecchymosis, Hyperhidrosis, Pruritus generalised, Urticaria, Dermatosis, Petechiae, Cold sweat, Erythema, Melanosis, Night sweats, Pigmentation disorder, Skin discolouration, Skin exfoliation, Swelling face
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder
Arthralgia, Myalgia, Muscle spasm, Bone pain
Muscular weakness, Pain in extremity, Sensation of heaviness
Renal and urinary disorders
Renal failure, Leukocyturia, Lupus nephritis, Nocturia, Proteinuria, Blood urea increased, Blood creatinine increased, Urine protein/creatinine ratio increased
General disorders and administrative site conditions
Fatigue, Oedema peripheral
Chest pain, Feeling hot, Pain, Vessel puncture site haemorrhage, Asthenia, Feeling jittery, Ill-defined disorder, Inflammation of wound, Influenza like illness, Malaise, Mucosal inflammation, Non-cardiac chest pain, Pyrexia, Sensation of foreign body
Blood albumin increased, Blood alkaline phosphatase increased, Protein total increased, Weight increased, Blood albumin decreased, pH urine increased
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications
Contusion, Sunburn
Thromboembolic events (TEEs)
In 3 controlled and 2 uncontrolled clinical studies, among adult chronic ITP patients receiving eltrombopag (n = 446), 17 subjects experienced a total of 19 TEEs, which included (in descending order of occurrence) deep vein thrombosis (n = 6), pulmonary embolism (n = 6), acute myocardial infarction (n = 2), cerebral infarction (n = 2), embolism (n = 1) (see section 4.4).
In a placebo-controlled study (n = 288, Safety population), following 2 weeks treatment in preparation for invasive procedures, 6 of 143 (4%) adult patients with chronic liver disease receiving eltrombopag experienced 7 TEEs of the portal venous system and 2 of 145 (1%) subjects in the placebo group experienced 3 TEEs. Five of the 6 patients treated with eltrombopag experienced the TEE at a platelet count > 200,000/µl.
No specific risk factors were identified in those subjects who experienced a TEE with the exception of platelet counts  200,000/µl (see section 4.4).
Thrombocytopenia following discontinuation of treatment
In the 3 controlled clinical studies, transient decreases in platelet counts to levels lower than baseline were observed following discontinuation of treatment in 8 % and 8 % of the eltrombopag and placebo groups, respectively (see section 4.4).
Increased bone marrow reticulin
Across the programme, no subjects had evidence of clinically relevant bone marrow abnormalities or clinical findings that would indicate bone marrow dysfunction. In one patient, eltrombopag treatment was discontinued due to bone marrow reticulin (see section 4.4).
4.9 Overdose
In the event of overdose, platelet counts may increase excessively and result in thrombotic/thromboembolic complications. In case of an overdose, consider oral administration of a metal cation-containing preparation, such as calcium, aluminium, or magnesium preparations to chelate eltrombopag and thus limit absorption. Closely monitor platelet counts. Reinitiate treatment with eltrombopag in accordance with dosing and administration recommendations (see section 4.2).
In the ITP clinical studies there was one report of overdose where the subject ingested 5000 mg of eltrombopag. Reported adverse events included mild rash, transient bradycardia, ALT and AST elevation, and fatigue. Liver enzymes measured between Days 2 and 18 after ingestion peaked at a 1.6-fold ULN in AST, a 3.9-fold ULN in ALT, and a 2.4-fold ULN in total bilirubin, The platelet counts were 672,000/µl on day 18 after ingestion and the maximum platelet count was 929,000/µl. All events were resolved without sequelae following treatment.
Because eltrombopag is not significantly renally excreted and is highly bound to plasma proteins, haemodialysis would not be expected to be an effective method to enhance the elimination of eltrombopag.
5.1 Pharmacodynamic properties
Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antihemorrhagics, ATC code: B02BX 05.
Mechanism of action
TPO is the main cytokine involved in regulation of megakaryopoiesis and platelet production, and is the endogenous ligand for the TPO-R. Eltrombopag interacts with the transmembrane domain of the human TPO-R and initiates signaling cascades similar but not identical to that of endogenous thrombopoietin (TPO), inducing proliferation and differentiation of megakaryocytes from bone marrow progenitor cells.
Clinical studies
Two Phase III, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies RAISE (TRA102537) and TRA100773B and two open-label studies REPEAT (TRA108057) and EXTEND (TRA105325) eva luated the safety and efficacy of eltrombopag in adult patients with previously treated chronic ITP. Overall, eltrombopag was administered to 277 ITP patients for at least 6 months and 202 patients for at least 1 year.
Double-blind placebo-controlled studies
RAISE: 197 ITP patients were randomised 2:1, eltrombopag (n=135) to placebo (n=62), and randomisation was stratified based upon splenectomy status, use of ITP medication at baseline and baseline platelet count. The dose of eltrombopag was adjusted during the 6 month treatment period based on individual platelet counts. All subjects initiated treatment with eltrombopag 50 mg. From Day 29 to the end of treatment, 15 to 28 % of eltrombopag treated patients were maintained on  25 mg and 29 to 53 % received 75 mg.
In addition, patients could taper off concomitant ITP medicinal products and receive rescue treatments as dictated by local standard of care. More than half of all patients in each treatment group had  3 prior ITP therapies and 36 % had a prior splenectomy.
Median platelet counts at baseline were 16,000/μl for both treatment groups and in the eltrombopag group were maintained above 50,000/µl at all on-therapy visits starting at Day 15; in contrast, median platelet counts in the placebo group remained < 30,000/µl throughout the study.
Platelet count response between 50,000-400,000/μl in the absence of rescue medication was achieved by significantly more patients in the eltrombopag treated group during the 6 month treatment period, p < 0.001. Fifty-four percent of the eltrombopag-treated patients and 13 % of placebo-treated patients achieved this level of response after 6 weeks of treatment. A similar platelet response was maintained throughout the study, with 52 % and 16 % of patients responding at the end of the 6-month treatment period.
Table 2: Secondary efficacy results from RAISE


N = 135


N = 62

Key secondary endpoints

Number of cumulative weeks with platelet counts GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8805) 50,000-400,000/µl, Mean (SD)

11.3 (9.46)

2.4 (5.95)

Patients with GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8805) 75 % of assessments in the target range (50,000 to 400,000/μl), n (%)

P-value a

51 (38)

4 (7)

< 0.001

Patients with bleeding (WHO Grades 1-4) at any time during 6 months, n (%)

P-value a

106 (79)

56 (93)


Patients with bleeding (WHO Grades 2-4) at any time during 6 months, n (%)

P-value a

44 (33)

32 (53)


Requiring rescue therapy, n (%)

P-value a

24 (18)

25 (40)


Patients receiving ITP therapy at baseline (n)



Patients who attempted to reduce or discontinue baseline therapy, n (%)b

P value a

37 (59)

10 (32)


a Logistic regression model adjusted for randomisation stratification variables
b 21 out of 63 (33 %) patients treated with eltrombopag who were taking an ITP medication at baseline permanently discontinued all baseline ITP medications.
At baseline, more than 70 % of ITP patients in each treatment group reported any bleeding (WHO Grades 1-4) and more than 20 % reported clinically significant bleeding (WHO Grades 2-4), respectively. The proportion of eltrombopag-treated patients with any bleeding (Grades 1-4) and clinically significant bleeding (Grades 2-4) was reduced from baseline by approximately 50 % from Day 15 to the end of treatment throughout the 6 month treatment period.
TRA100773B: The primary efficacy endpoint was the proportion of responders, defined as ITP patients who had an increase in platelet counts to  50,000/μl at Day 43 from a baseline of < 30,000/μl; patients who withdrew prematurely due to a platelet count > 200,000/μl were considered responders, those that discontinued for any other reason were considered non-responders irrespective of platelet count. A total of 114 patients with previously treated chronic ITP were randomised 2:1 eltrombopag (n = 76) to placebo (n = 38).
Table 3: Efficacy results from TRA100773B



N = 74


N = 38

Key primary endpoints

Eligible for efficacy analysis, n



Patients with platelet count GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO (8805) 50,000/μl after up to 42 days of dosing (compared to a baseline count of < 30,000/μl), n (%)

P valuea

43 (59)

6 (16)

< 0.001

Key secondary endpoints

Patients with a Day 43 bleeding assessment, n



Bleeding (WHO Grades 1-4) n (%)

P valuea

20 (39)

18 (60)


a – Logistic regression model adjusted for randomisation stratification variables
In both RAISE and TRA100773B the response to eltrombopag relative to placebo was similar irrespective of ITP medication use, splenectomy status and baseline platelet count ( 15,000/µl, > 15,000/µl) at randomisation.
In RAISE and TRA100773B studies, in the subgroup of ITP patients with baseline platelet count  15,000/μl the median platelet counts did not reach the target level (> 50,000/μl), although in both studies 43 % of these patients treated with eltrombopag responded after 6 weeks of treatment. In addition, in the RAISE study, 42 % of patients with baseline platelet count  15,000/μl treated with eltrombopag responded at the end of the 6 month treatment period. Forty-two to 60 % of the eltrombopag-treated patients in the RAISE study were receiving 75 mg from Day 29 to the end of treatment.
An open label, repeat dose study (3 cycles of 6 weeks of treatment, followed by 4 weeks off treatment) showed that episodic use with multiple courses of eltrombopag has demonstrated no loss of response.
Eltrombopag was administered to 299 ITP patients in an open-label extension study, 126 patients completed 1 year, 48 completed 18 months and 17 completed 2 years. The median baseline platelet count was 19,500/μl prior to eltrombopag administration. Median platelet counts at 12, 18 and 24 months on study were 68,000/μl, 75,000/μl and 119,000/μl, respectively.
Paediatric population
The European Medicines Agency has deferred the obligation to submit the results of studies with Revolade in one or more subsets of the paediatric population in chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) (see section 4.2 for information on paediatric use).
5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties
The plasma eltrombopag concentration-time data collected in 88 subjects with ITP in Studies TRA100773A and TRA100773B were combined with data from 111 healthy adult subjects in a population PK analysis. Plasma eltrombopag AUC(0-) and Cmax estimates for ITP subjects are presented (Table 4).
Table 4: Geometric mean (95 % confidence intervals) of steady-state plasma eltrombopag pharmacokinetic parameters in adults with ITP

Eltrombopag dose, once daily


AUC(0-GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU (964))a, μg.h/ml

Cmaxa , μg/ml

30 mg


47 (39, 58)

3.78 (3.18, 4.49)

50 mg


108 (88, 134)

8.01 (6.73, 9.53)

75 mg


168 (143, 198)

12.7 (11.0, 14.5)

a - AUC(0-GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU (964)) and Cmax based on population PK post-hoc estimates

Absorption and bioavailability
Eltrombopag is absorbed with a peak concentration occurring 2 to 6 hours after oral administration. Administration of eltrombopag concomitantly with antacids and other products containing polyvalent cations such as dairy products and mineral supplements significantly reduces eltrombopag exposure (see section 4.2). The absolute oral bioavailability of eltrombopag after administration to humans has not been established. Based on urinary excretion and metabolites eliminated in faeces, the oral absorption of drug-related material following administration of a single 75 mg eltrombopag solution dose was estimated to be at least 52 %.
Eltrombopag is highly bound to human plasma proteins (> 99.9 %), predominantly to albumin. Eltrombopag is a substrate for BCRP, but is not a substrate for P-glycoprotein or OATP1B1.
Eltrombopag is primarily metabolized through cleavage, oxidation and conjugation with glucuronic acid, glutathione, or cysteine. In a human radiolabel study, eltrombopag accounted for approximately 64 % of plasma radiocarbon AUC0-. Minor metabolites due to glucuronidation and oxidation were also detected. In vitro studies suggest that CYP1A2 and CYP2C8 are responsible for oxidative metabolism of eltrombopag. Uridine diphosphoglucuronyl transferase UGT1A1 and UGT1A3 are responsible for glucuronidation, and bacteria in the lower gastrointestinal tract may be responsible for the cleavage pathway.
Absorbed eltrombopag is extensively metabolised. The predominant route of eltrombopag excretion is via faeces (59 %) with 31 % of the dose found in the urine as metabolites. Unchanged parent compound (eltrombopag) is not detected in urine. Unchanged eltrombopag excreted in faeces accounts for approximately 20 % of the dose. The plasma elimination half-life of eltrombopag is approximately 21-32 hours.
Pharmacokinetic interactions
Based on a human study with radiolabelled eltrombopag, glucuronidation plays a minor role in the metabolism of eltrombopag. Human liver microsome studies identified UGT1A1 and UGT1A3 as the enzymes responsible for eltrombopag glucuronidation. Eltrombopag was an inhibitor of a number of UGT enzymes in vitro. Clinically significant drug interactions involving glucuronidation are not anticipated due to limited contribution of individual UGT enzymes in the glucuronidation of eltrombopag.
Approximately 21 % of an eltrombopag dose could undergo oxidative metabolism. Human liver microsome studies identified CYP1A2 and CYP2C8 as the enzymes responsible for eltrombopag oxidation. Eltrombopag does not inhibit or induce CYP enzymes based on in vitro and in vivo data (see section 4.5).
In vitro studies demonstrate that eltrombopag is an inhibitor of the OATP1B1 transporter and an inhibitor of the BCRP transporter and eltrombopag increased exposure of the OATP1B1 and BCRP substrate rosuvastatin in a clinical drug interaction study (see section 4.5). In clinical studies with eltrombopag, a dose reduction of statins by 50 % was recommended.
Eltrombopag chelates with polyvalent cations such as iron, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, selenium and zinc (see sections 4.2 and 4.5).
Administration of a single 50 mg dose of eltrombopag with a standard high-calorie, high-fat breakfast that included dairy products reduced plasma eltrombopag AUC(0- ) and Cmax. Whereas, low-calcium food [< 50 mg calcium] did not significantly impact plasma eltrombopag exposure, regardless of calorie and fat content (see sections 4.2 and 4.5).
Special patient populations
Renal impairment
The pharmacokinetics of eltrombopag has been studied after administration of eltrombopag to adult subjects with renal impairment. Following administration of a single 50 mg-dose, the AUC0- of eltrombopag was 32 % to 36 % lower in subjects with mild to moderate renal impairment, and 60 % lower in subjects with severe renal impairment compared with healthy volunteers. There was substantial variability and significant overlap in exposures between patients with renal impairment and healthy volunteers. Unbound eltrombopag (active) concentrations for this highly protein bound medicinal product were not measured. Patients with impaired renal function should use eltrombopag with caution and close monitoring, for example by testing serum creatinine and/or urine analysis (see section 4.2).
Hepatic impairment
The pharmacokinetics of eltrombopag has been studied after administration of eltrombopag to adult subjects with hepatic impairment. Following the administration of a single 50 mg dose, the AUC0- of eltrombopag was 41 % higher in subjects with mild hepatic impairment and 80 % to 93 % higher in subjects with moderate to severe hepatic impairment compared with healthy volunteers. There was substantial variability and significant overlap in exposures between patients with hepatic impairment and healthy volunteers. Unbound eltrombopag (active) concentrations for this highly protein bound medicinal product were not measured. The influence of hepatic impairment on the pharmacokinetics of eltrombopag following repeat administration was eva luated using a population pharmacokinetic analysis in 28 healthy adults and 79 patients with chronic liver disease (37 mild hepatic impairment, 40 with moderate hepatic impairment, and 2 with severe hepatic impairment). Based on estimates from the population pharmacokinetic analysis, patients with hepatic impairment had higher plasma eltrombopag AUC(0-) values as compared to healthy volunteers, and AUC(0-) increased with increased Child-Pugh score. Compared to healthy volunteers, patients with mild hepatic impairment had approximately 87% to 110% higher plasma eltrombopag AUC (0- ) values and patients with moderate hepatic impairment had approximately 141% to 240% higher plasma eltrombopag AUC(0-) values. Therefore, eltrombopag should not be used in ITP patients with hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score  5) unless the expected benefit outweighs the identified risk of portal venous thrombosis (see sections 4.2 and 4.4).
The influence of East Asian ethnicity on the pharmacokinetics of eltrombopag was eva luated using a population pharmacokinetic analysis in 111 healthy adults (31 East Asians) and 88 patients with ITP (18 East Asians). Based on estimates from the population pharmacokinetic analysis, East Asian (i.e. Japanese, Chinese, Taiwanese and Korean) ITP patients had approximately 87 % higher plasma eltrombopag AUC(0-) values as compared to non-East Asian patients who were predominantly Caucasian, without adjustment for body weight differences (see section 4.2).
The influence of gender on the pharmacokinetics of eltrombopag was eva luated using a population pharmacokinetic analysis in 111 healthy adults (14 females) and 88 patients with ITP (57 females). Based on estimates from the population pharmacokinetic analysis, female ITP patients had approximately 50 % higher plasma eltrombopag AUC(0-) as compared to male patients, without adjustment for body weight differences.
5.3 Preclinical safety data
Eltrombopag does not stimulate platelet production in mice, rats or dogs because of unique TPO receptor specificity. Therefore, data from these animals do not fully model potential adverse effects related to the pharmacology of eltrombopag in humans, including the reproduction and carcinogenicity studies.
Treatment-related cataracts were detected in rodents and were dose and time-dependent. At  6 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC, cataracts were observed in mice after 6 weeks and rats after 28 weeks of dosing. At  4 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC, cataracts were observed in mice after 13 weeks and in rats after 39 weeks of dosing. Cataracts have not been observed in dogs after 52 weeks of dosing (2 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). The clinical relevance of these findings is unknown (see section 4.4).
Renal tubular toxicity was observed in studies of up to 14 days duration in mice and rats at exposures that were generally associated with morbidity and mortality. Tubular toxicity was also observed in a 2 year oral carcinogenicity study in mice at doses of 25, 75 and 150 mg/kg/day. Effects were less severe at lower doses and were characterized by a spectrum of regenerative changes. The exposure at the lowest dose was 1.2 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC. Renal effects were not observed in rats after 28 weeks or in dogs after 52 weeks at exposures 4 and 2 times respectively, the human clinical exposure based on AUC. The clinical relevance of these findings is unknown.
Hepatocyte degeneration and/or necrosis, often accompanied by increased serum liver enzymes, was observed in mice, rats and dogs at doses that were associated with morbidity and mortality or were poorly tolerated. No hepatic effects were observed after chronic dosing in rats (28 weeks) or dogs (52 weeks) at exposures up to 4 or 2 times, respectively, the human clinical exposure based on AUC.
At poorly tolerated doses in rats and dogs (> 10 times maximum human clinical exposure based on AUC), decreased reticulocyte counts and regenerative bone marrow erythroid hyperplasia (rats only) were observed in short term studies. There were no effects of note on red cell mass or reticulocyte counts after dosing for up to 28 weeks in rats, 52 weeks in dogs and 2 years in mice or rats at maximally tolerated doses which were 2 to 4 times maximum human clinical exposure based on AUC.
Endosteal hyperostosis was observed in a 28 week toxicity study in rats at a non-tolerated dose of 60 mg/kg/day (6 times maximum human clinical exposure based on AUC). There were no bone changes observed in mice or rats after lifetime exposure (2 years) at 4 times maximum human clinical exposure based on AUC.
Eltrombopag was not carcinogenic in mice at doses up to 75 mg/kg/day or in rats at doses up to 40 mg/kg/day (exposures up to 4 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). Eltrombopag was not mutagenic or clastogenic in a bacterial mutation assay or in two in vivo assays in rats (micronucleus and unscheduled DNA synthesis, 10 times the human clinical exposure based on Cmax). In the in vitro mouse lymphoma assay, eltrombopag was marginally positive (< 3-fold increase in mutation frequency). These in vitro and in vivo findings suggest that eltrombopag does not pose a genotoxic risk to humans.
Eltrombopag did not affect female fertility, early embryonic development or embryofoetal development in rats at doses up to 20 mg/kg/day (2 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). Also there was no effect on embryofoetal development in rabbits at doses up to 150 mg/kg/day, the highest dose tested (0.5 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). However, at a maternally toxic dose of 60 mg/kg/day (6 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC) in rats, eltrombopag treatment was associated with embryo lethality (increased pre- and post-implantation loss), reduced foetal body weight and gravid uterine weight in the female fertility study and a low incidence of cervical ribs and reduced foetal body weight in the embryofoetal development study. Eltrombopag did not affect male fertility in rats at doses up to 40 mg/kg/day, the highest dose tested (3 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). In the pre- and post-natal development study in rats, there were no undesirable effects on pregnancy, parturition or lactation of F0 female rats at maternally non-toxic doses (10 and 20 mg/kg/day) and no effects on the growth, development, neurobehavioral or reproductive function of the offspring (F1). Eltrombopag was detected in the plasma of all F1 rat pups for the entire 22 hour sampling period following administration of medicinal product to the F dams, suggesting that rat pup exposure to eltrombopag was likely via lactation.
In vitro studies with eltrombopag suggest a potential phototoxicity risk; however, in rodents there was no evidence of cutaneous phototoxicity (10 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC) or ocular phototoxicity ( 5 times the human clinical exposure based on AUC). Furthermore, a clinical pharmacology study in 36 subjects showed no evidence that photosensitivity was increased following administration of eltrombopag 75 mg. This was measured by delayed phototoxic index. Nevertheless, a potential risk of photoallergy cannot be ruled out since no specific preclinical study could be performed.
6.1 List of excipients
Tablet core
Magnesium stearate
Mannitol (E421)
Microcrystalline cellulose
Povidone (K30)
Sodium starch glycolate Type A
Revolade 25mg film-coated tablets:
Tablet coating
Macrogol 400
Polysorbate 80
Titanium dioxide (E171)
Revolade 50mg film-coated tablets:
Tablet coating
Iron oxide red (E172)
Iron oxide yellow (E172)
Macrogol 400
Titanium dioxide (E171)
6.2 Incompatibilities
Not applicable.
6.3 Shelf life
4 years.
6.4 Special precautions for storage
This medicinal product does not require any special storage conditions.
6.5 Nature and contents of container
Aluminum blisters (PA/Alu/PVC/Alu) in a carton containing 14 or 28 film-coated tablets and multipacks containg 84 (3 packs of 28) film-coated tablets.
Not all pack sizes may be marketed.
6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handling
Any unused product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements.
GlaxoSmithKline Trading Services Limited
6900 Cork Airport Business Park
Kinsale Road
Date of first authorisation: 11 March 2010
02 May 2011
Detailed information on this medicinal product is available on the website of the European Medicines Agency http://www.ema.europa.eu/.

产地国家: 英国
Eltrombopag Olamine
Revolade 25毫克/片 14片/盒

产地国家: 英国
Eltrombopag Olamine
Revolade 50毫克/片 14片/盒

产地国家: 澳大利亚
Revolade 25MG 28 TABLETS.
Eltrombopag Olamine
Revolade 25毫克/片 28片/盒
产地国家: 澳大利亚
Revolade 5MG 28 TABLETS.
Eltrombopag Olamine
Revolade 50毫克/片 28片/盒


REVOLADE Tablets(Eltrombopag Olamine)艾曲波帕片
REVOLADE Tablets(Eltrombopag Olamine)
艾曲波帕片PROMACTA(eltrombopag olamine Tablet)



· NUWIQ(抗血友病因子/人...
· ADVATE(注射用重组人凝...
· 罗米司亭Nplate(romiplo...
· FEROTRIN capsul(多种维...
· Epoetin Kappa(依泊汀生...
· Medway INJECTION 25%(...
· Exjade(Deferasirox dis...
· ELOCTATE Intravenous(E...
· Rienso(ferumoxytol sol...



· NUWIQ(抗血友病因子/人...
· ADVATE(注射用重组人凝...
· 罗米司亭Nplate(romiplo...
· FEROTRIN capsul(多种维...
· Epoetin Kappa(依泊汀生...
· Medway INJECTION 25%(...
· Exjade(Deferasirox dis...
· ELOCTATE Intravenous(E...
· Rienso(ferumoxytol sol...



· ADVATE(注射用重组人凝...
· NUWIQ(抗血友病因子/人...