英文药名:NOURIAST(Istradefylline Tablets)
治疗类别名称 腺苷A 2A受体拮抗剂 欧文商標名 NOURIAST Tablets 一般名 イストラデフィリン Istradefylline 化学名 (E)-8-(3, 4-Dimethoxystyryl)-1, 3-diethyl-7-methyl-3, 7-dihydro-1H -purine-2, 6-dione 分子式 C20H24N4O4=384.43 化学構造式
 性状 浅结晶粉末绿色。 熔点 192.9℃ 分配系数 logP'OCT=3.5 (测量方法:摇瓶法 正辛醇/pH7.0缓冲) 操作注意事项 由于这种药物进行,以确保在光稳定性拍摄涂层,所以不能用然后粉碎。 药效药理 试剂是腺苷A 2A受体拮抗剂,通过在纹状体和苍白球阻断该受体表达对帕金森病的治疗效果。 (1) 药理作用 1) 该药物是提高僵住症反应,这是利血平处理的小鼠的运动障碍。如果这种药物在与左旋多巴联合使用,木僵改进措施提高。 2) 这种药物是帕金森氏病模型1-甲基-4-苯基1,2,3,6-四氢吡啶(MPTP),以增加治疗狨的自发动量,改善运动功能障碍。如果这种药物在与左旋多巴联合使用,左旋多巴的作用增强,左旋多巴作用持续时间被延长。 3) 这种药物不会通过MPTP处理狨的左旋多巴影响不自主运动的强度。 (2) 作用机序 1) 本剤重组腺苷A 2A受体,表现出高的亲和性,亲和力人重组腺苷A1,A3受体是低(体外)。 2) 该药物是抑制cAMP的积累增加作用由于在PC-12细胞的腺苷A 2A激动剂CGS21680(体外)。 3) 在黑质纹状体单侧破坏大鼠帕金森氏病模型大鼠,增加了该苍白球γ-氨基丁酸(GABA),以减少细胞外浓度。 适应病症 用于治疗早期PD症状,也可治疗PD患者的精神症状 剂量和用法 成人,每天一次,每次20毫克。另外,可以口服,每天一次40毫克的症状。 包装规格 片剂 20毫克:[PTP]30片(10片×3),100片(10片×10)
 制造厂商 协和发酵麒麟有限公司
 原说明书附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/1169016F1020_1_04/ Launch of NOURIAST tablets 20mg, in Japan, a novel antiparkinsonian agent Tokyo, Japan, May 29, 2013---Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd. (President and CEO: Nobuo Hanai; "Kyowa Hakko Kirin"), announced today that it has launched NOURIAST® tablets 20 mg (nonproprietary name: istradefylline; referred to below as "NOURIAST®") that is a novel antiparkinsonian agent in Japan on May 30. NOURIAST®, which is the world's first antiparkinsonian agent of a first-in-class adenosine A2A receptor1 antagonist, was listed on the National Health Insurance Drug Price List on May 24, 2013 after the manufacturing and marketing approval in Japan on March 25, 2013. In clinical trials in Japan, NOURIAST® improved wearing-off phenomena and was well tolerated in Parkinson's disease2 patients. Kyowa Hakko Kirin has four strategic categories3 including the central nervous system (CNS) area, and will contribute to the treatment of patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and other CNS diseases. 1: Adenosine A2A receptor: Adenosine A2A receptors are a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR), and also one of the receptors of adenosine, a substance widely distributed in the human body. In the brain, adenosine A2A receptors are considered to be present specifically in the basal ganglia, of which degeneration or abnormality is noted in Parkinson's disease. The basal ganglia are known to play an important role in motor control. 2: Parkinson's disease: A progressive, neurodegenerative disease characterized by motor symptoms such as tremors, rigidity, slow movement, and postural reflex disorders. It is thought to be caused by progressive degeneration associated with decreased levels of dopamine in certain parts of the brain, i.e., the substantia nigra and striatum. The number of patients in Japan is estimated to be 150,000 to 200,000. 3: Four categories: These are the following four disease areas: Nephrology, Oncology, Immunology, and Central Nervous System, as presented in Kyowa Hakko Kirin's FY 2013-2015 medium-term business plan. Product summary for NOURIAST® - Brand name: NOURIAST®tablets 20 mg - Nonproprietary name: Istradefylline - Indications: Improvement of wearing-off phenomena in patients with Parkinson's disease on concomitant treatment with levodopa-containing products - Dosage and administration: To be administered concomitantly with levodopa-containing products. The usual adult dosage of istradefylline is 20 mg orally administered once daily. According to symptoms, 40 mg of istradefylline can be orally administered once daily. - Approval date: March 25, 2013 - Package: 30 tablets, 100 tablets 产品特点: 伊曲茶碱(istradefylline,KW6002)是由日本协和发酵株式会社研发,于2013年3月在日本上市,2013年已向FDA提交申请。伊曲茶碱(Istradefylline)是一种新的A2A受体拮抗剂,能明显缩短关期,延长开期,且耐受性和安全性良好。临床试验结果显示可显著降低左旋多巴治疗的剂末现象。它可单纯用于治疗早期PD症状,也可治疗PD患者的精神症状,如焦虑、抑郁等,还能逆转抗精神病药物引起的木僵。 伊曲茶碱(istradefylline,KW6002)是选择性的腺苷A2受体拮抗剂,能通过改变神经元的活动而改善PD患者的运动机能,临床用于治疗PD和改善PD初期的运动障碍。在凌长类动物帕金森病模型中,本品可改善其运动不能症状。给由MPTP诱导的帕金森病狨猴口服本品,可剂量依赖性的逆转其运动无能,其综合运动能力旅游改善,且无异常运动。 在相同的帕金森病模型中,本品对左旋多巴或选择性D1和D2受体激动剂联用,可增强这些拟多巴胺药物的抗帕金森病作用,尤其是与左旋多巴和喹吡罗联用,在猕猴帕金森病模型中,本品与左旋多巴和芐丝肼联用,可增强左旋多巴改善运动的药效,且并不加剧运动障碍症状。以上运用帕金森病动物模型的研究结果表明,本品的使用可以减少左旋多巴的用量,从而可以防止或延迟运动障碍的发生,另外,单用本品可对该疾病进行早期治疗。