Cequa(Cyclosporine Ophthalmic Solution 0.09%)
2018-09-17 03:17:01 作者: 新特药房 来源: 互联网 浏览次数: 10 文字大小:【 大】【 中】【 小】
近日,由太阳制药开发的眼科药物Cequa(cyclosporine 环孢霉素眼用溶液,0.09%)获美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准上市,用于干眼症患者的治疗。Cequa是环孢霉素A浓度为0.09%的新型专利纳米胶束配方, ...
近日,由太阳制药开发的眼科药物Cequa(cyclosporine 环孢霉素眼用溶液,0.09%)获美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)批准上市,用于干眼症患者的治疗。Cequa是环孢霉素A浓度为0.09%的新型专利纳米胶束配方,是一种不含防腐剂的清透水溶液,每日2次滴于眼部可增加泪液产生。 批准日期:2018年8月17日 公司:SunPharmaceutical Industries,Inc CEQUA(环孢菌素 cyclosporine)眼用溶液0.09%,用于外用/眼科使用 最初的美国批准:1983年 作用机制 当全身给药时,环孢菌素是钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂免疫抑制剂。在由于与干燥性角膜结膜炎相关的眼部炎症推测其泪液产生受到抑制的患者中,局部施用环孢菌素被认为充当部分免疫调节剂。确切的作用机制尚不清楚。 适应症和用法 CEQUA眼用溶液是钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂免疫抑制剂,用于增加干燥性角膜结膜炎患者的泪液产生(干眼)。 剂量和给药 每天两次(相隔约12小时)将一滴CEQUA滴入每只眼睛。双眼使用后立即丢弃小瓶。 剂量形式和强度 含有环孢菌素0.9mg/mL的眼用溶液。 禁忌症 没有。 警告和注意事项 为避免眼睛受伤和污染的可能性,建议患者不要将小瓶尖端贴在眼睛或其他表面上。 不良反应 使用CEQUA(环孢菌素眼用溶液)0.09%后最常见的不良反应是滴注部位疼痛(22%)和结膜充血(6%)。 如何提供/存储和处理 CEQUA眼用溶液包装在无菌,无防腐剂的一次性小瓶中。 每个小瓶含0.25mL,填充0.9mL LDPE小瓶; 10个塑料瓶(5个样品瓶中的2个卡)包装在聚铝箔铝袋中; 6个小袋包装在一个盒子里。 每盒60个小瓶的全部内容必须完整分配。 60个一次性小瓶各0.25mL-NDC 47335-506-96 储存:储存在20°C至25°C(68°F至77°F)。 将一次性样品瓶存放在原始铝箔袋中。 完整说明书资料附件:https://cequapro.com/pdf/CequaPI.pdf
 FDA Approves Cequa for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease Sun Pharma announced that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Cequa (cyclosporine ophthalmic solution) 0.09% for use in patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca or dry eye disease. Cequa, a calcineurin inhibitor immunosuppressant, is the first cyclosporine A product to utilize nanomicellar technology. The unique formulation allows the drug molecule to overcome solubility difficulties, penetrate the eye's aqueous layer, and prevent the release of active lipophilic molecule prior to penetration. Topical administration of cyclosporine is thought to act as a partial immunomodulator. Cequa was evaluated in 2 multicenter, randomized studies involving 1,048 patients with dry eye disease. Compared to vehicle at day 84, use of Cequa for 12 weeks led to a statistically significant improvement (≥10mm increase in tear production from baseline) in the Schirmer score (primary endpoint; P <.01). In both studies, the effect was seen in approximately 17% vs 9% of patients in the Cequa and vehicle groups, respectively. For secondary endpoints such as ocular staining assessments, improvements were seen as early as 1 month after starting treatment. Cequa will be available as 0.9mg/mL strength preservative-free solution in 0.25mL single-use vials. Each box contains 6 pouches containing 10 vials each. The entire contents of each box should be dispensed intact.