


2005-03-10 10:31:52  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:2186  文字大小:【】【】【


拜唐苹(原名 :拜糖平) 片剂 Glucobay
这个药通常也叫: Prandase and Glucobay in Canada.
成分: 阿卡波糖 acarbose(妊娠分级: B)
药物分类: 口服抗糖尿病药
性状: 本品为类白色或淡黄色片。

本品是一种生物合成的假性四糖。动物试验结果表明:本品对小肠壁细胞刷状缘的α-葡萄糖苷酶的活性具有抑制作用,从而导致了肠道内多糖、寡糖或双糖的降解 ,使来自碳水合物的葡萄糖的降解和吸收入血速度变缓,降低了餐后血糖的升高,使平均血糖值下降。


一般推荐剂量为:起始剂量为每次50 mg,每日3次,以后逐渐增加至每次100 mg,每日3次。个别情况下,可增加至每次200 mg,每日3次。

如果不遵守规定的饮食控制,则胃肠道副作用可能加重。如果控制饮食后仍有严 重不适的症状,应酌情暂时或长期减小剂量。

对阿卡波糖和/或非活性成分过敏者 ;有明显消化和吸收障碍的慢性胃肠功能紊乱患者 ;患有由于肠胀气而可能恶化的疾患(如Roemheld综合症、严重的疝、肠梗阻和肠溃疡)的病人 ;以及严重肾功能损害(肌酐清除率≤ (smaller than or equal to) 25 mL/分)的患者禁用。

应根据病情需要调整剂量。如果病人在服药4-8周后疗效不明显,可以增加剂量。如果病人坚持严格的糖尿病饮食仍有不适时,就不能再增加剂量,有时还需适当减少剂量,平均剂量为每次100 mg,每日3次。


鉴于尚无本品对儿童和青春期少年的疗效和耐受性的足够资料,本品不应使用于 18岁以下的患者。

规格:25mg, 50mg, 100mg

英文药名: Precose (acarbose tablets)

中文药名: 阿卡波糖片,阿卡糖,阿克波什糖,拜唐平,拜糖平,宝易唐,希糖停


生产厂家: Bayer


Precose Information


Precose is a popular medicine that is able to effectively delay the organism’s digestion of carbohydrates, thus decreasing the amount of sugar that is allowed to pass into the patient’s blood (this prevents you from suffering from an episode of hyperglycemia).

Precose Indications

Precose (more commonly known as Acarbose) is a well known product that is generally given to patients who are suffering from type 2 diabetes. However, a treatment with this drug could also serve some other purposes that have not been listed here. Ask your physician for further information.

Precose Warnings

Before you are allowed to start taking Precose you should inform your personal health care specialist if you are suffering from any of these medical disorders:

  • inflammatory bowel disorder like Crohn's Disease or Ulcerative Colitis;
  • ulcers of the colon;
  • liver disease;
  • a blockage in the intestines;
  • kidney disorder.

Precose Intake Guidelines

You ought to ask your personal physician to tell you exactly how you should use all of your doses of Precose. It is not recommended to deviate from any of his or her instructions. If you somehow fail to understand at least one of them, we advise you to immediately refer to a nurse or to a pharmacist and ask them for further and more detailed explanations. If you want to know more about this medical product or about your treatment with it, you should consult the product’s label. 

Each dose of Precose should be accompanied by a full glass of liquid (juice and / or water). You should use all your doses of Precose with food in order to make sure that you get the best results from your treatment with it. Do not stop your treatment with this medicine without your physician’s approval, even if you feel that your condition has not improved at all. During your intake of this medicine your personal physician might ask you to undergo regular blood tests in order to check to see if there is any progress.

You should alert your personal health care specialist if you develop infection, fever, if you require immediate surgery or if you have suffered severe injury. Such medical conditions are known to trigger loss of insulin and of blood sugar control (you might have to change your regular dose of this medicine). Keep Precose away from heat and moisture.

Precose Dosage

Your personal health care provider (who is familiar with your personal and family medical history) is the only one able to calculate the proper dose of Precose that should be administered to a patient. The correct dose of this medical product is known to vary from one patient to another, as it depends on a variety of factors such as age, body weight, severity of the medical condition, etc.

Precose Overdose

If you suspect that you might be suffering from an overdose with Precose, you should seek medical care as soon as possible. Contact your local poison control centre, your doctor and go to the nearest emergency room. The average overdose symptoms that are triggered by an overdose with Precose usually include gas, stomach pain, bloating, and sometimes even diarrhea.

Precose Missed Dose

In order to benefit from your treatment’s maximum effectiveness, you should use Precose with the very first bite of one of your main meals. If you take your dose of this medicine 15 minutes late, there should not be any problem. However, if you have missed taking your dose of this drug for more than 15 minutes, its effectiveness will probably be diminished. Do not use double doses of Precose without your physician’s approval.

Precose Side Effects

You should immediately end your treatment with Precose and alert your personal physician at once (seek professional medical care at once) if you somehow develop any of these symptoms of an allergic reaction (closing of the throat; difficulty breathing; swelling of the tongue, lips, or face; sometimes even hives). A treatment with Precose is not known to trigger any other severe or dangerous side effect. If you develop anything unusual, bothersome or unpleasant while you are following a treatment with this medicine, you should alert your personal physician at once, as intake of this drug could trigger some other side effects that have not been listed here.

If you are following a long term treatment with this medicine (Precose) you should be familiar with the symptoms and signs of hypoglycemia, which are known to generally include headache; shaking; pale, cool skin; sweating; fast heartbeats; dizziness; drowsiness; hunger; weakness; nausea; confusion; anxiety; nervousness; problems concentrating. You should carry a glucose tablet or a piece of non-dietetic, candy in order to immediately treat a hypoglycemic episode.

Some patients who have used Precose have also experienced bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort and sometimes even abdominal pain. However, these unpleasant side effects are known to generally disappear in time.

Precose Drug Reactions

A treatment with Precose will probably be less effective if the patient is also taking digestive-enzyme supplements -for example pancreatin (protease, amylase, lipase)- which can be found in medical products such as Cotazym, Arco-Lase, Donnazyme, Creon, Pancrease, Ku-Zyme, and so on.

Before you start to follow a treatment with Precose you must alert your personal health care specialist if you are using any of these drugs:

  • a thiazide diuretic like chlorthalidone (Thalitone), indapamide (Lozol), hydrochlorothiazide (Hydrodiuril, HCTZ, others), chlorothiazide (Diuril), and so on;
  • a steroid drug such as methylprednisolone (Medrol), prednisone (Deltasone), and others;
  • an estrogen (Ogen, Premarin, others);
  • a thyroid medication (Levoxyl, Synthroid, others);
  • a phenothiazine such as prochlorperazine (Compazine), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), promethazine (Promethegan, Phenergan), and so on;
  • phenytoin (Dilantin, Phenytek); or
  • a calcium channel blocker such as diltiazem (Dilacor XR, Cardizem), verapamil (Verelan, Calan, Isoptin), nifedipine (Adalat , Procardia ), and so on.

Buy Precose

Buy Precose. It is available through our Online Pharmacy Escrow Service or at any Canada Pharmacy selling Online Prescriptions. In some countries PRECOSE may also be known as: Acarbose, Glicobase, Glucobay, Prandase, Glumide, Acarbay, Asucrose, Sincrosa, Glumida, Glynose, Glucar

编号 药品名称 通用名 产地 规格 单位 参考价
20280 拜唐苹(Precose) 阿卡波糖 拜耳中国有限公司 50mgx30片 86


卡格列净片|INVOKANA(canagliflozin film-coated tablets)
西他列汀片|Januvia(sitagliptin filmcoated Tablets)



· 拜唐苹(Precose)
· 卡博平(阿卡波糖片)
· 倍欣(伏格列波糖片)



· 拜唐苹(Precose)
· 卡博平(阿卡波糖片)
· 倍欣(伏格列波糖片)

