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2005-03-17 13:03:25  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:245  文字大小:【】【】【

Recormon is a well known clinical remedy based on epoetin beta (its main ingredient, a recombinant human form of erythropoietin). It is known to stimulate an organism's red blood cell production. Patients can buy Recormon online but should be sure to get the correct information before using it.
Recormon Indications
Anemia is a widespread clinical illness in which the patient presents with abnormally low levels of red blood cells. Patients who have been diagnosed with this medical condition have benefited from taking Recormon, especially if they also suffered from a certain type of kidney condition.
Recormon Warnings
Some medical disorders are known to prevent individuals from using Recormon on a regular basis, especially in the case of patients who are suffering from high blood pressure (hypertension) that does not respond to therapy or from a severe form of phenylketonuria. The safety of this clinical remedy (Recormon) for nursing mothers or pregnant females has not been determined. It is imperative for all females to use an effective, non-hormonal birth control method during their therapy course with this medication.
Patients who present with liver disorders, blood clotting conditions, abnormally high blood levels of aluminium, a lack of vitamin B12 and/or folic acid and other similar medical conditions should be prescribed lower doses of Recormon. The same advice is valid in the case of young children and elderly individuals who are prescribed treatment with this medicine.
Recormon Intake Guidelines
Before you start using Recormon, you should study the drug's medical leaflet carefully. You may find several interesting tips and tricks that will enhance the effectiveness of your future therapy course with this product. In case you are eager to find out more about the best way to use this anemia medication, you should seek a physician's professional advice regarding the matter. Be sure to listen carefully to what your doctor has to say regarding your current / future therapy trial with Recormon.
Recormon Dosage
The only person who is entitled to prescribe a personalized dosing schedule with Recormon is your personal medical practitioner, as he or she is familiar with your personal clinical history and that of your family. Before your doctor decides upon the proper dosage, he or she may want to do several tests to accurately evaluate your current clinical status.
Recormon Overdose
In case you suspect that you have accidentally taken an overdose of Recormon you should seek medical attention immediately.
Recormon Missed Dose
It is each individual's responsibility to use their prescribed doses of Recormon at the correct times. Neglecting your therapy schedule will affect the concentration of the medicine in your blood and could interfere with the results of your therapy.
Recormon Side Effects
Although the therapy with this clinical product is known to lead to the development of several unwanted clinical manifestations, most of the side effects that may be experienced when taking Recormon are reversible and tend to wear off as soon as the patient discontinues use of the medication. The most common side effects include:
Throat infection
Chest infection
Worsening of the patient's hypertension
Lack of energy
Although these clinical symptoms do not require any special medical attention, the prolonged use of Recormon can also lead to the development of other, severe reactions that should be reported to the patient's medical care provider immediately.
The most dangerous side effects include:
Flu-like clinical signs (fever, pain in arms and / or legs, chills)
Allergic reaction to this drug's main components
Easy bruising and / or bleeding
Severe chest pain
If you develop any of these severe clinical manifestations you should cease your normal therapy schedule and report to the nearest medical center.
Recormon Drug Reactions
Although in some cases a physician might recommend a complex therapy course involving the use of Recormon alongside other clinical remedies in order to enhance the effectiveness of the patient's treatment, unauthorized combinations can lead to harmful interactions. Your physician or your local pharmacist should be able to give you further, detailed information regarding this matter. You should ask your physician/pharmacist to give you a list of the most common medications that are known to harmfully interact with Recormon.
In some countries RECORMON may also be known as: Epogen, Eritrogen, Hemax, Hypercrit, Pronivel, Recormon, Culat, Erypo, NeoRecormon, Eritina, Hemax-Eritron, Tinax, Epokine, Wepox, Bioyetin, Erlan, Yepotin, Eposino, Dynepo。

商品名:罗可曼 (原名 :生血素) 冻干粉剂 Recormon
治疗 皮下注射 :开始剂量为每周3 x 20 iu/kg体重。如发现血细胞比容增加不理想(每周增加少于0.5 vol%),可于每4周增加3 x 20 iu/kg体重,同时也可将每周剂量分成每日剂量。静脉注射 :开始剂量为每周3 x 40 iu/kg体重。如发现血细胞比容增加不理想(每周增加少于0.5 vol%)可于4周后剂量增加至3 x 80 iu/kg体重,其后每月可再增多3 x 20 iu/kg体重。以上两种治疗途径,最高剂量不可超过每周720 iu (3 x 240) iu/kg体重。
维持 维持血细胞比容在30-35 vol%之间,首先把治疗剂量减半,然后每周或每2周调整剂量,并维持血细胞比容在35 vol%以下。
疗程 一般用于长期治疗,但如有需要,可随时终止疗程。 
本药以小瓶冻干粉包装,用附带于安中的溶剂溶解,冻干粉亦可溶解于含100 mL盐水的输液袋中。配制好的溶液应立即使用(2小时之内)。溶液必须清澈或呈轻度的乳白色,无混悬物方可注射。


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