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2010-01-22 01:46:33  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网  浏览次数:249  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Biogen制药公司已在欧洲地区申请缓释型Fampridine(Fampridine-PR)用于治疗多发性硬化症患者,以提高其行走能力,类似的申请也已在加拿大递交。 此次申请是以药物的两项III期临床实验为基础,实验结 ...



Fampridine-SR – Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

Key Data
Drug (Brand/Generic)Fampridine-SR (4-aminopyridine)Company/LicenseeAcorda TherapeuticsTherapy ClassPotassium channel blockerProduct DescriptionSelective neuronal potassium (K+) channel blockerCurrent IndicationTreatment of MSMarket SectorCNSDevelopment StatusPhase III trials involving MS patients completed; NDA under review by the US FDAFull specifications

Developed by Acorda Therapeutics and manufactured by Elan Corporation, fampridine-SR is a selective neuronal potassium (K+) channel blocker under investigation for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) and spinal cord injury (SCI).

Fampridine-SR, a slow-release formulation of 4-aminopyridine, has a longer half-life and lower peak serum levels than immediate release formulations. It has been developed to increase duration of therapeutic effect and reduce dosing burden, as well as to reduce the incidence and severity of drug-related adverse events.

Phase III clinical trials are ongoing in MS and SCI patients. Positive results were announced from the second Phase III trials of the drug involving MS patients, on walking ability, in June 2008.

Acorda's new drug application (NDA) to the US Food and Drug Administration requesting priority review and a Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) dated 22 October 2009 was accepted on 6 May 2009. The NDA was submitted on 30 January 2009.

The company obtained a new active substance status grant for the drug from the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) in June 2009. The agency also granted the company's eligibility to submit a marketing authorisation application (MAA) for fampridine-SR.

In June 2009, Acorda collaborated with Biogen Idec, a developer and manufacturer of therapies, to develop and commercialise fampridine-SR outside the US. Fampridine-SR and other aminopyridine products developed under the agreement will be commercialised by Biogen Idec. The company is also responsible for future clinical developments of fampridine-SR in markets outside the US.

Acorda has received milestone payment of $110m from Biogen and is eligible to receive another $400m. Acorda and Elan's subsidiary Elan Pharma International entered into a supply agreement through which Elan continues to commercially manufacture fampridine-SR. Acorda will pay Elan 7% of the royalty received from Biogen Idec.

In the same month, the new sclerosis drug from Acordawasqualifiedforacentralised regulatory review in Europe.

Demyelinating diseases
MS is an inflammatory autoimmune-mediated disease of the nervous system characterised by recurrent relapses followed by periods of remission. After trauma, it is the second most common neurological disability to affect young and middle-aged adults. It affects twice as many women as men, with the relapsing forms of MS the most common.

"Data from trials showed that treatment with fampridine-SR led to an improvement in walking speed and a significant improvement in leg muscle strength."Patients with MS display a range of symptoms that arise from demyelination (loss of myelin sheath) in the central nervous system (CNS), which includes the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves.

While symptoms vary between patients, they commonly include blurred vision, slurred speech, numbness or tingling in the limbs and problems with balance and coordination, due to the loss of control over vital functions such as seeing, walking and talking.

Prominent inflammatory and autoimmune responses are also evident in patients with traumatic and compressive SCI, in whom there may also be demyelination.

Demyelination alters the structural and functional relationships of voltage-gated ion channels along the axonal membrane of the nerve cell.

Exposed channels cause potassium ions to leak, so causing the axon to 'short circuit'. By closing exposed potassium channels in these damaged nerve fibres, fampridine-SR enables the axon to transmit nerve impulses again.

Clinical trials point to efficacy in MS and SCI
Fampridine-SR advancement to Phase III development in MS was completed in 2009, following encouraging results from earlier Phase II trials. Data from these trials showed that in comparison with placebo, treatment with fampridine-SR led to an improvement in walking speed and a significant improvement in leg muscle strength. Impaired walking and muscle weakness are two of the most common and devastating aspects of MS.

The Phase III programme included the MS-F204 trial, in which fampridine-SR was administered to 240 MS patients. In this trial the safety of fampridine-SR was evaluated together with its effectiveness in improving walking ability. A consistent improvement in walking speed as measured by the timed 25ft walk was the primary outcome measure, with the lower extremity manual muscle test a secondary endpoint.

Improvements over placebo were also observed in the two trials in which fampridine-SR was administered to SCI patients, although the results failed to reach statistical significance for the two primary endpoints: reduction of spasticity as measured by the Ashworth score and improvement of patients' Subject Global Impression (SGI) rating. Despite these results, Acorda Therapeutics remains committed to the continued development of fampridine-SR for SCI.

Expanding treatment options for MS
The advent of the first generation of disease-modifying drugs, which include interferon beta-1a and 1b as well as glatiramer acetate, represented an important advance in the treatment of MS when introduced into clinical practice. Approved for the treatment of relapsing forms of MS, they reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations as well as the number of lesions seen on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

"By closing exposed potassium channels in damaged nerve fibres, fampridine-SR enables the axon to transmit nerve impulses again."However, while these agents have an immunomodulatory effect that alters the course of the disease, they do not reverse the neurological damage that occurs in MS. Currently, no marketed treatments for MS can produce remyelination and so treatment aims to:

•Reduce the rate of relapse
•Prevent fixed disability directly associated to relapse
•Provide symptomatic management of fixed neurological deficits
•Prevent disability arising from disease progression
Results from trials on fampridine-SR suggest that it may have a beneficial effect on walking and muscle weakness, symptoms of the disease that are not well met by available therapies.

Marketing commentary

MS is a chronic and disabling disease, with healthcare costs disproportionate to the numbers affected. In the US alone, costs are estimated to exceed $10bn a year. Walking impairment is a pervasive and seriously debilitating effect of MS. Treatments that have potential to address muscle weakness and improve walking ability could make a significant contribution to improved quality of life in MS and other demyelinating diseases.

美国研究显示,钾通道拮抗剂氨吡啶(fampridine SR)缓释制剂在多发性硬化(MS)患者的一个研究亚组中提示能改善患者行走能力。






药物(品牌/通用)Fampridine -简(4 -氨基)公司/ LicenseeAcorda TherapeuticsTherapy ClassPotassium渠道blockerProduct DescriptionSelective神经元钾(K +)通道blockerCurrent的MSMarket SectorCNSDevelopment StatusPhase三,涉及审判IndicationTreatment MS患者完成;审查新药由美国FDAFull规格

开发阿索尔达治疗和Elan公司fampridine,简制造的是一种选择性的神经元钾(K +)通道的下多发性硬化症(MS)和脊髓损伤(SCI)的治疗调查拦截器。

Fampridine -,一个缓慢释放的4制订简-氨基,具有更长的半衰期比和更低的峰值立即释放血清制剂。它已经开发出来,提高治疗效果的持续时间,减少用药的负担,并降低发病率和严重毒品有关的不良反应。




2009年6月,阿索尔达与Biogen Idec公司合作,开发和生产的疗法,开发和商业化fampridine,美国以外的简。 Fampridine - SR和根据该协议开发的其他产品将氨基由Biogen Idec公司商业化。该公司还负责为今后的临床发展的fampridine在市场简美国以外。

阿索尔达收到了生物遗传的一个里程碑支付的1.1亿美元,并有资格再次收到4亿美元。阿索尔达和Elan公司的子公司伊兰制药国际签订了供货协议,通过该义隆继续商业生产fampridine,简。阿索尔达将于义隆7 Biogen Idec公司收到的版税%。








Fampridine -简晋级第三阶段的发展,在MS在2009年完成后,从早期阶段第二期临床试验结果令人鼓舞。从这些试验的数据表明,与安慰剂比较,以fampridine治疗简导致了步行速度和腿部肌肉的力量在显着改善的改善。受损步行和肌肉无力的MS是最常见的和毁灭性的两个方面。

第三阶段方案,包括在MS - F204的审判,其中fampridine,简是管理240多发性硬化症患者。在这方面的fampridine安全简进行了评估其在提高效益一起行走能力的审判。阿在步行由定时二十五英尺步行速度测量的是持续改善的主要成果的措施,以下肢肌肉测试手册次要终点。


在疾病的第一代的出现改变的药物,其中包括干扰素β- 1a和1b以及醋酸格拉默,代表了在治疗多发性硬化症的重要进展,当引入到临床实践。对多发性硬化症复发的批准用于治疗,减少他们的病情加重的频率和严重程度以及对磁共振成像可见病灶数目(核磁共振)。






米托蒽醌注射剂Novantrone(Mitoxantrone Injection)
Betaseron(Interferon Beta-1B)预充式注射剂
Copaxone(格拉默预充式注射剂套装,Glatiramer Prefilled Syringes)



· Lemtrada(Alemtuzumab I...
· Betaferon(interferon b...
· 阿仑单抗注射液LEMTRADA...
· PLEGRIDY(长效聚乙二醇干...
· 富马酸二甲酯缓释胶囊TE...
· Betaseron(Interferon B...
· 氨吡啶缓释片FAMPYRA(F...
· Aubagio (teriflunomide...
· GLATIMER(醋酸格拉默/甘...



· Lemtrada(Alemtuzumab I...
· Betaferon(interferon b...
· 阿仑单抗注射液LEMTRADA...
· PLEGRIDY(长效聚乙二醇干...
· 富马酸二甲酯缓释胶囊TE...
· Betaseron(Interferon B...
· 氨吡啶缓释片FAMPYRA(F...
· Aubagio (teriflunomide...
· GLATIMER(醋酸格拉默/甘...



· Lemtrada(Alemtuzumab I...