【药品名称】 通用名:盐酸育亨宾片 英文名:Yohimb Ine Hydrochlorde Tablets 汉语拼音:Yansuanyuhengbin Pian 剂型:片剂 【成分】含盐酸育享宾。 化学名称:17a-羟基育亨烷-16a-甲酸甲酯酸盐。 化学结构式: 分子式: 分子量:390.95 【性状】白色片 【药理毒理】育亨宾是一种α2-肾上腺素能受体抑制剂,能选择性地阻断突触前α2-肾上腺素能受体,令血管平滑肌扩张,它还增加外周副交感神经的张力,降低交感神经张力,而阴茎的勃起依赖副交感神经的刺激;所以盐酸育亨宾可能通过扩张入茎动脉,增加阴茎海绵体窦血流量,使阴茎充血勃起。盐酸育亨宾还可能产生心理上兴奋作用,增加性欲。 吸收、分布、消除:盐酸育亨宾溶于水,吸收速度快,t1/20.5h(口服)和0.68h(静注)。静注给药的消除数据符合二室模型。消除速率为55.9ml/min*kg(静注)和9.77ml/min*kg(口服),静注后快速进入脑中,药物主要在肝中清除,此外还有肝外代谢途径,尿中浓度为0.5~1%,以原型排泄。 【适应症】阳痿。 【用法和用量】一次1片,一日3次,四周为一疗程,或遵医嘱。 【不良反应】头痛、头晕、恶心、皮疹等,减量或停药即愈。 【禁忌】肝肾功有异常及对本品过敏者禁用。 【注意事项】老年病人、精神病人或胃、十二指肠溃疡病人,心脏病人慎用。 【规格】5.4mg 【贮藏】置凉暗干燥处保存。 【有效期】 1.5年。
育亨宾 yohimbine(萎必治,安慰乐得,aphrodine,corynine,yocon)
【药理与适用症】: 育亨宾能选择性地阻断突触前的az受体,促进去甲肾上腺素的释放。它使海绵体神经末梢释放较多的去甲肾上腺素,减少阴茎静脉回流,利于充血勃起。少量应用时,可使会阴部肿胀,刺激脊髓勃起中枢而从使性功能亢进。可用于功能性阳痿。 【注意事项】: 不良反应有恶心、呕吐、皮肤潮红,偶有心悸、失眠、眩晕等。 【用法与用量】: 可口服,1次5—10mg,1日3次。由于其生物t1/2仅35分钟,需经2—3用的蓄积作用才能显效。重症者可皮下注射,1次1O-20mg,1日2。3次,20次为1疗程。 【包装】: 常用其片剂,每片5.4mg;注射液,每支10mg(0.5ml)。
Enhance sexual performance with Yohimbine Yohimbine awakens the libido and gives an all-round boost to male sexual performance.
Before the advent of Viagra, this pharmaceutical extract from the Yohimbe plant was a key treatment for male impotence. However, unlike Viagra, Yohimbine has other effects that can enhance the overall male sexual performance.
Yohimbine's actions include increasing blood flow to the penis and increasing the level of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine (which has been described as the brain's sex chemical) by up to 68%.
Furthermore, Yohimbine has also been shown to increase the availability of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. All these factors are involved in the frequency, strength and stamina of penile erection, as well as the general desire of awakened libido. Yohimbine has even been shown to increase the force and the amount of ejaculate, enhancing the male orgasm.
Yohimbine has been shown to be clinically effective for over 67% of men who use it.
Dosage: For impotence take one or two 5mg tablets three times daily for 3 to 6 weeks, or for sexual enhancement, one or two tablets an hour before sexual intercourse.
Caution: Avoid use if you suffer from blood pressure or heart problems.
What our customers say Yohimbine is the only substance with a specific FDA-approved indication as an aphrodisiac Better Sex Through Chemistry, Smart Publications, Petaluma, California. |