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2010-04-28 15:48:50  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:243  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: Methylphenidate Why is Methylphenidate prescribed? Daytrana is a skin patch that contains the stimulant methylphenidate. It is prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyper ...


Why is Methylphenidate prescribed?


Daytrana is a skin patch that contains the stimulant methylphenidate. It is prescribed for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children 6 years and older. It should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes other measures such as counseling and educational support.

The Daytrana patch provides a continuous release of medication. After the patch is applied, the medication flows through the skin and into the bloodstream. The patch is usually worn during the day for about 9 hours.

Most important fact about Methylphenidate

Tell the doctor if your child or a family member has any heart conditions, including structural abnormalities. Also, be sure to inform the doctor immediately if your child develops symptoms that suggest heart problems, such as chest pain or fainting.

How should you take Methylphenidate?

Apply Daytrana patches to a clean, dry area on the hip. Press and hold the patch firmly to the skin with the palm of your hand for 30 seconds. Alternate hips each day, and make sure there is no redness or areas of irritation where the patch is being applied.

Apply the patch in the morning, 2 hours before an effect is needed, and remove the patch after the child has worn it for 9 hours. If overstimulation or other side effects occur, check with your doctor. The patch may need to be removed earlier in the day.

  • If you miss a dose...
    If you forget to apply Daytrana at the correct time, apply it as soon as you remember. Remove the patch at the normally scheduled time, even if it has been less than 9 hours, to avoid side effects later in the day.
  • Storage instructions...
    Store at room temperature. Keep each patch in its original protective pouch until you are ready to apply it.


What side effects may occur?

Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, tell your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Methylphenidate.

  • Side effects of Daytrana may include:
    Decreased appetite, inflammation of the nasal passages, irritation at site of application (such as redness or itching), nasal congestion, nausea, sadness/crying, sleeplessness, twitching, vomiting, weight loss
  • Other side effects of methylphenidate may include:
    Allergic reactions, dizziness, drowsiness, fever, headache, increased blood pressure, nervousness, psychosis (abnormal thinking or hallucinations)


Why should Methylphenidate not be prescribed?

Daytrana should not be used if the child has:

  • Anxiety, tension, or agitation, since methylphenidate may make these conditions worse.
  • Allergies to methylphenidate or any other ingredients in Daytrana.
  • Glaucoma, an eye disease.
  • Motion or verbal tics, Tourette's syndrome, or a family history of Tourette's syndrome.

In addition, Daytrana should not be combined with antidepressants known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), or within 14 days of stopping an MAOI.

Special warnings about Methylphenidate

Do not apply heating pads or other external sources of heat to the patch. Also, avoid touching the sticky part of the patch.

Although rare, Daytrana could cause an allergic reaction. If you suspect the patch is causing skin irritation or a rash, contact your doctor.

Tell the doctor if your child develops blurred vision while taking Daytrana. This could be a sign of a serious problem.

Be sure to inform the doctor about your child's complete medical history, especially if the child has ever had any of the following: depression, bipolar disorder, aggressive behavior or hostility, heart problems, high blood pressure, vision problems, a history of alcohol or drug abuse, motion tics (such as repeated twitching) or verbal tics (such as repeated sounds or words), Tourette's syndrome, seizures, or abnormal brain waves as shown on an EEG. Also tell the doctor if your child has ever had hallucinations (such as hearing voices or seeing abnormal visions) or has been diagnosed with psychosis.

It's also important to tell the doctor if any of the child's family members has a heart condition, motion or verbal tics, or Tourette's syndrome.

Possible food and drug interactions when taking Methylphenidate

Before using Daytrana, tell the doctor about all prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal medications your child is taking. If Daytrana is taken with certain other drugs, the effects of either could be increased, decreased, or altered. It is especially important to check with your doctor before combining Daytrana with the following:

Blood pressure medications
Blood-thinning drugs such as warfarin
Over-the-counter medications for colds, allergies, or a stuffy nose
Seizure medications

In addition, Daytrana should not be combined with antidepressants known as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), or within 14 days of stopping an MAOI.

Special information if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

If your child is sexually active, pregnant, or breastfeeding, talk to your doctor about the effects of Daytrana. It is possible for methylphenidate to pass into breast milk.

Recommended dosage for Methylphenidate


The Daytrana patch should be applied to the skin once a day, generally for a 9-hour period. If side effects occur, the doctor may have your child wear the patch for a shorter period of time.


Any medication taken in excess can have serious consequences. Call your doctor immediately if your child uses more than the prescribed amount of Daytrana, or if you suspect your child may have symptoms of an overdose.

  • Symptoms of Daytrana overdose may include:
    Agitation, confusion, convulsions, dry eyes, dry mouth, fever, flushing, hallucinations, headache, heart problems, muscle twitching, tremors




贴剂贴在髋部(两侧交替使用),每天1贴,2小时后起效,每天使用时间不要超过9小时。开始剂量为10 mg( 12.5 cm2),如果需要可每周增加一次剂量,从15 mg(18.75 cm2)到20 mg(25 cm2),最大剂量为30 mg(37.5 cm2)。


美国的研究人员近期指出,与10mg哌甲酯每日三次的口服制剂相比,每日使用1次的20 cm2皮肤贴能提供更稳定的药物浓度。



小儿多动症(attention-deficit/hyperactivitydisorder,ADHD) 通常是是一种具有注意力不集中、易冲动和精力过剩等病状行为特点的综合病症,治疗药物包括苯丙胺、利他林等中枢兴奋剂。



Class: X
Manufacture: SHIRE LLC
Strength: 20MG/9HR
Size: 10


Aptensio XR(盐酸哌甲酯缓释胶囊)
Concerta Tablets(Methylphenidate Hydrochloride)



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· 多动宁胶囊
· 盐酸可乐定缓释片(Kapv...
· 多动宁胶囊
· 地牡宁神口服液
· 小儿智力糖浆
· 二甲磺酸赖右苯丙胺胶囊...
· 吡拉西坦胶囊
· 哌甲酯(methylphenidate...
· 盐酸胍法辛缓释缓释片|I...
· 择思达(盐酸托莫西汀胶囊)

