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2010-08-09 12:54:11  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:305  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 摘要:特应性皮炎:19例,其中17例在治疗5-7天内症状缓解(瘙痒消失,炎症减轻,红斑消退,无出现新皮疹),第2周皮疹消退,第3周不再出现渗出症状;2例用于脸部出现烧灼和充血现象,停用;结果:治疗1月 ...
Experience on usage of Skin-cap in children’s dermatology practiceKulaguin V.I. Voinitch Z.V.,Arutyunova Ye.S.,Volostnykh Z.T.,Nikiforova G.D.Shekrota A.G.
Department of dermatovenereal diseases in the faculty of therapy,RGMU,City Children’s Infectionous Hospital No.8,city of Moscow (莫斯科第八儿童医院)
An important problem of children’s dermatology is the decreasing and essencial limitation of usage of drustic(virulent) pharmaceuticals(corticosteroid,retinoids,immunosuppressors),making side effect especially for a long-term or repeated treatment of children with chronic dermatosis(atopic dermatitis,psoriasis etc.)
In our clinical practice such opportunity was due to usage of new preparations in the treatment of the aboved mention diseases for external application(aerosol,cream).Skin-cap(Cheminova interncional,Spain).An active agent of this preparations is Zinc Pyrithionate,
making a number of positive effects on pathologic processes in skin:high antimicrobial andantifungical effect,selective cytostatic effect on skin cells,which are in tha status of hyperpr-ofieration (at the same time there is no effect on the normal functioning cells),regulation of potency of a number of cell enzymes,determining antiflammatory effect of preparations.
In the stationary department of hospital we have observed during 1 month 27
Children at the age from 3 to 15 y.o. with the following diseases:
Atopic dermatitis(recurrent,diffuse form in the progressive stage) ---19 persons;
Psoriasis(recurrent,widespread form in the progressive stage) ---5 persons;
Eczema(in the recurrent stage) ---3 persons.
For external therapy “Skin-cap”aerosol was prescribed to all children in the initial Period of treatment,after 3 weeks they started to Skin-cap cream for the cases of psoriasisapplying on resolving rashes and for resolution of psoriatic patches(under the occlusive
dressing for 2 hours);for the cases of atopic dermatitis they started cream applying it on the part with dryness of skin and for resolution of lichenizations(under the occlusive bandage for 2 hours);for the cases of eczema: only in one case aerosol was used,in 2 other cases only cream used.All patients didn’t received any other preparations of theexternal therapy besides “Skin-cap” preparations.
17 patients with atopic dermatitis felt relief on the 5-7 day of treatment like disappearance of itching,decreasing of inflammation,decreasing of erythema,the new rashes didn’t appear. On the 2nd week of treatment the regress of rash was observed,and on the3rd week resolution of infiltrations was observed.2 children disposed to erythrodermia,had hypersensitivity to the preparations,application of aerosol or cream on the facial skin caused burning and hyperemia.However application of these preparation on the skin of a body and extremities didn’t cause such reactions.To the end of 1st month of treatment the status of patients was estimated as follows:14 persons-clinical recovery,3 patients-significantimprovement.
4 children with psoriasis after treatment of Skin-cap preparations had complete regress of eruptions on the 3rd week,and to the end of the 1st month of treatment their status was estimated as clinical recovery.1 child with exudative psoriasis and disposition toerythmodermia had insignificant effect both in using of aerosol and combination of aerosol+cream.
After the treatment of eczema in all 3 cases to the end of 1st week the regress of the disease was observed,and to the end of the 2nd week-there was completely clinical recovery.
Thus,it is clear that the usage of Skin-cap preparations for external therapy of atopicdermatitis,psoriasis and eczema was highly effective and allowed to exclude other external pharmaceuticals from the treatment of children,including corticosteroid ointments and not to use virulent preparations for general therapy.


适今可(吡硫翁锌气雾剂/Skin-Cap Spray)的使用方法
适今可 Skin-Cap治疗银屑病起效迅速,疗效确切
适今可 Skin-Cap治疗银屑病起效迅速,疗效确切



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· 注射用XOLAIR(奥马珠单抗...
· 皮肤病的抗细菌类药物及疗法
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