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奈多罗米钠气雾剂Tilade (nedocromil sodium Aerosol)

2011-01-03 17:18:19  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:818  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 奈多罗米(nedocromil)能抑制支气管黏膜炎症细胞释放多种炎症介质,作用比色苷酸钠强。吸入给药能降低哮喘患者的气道反应,改善症状和肺功能。可预防性治疗哮喘,喘息性支气管炎。偶有头痛。儿童妊娠期 ...


英文药名: Tilade (nedocromil sodium Aerosol)
中文药名: 奈多罗米钠气雾剂
生产厂家: Aventis


剂型和用法:Nedocromil sodium临床最常用的是定量吸入器(metered dose inhaler,MDI)或雾化器(nebulizer)。MDI以Nedocromil Sodium

奈多罗米纳,英文名Nedocromil sodium(简称N S,商品名Tilade)是由英国Fison制药公司继SCG在80年代后期开发成功的抗过敏性炎症新药,Nedocromil sodium八十年代在欧洲和美国有专利申请,新药气雾吸入剂于90年代初在欧洲上市,90年代中期在美国上市。目前国际上仅英国Fison药业公司独家生产。
Nedocromil sodium是目前国际上最注目抗过敏性炎症的药物。1992年由美国卫生与人类保健部(DHHS)主持指定的哮喘诊断和治疗国际统一标准和近几年欧美诸国制定的哮喘防治标准中,均把Nedocromil sodium作为"一线药物"推荐给临床医生,该药物主要用于哮喘缓期内替代激素或减少激素和气管扩张药的用量。
Nedocromil Sodium的药理作用主要有以下几方面:肥大细胞膜稳定作用;炎症细胞抑制作用;对抗原和其他刺激物诱导支气管收缩反应的抑制作用;对气道感觉神经和抑制作用。

根据我国哮喘权威人士在《中华结核呼吸病杂志》报道,我国哮喘的发病率为2-4%,低于发达国家的发病率,约为2500-5000千万。如果有1-2%的病人应用国产的Nedocromil sodium定量气雾吸入剂,人数可达到25-50万,如果每人每年应用20支(必须长期应用),可达500-1000万支,产值可达到人民币1.5-3.0亿。
相关产品介绍:在研制和开发Nedocromil Sodium的基础上,通过对Nedocrmil原料药的剂型改变,还可以得到Nedocromil的两个相关的附助产品――Nedocromil 滴眼剂、Nedocromil滴鼻剂。滴眼剂已在美国等国家上市,主要用于治疗过敏性结膜炎等,疗效非常显著。


Tilade is belongs to the family of drugs known as an anti-inflammatory, nonsteroidal (inhalation) medication commonly used for the treatment of mild to moderate airway diseases. Tilade/Nedocromil sodium works by reducing inflammation in the lungs. Generic name of Tilade is Nedocromil sodium. Tilade is being manufactured by Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals and is available in 2mg Aerosol with adapter.

What are the most common problems for which Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is used?

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is generally used for the treatment of mild to moderate airway diseases.

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is used to prevent and treat the symptoms in people with mild to moderate asthma. Asthma is a chronic disease in which sufferers have repeated attacks of difficulty in breathing and coughing. To understand what happens in asthmatic attacks it is helpful to visualize the basic structure of the airway tubes of the lung (bronchi).

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is often used for the treatment of wheezing or breathing difficulties (bronchospasm) brought on by allergens, irritants, or exercise in patients who have mild to moderate asthma.

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is also used for the treatment and complete relief for symptoms of bronchitis.

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is also used to prevent asthma attacks and other conditions involving inflammation of the lung tissues.

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium may also be used for relieve other conditions that determined by your doctor’s or consultant.

How does Tilade/Nedocromil sodium work?

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is belongs to the family of drugs known as an anti-inflammatory, nonsteroidal (inhalation) medication commonly used for the treatment of mild to moderate airway diseases. Tilade/Nedocromil sodium works by reducing inflammation in the lungs. Tilade/Nedocromil sodium works by acting on certain inflammatory cells in the lungs to prevent them from releasing substances that cause asthma symptoms and bronchospasm. Tilade/Nedocromil sodium prevents tissues becoming inflamed when an allergic reactions occurs. It is not fully understood that how the Tilade/Nedocromil sodium medication prevents inflammation. But by preventing inflammation of the lungs helps prevent the narrowing of the airways that occurs in asthma.

Is any prescription required to get Tilade/Nedocromil sodium?

No, prescription is not necessary, but it’s better to use Tilade/Nedocromil sodium with a valid prescription. Because some times in such conditions Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is more harmful for health so, it is better to use Tilade/Nedocromil sodium under doctor’s guidance or according to your medical consultant.

Dosages of Tilade/Nedocromil sodium?

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium always takes under doctor’s guidance. The recommended doses of Tilade/Nedocromil sodium will be different for different patients, according to the requirements of each patient; you continue to take it for as long as your doctor prescribes. If you can not tolerate the recommended dosage, your doctor can prescribe a dose that sufficient for you. The recommended dose is 2 inhalations 4 times a day at regular intervals.

What is the minimum duration for which Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should be taken?

The duration of taking Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is not constant; it depends according to the problem. Your doctor or consultant can describe you better about the time period for which duration Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should be taken or until the medication is deemed effective.

Are there any side effects of Tilade/Nedocromil sodium?

Possible side effects that occur during the use of Tilade/Nedocromil sodium :

  • Chest pain
  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Inflamed nose and sinuses
  • Sore throat
  • Unpleasant taste
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Wheezing
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bronchitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Difficult or labored breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fatigue
  • Increased sputum
  • Indigestion
  • Rash
  • Viral infection
  • Vomiting

Under what circumstances Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used?

If you have an allergy to Tilade/Nedocromil sodium or any other ingredients of this medicine, then should not be used.

If you are suffering to the problem of Diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes), Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

If you are suffering to kidney disease, Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

If you are suffering to the problem of heart disease, Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

If you are suffering to Liver disease or Tuberculosis, Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

If you are pregnant and plan to be pregnant, Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

If you are suffering to breastfeeding, Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should not be used without consultation of doctor.

Under which storage conditions Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should be kept?

Tilade/Nedocromil sodium should be stored in cupboard at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Do not store Tilade/Nedocromil sodium in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Keep always Tilade/Nedocromil sodium medicine out of the reach of children.

Major drug Manufacturers

  • Sanofi Aventis Pharmaceuticals
  • Aventis Pharma Inc.
  • Glaxo Wellcome Pharmaceuticals
  • Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharmaceuticals Inc
  • 3M Health Care Limited
  • IVAX

Similar drugs Tilade/Nedocromil sodium

  • Nedocromil sodium
  • Intal
  • Intal Inhaler
  • Intal Syncroner
  • Novo-cromolyn
  • PMS-Sodium Cromoglycate
  • Cromoglicic Acid
  • Sodium Cromoglicate
  • Sodium Cromoglycate
  • Intal Spincaps
  • Intal Nebuliser Solution
  • Cromogen Inhaler
  • Cromogen Steri-Neb
  • Sodium cromoglicate inhalation

From where can one get Tilade/Nedocromil sodium?

Anyone can buy Tilade/Nedocromil sodium from Online Canadian Pharmacy, which is available at a discounted price, 50% off, in Canada, and the best way to get Tilade/Nedocromil sodium is by logging on to  for online orders. This pharmacy provides you with drugs at cheap and affordable prices. One can order the medicine and pay through VISA, MasterCard or international money order.

Why to buy Tilade/Nedocromil sodium drug from Canada?

It is cheaper to buy Tilade/Nedocromil sodium from Online Canadian Pharmacy, because Canadian government regulates the prices of Tilade/Nedocromil sodium and also because of the very common reason of exchange rate. Since, the Canadian dollar is cheaper as compared to the US Dollars, so one can buy more Tilade/Nedocromil sodium from Canada, there by saving a lot of money.





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· 塞曲司特片/颗粒(seratr...
· 喘乐宁(沙丁胺醇吸入剂...
· 沙丁胺醇气雾剂|Ventodi...
· 塞曲司特|seratrodast(...
· 甲磺司特胶囊(Suplatas...



· 吡非尼酮片Pirespa(Pirf...
· 索雷尔注射剂Xolair(Oma...
· 氨来占诺片剂(Amlexano...
· 塞曲司特片/颗粒(seratr...
· 喘乐宁(沙丁胺醇吸入剂...
· 沙丁胺醇气雾剂|Ventodi...
· 塞曲司特|seratrodast(...
· 甲磺司特胶囊(Suplatas...

