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长春瑞滨注射液(Vinorelbine ,Navelbine)

2011-02-06 01:26:25  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:259  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【药品名称】药品名(中):长春瑞滨注射液汉语拼音:Changchunruibin Zhusheye英文名:Vinorelbine Injection剂型:注射剂【主要成份】长春瑞宾。【性状】本品为无色至微黄色的澄明液体。【药理毒性】 ...

汉语拼音:Changchunruibin Zhusheye
英文名:Vinorelbine Injection

Navelbine ® (vinorelbine)

Navelbine® is a chemotherapy drug that has been traditionally used for a number of different kinds of cancer, including breast cancer and non-small-cell lung cancer.  When used to treat mesothelioma, studies have shown that this drug produces less crippling side effects than other standard chemo drugs, such as cisplatin. 

NavelbineIn clinical trials of the drug, vinorelbine was shown not only to enhance quality of life for meso patients, but nearly 25% of the patients responded to the treatment, while the disease was stabilized for a time in nearly half of the individuals participating in the studies.  Other chemotherapy drugs have had less than a 20% success rate among patients with malignant mesothelioma.

Treatment with Navelbine ®

If your oncologist determines that vinorelbine is the right drug for treatment of your unresectable malignant mesothelioma, you’ll want to know more about treatment with this drug. 

  • Navelbine ® can be administered in a few different ways.  It may be injected intravenously through a cannula inserted in the vein.  It also may be given through a central line, inserted near the collarbone or in the crook of the arm.  In addition, this drug is available in capsule form, but patients must adhere to a strict schedule.
  • Treatment is administered on an outpatient basis.
  • Your doctor will determine how many cycles of treatment are appropriate for your individual case.

Side Effects

Everyone reacts differently to chemotherapy medications and Navelbine ® does indeed cause fewer side effects than many older chemo drugs.  You may, however, experience some of the following.

  • Lowered resistance to infection caused by reduction in white blood cells.  This may be indicated by a fever or simply “not feeling well.”
  • Bruising or bleeding caused by a reduction in platelets.
  • Anemia
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Numbness
  • Pain at injection area
  • Hair loss (uncommon)
  • Leaking around the injection area (uncommon)

Report any side effects to your doctor or nurse immediately to avoid complications.  





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