当前位置:药品说明书与价格首页 >> 抗感染类 >> 药品目录 >> 硝咪唑类 >> 奥硝唑片TIBERAL(ORNIDAZOLE)


2011-03-30 15:43:12  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:799  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 奥硝唑(ornidazole,ONZ)是第三代硝基咪唑类抗生素,该类抗生素只针对厌氧菌感染,以及原虫、滴虫感染等。其作用机制是,使通过分子的硝基在无氧环境中还原成氨基,或通过自由基的形成,使受体螺旋组织结 ...

【别  名】
氯丙硝哇,硝氯丙哇,氯醇硝哩,甲硝哇氯丙醇,Tiberal 。

1 . 5g 单剂量口服给药在2h 内达到峰值,峰浓度(Cmax)为30 ug/ml , 24h 后降至9 ug/ml间,48h 后降至10 . 9 ug/ml ,口服吸收后广泛分布于全身各组织和体液,可透过血一脑屏障,在唾液、胆汁阴道分泌物、尿液及脓液中的浓度基本与血药浓度相同。平均消除半衰期14 . 4h ,与血浆蛋白结合率小于巧%。本品在肝脏代谢,其代谢物主要经肾脏排出,少量经粪便、胆汁排泄,
5 日中排出量为尿排出63 % ,粪便排出22 % ,厂胆汁排出约4 . 1 %。
1 .厌氧菌感染、手术前预防感染及手术后厌氧菌感染体重>6kg :每次10mg/kg ,每日2 次。
2 .滴虫病和贾滴虫病体重>6kg :每日25 一40mg/kg.
3 .阿米巴虫病体重>6kg :每日25mg/kg , 1 次顿服。
【 禁忌证】
1 .对本品及硝哩类药物过敏者禁用。
2 .脑和脊髓发生病变的患者禁用。
3 .癫痛及各种器官硬化症患者禁用。
【 不良反应】
2 .偶有头痛、胃肠功能紊乱。
1 .肝损伤患者每次服药剂量与正常用量相同,但服药间隔时间要加倍。
2 . 6kg 以上的儿童,应依照儿童体重用药。
片剂:0 . 1g , 0 . 25g
分散片剂:0 . 25 g/片
注射剂:5ml : 0 . 25g
胶囊剂:0 . 1g , 0 . 25g
粉针剂:0 . 25g。
奥硝哩甄化钠注射剂:loooml : 0 . 25g , loooml :0 . 5g 。奥硝哇葡萄糖注射劝:1000ml : 0 . 5g 。


【原产地英文商品名】TIBERAL 250mg/tab 20tabs/box
TIBERAL 250毫克/片20片/盒
TIBERAL 250毫克/片 20片/盒
TIBERAL 500毫克/片 50片/盒
TIBERAL 250毫克/片 20片/盒

Tiberal Information
Tiberal is a drug from the antiprotozoals category of medications, containing the active ingredient Ornidazole. This drug acts by killing the invasive bacteria or amoeba causing an infection in the patient’s body. The following guide is for informational purpose only. For specific information regarding this medicine, as well as for specific information regarding your case, you should consult your personal health care professional.

Tiberal Indications
Tiberal is commonly prescribed for the treatment of certain types of intestinal, vaginal or urinary tract infections, as well as other infections caused by bacterial agents or by amoeba. This drug may also be prescribed as a prophylactic agent in order to prevent such infections, especially as part of surgical prophylaxis. In some cases, the examining health care professional may decide to prescribe Tiberal for the prevention or treatment of other medical conditions as well. If you would like to obtain more information on why you have been prescribed a treatment with this medicine, you are advised to consult the prescribing health care professional.

Tiberal Warnings
You should not be prescribed a treatment with Tiberal if you suffer from an allergy to this drug or to any of its ingredients. As such, you are strongly advised to inform the prescribing health care professional of any substances you are allergic to: drugs, foods, preservatives or dyes. Patients suffering from certain medical conditions such as epilepsy, liver disease or multiple sclerosis might not be able to start a treatment with Tiberal. It is recommended to make sure that the prescribing doctor is familiar with your general health condition as well as your medical history before starting a treatment with this medicine.

Tiberal may not be safe for use during pregnancy or breast feeding. Patients found in any of these situations should discuss the benefits and the risks of the treatment with their personal health care professional before they start taking this medicine.

Tiberal Intake Guidelines
It is strongly recommended that you closely follow the Tiberal intake guidelines that were given to you by the prescribing health care specialist. The intake schedule may vary from one case to another, depending on the infection that is being treated as well as on several other factors. You should set up a strict medication schedule in order to avoid missing any Tiberal doses and you should make sure that you do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Tiberal Dosage
The prescribing health care specialist will inform you regarding the Tiberal dosage most appropriate to your case. On average, the adult dosage is of three tablets (500 mg each) per day, taken in the evening for up to three days – the duration of the treatment course as well as the exact dosage may vary depending on a number of factors particular to your case. Patients that are undergoing haemodialysis are generally prescribed larger doses of this medication. Children undergoing a treatment with Tiberal will have the dosage determined by the prescribing health care professional depending on their body weight (on average 25 to 40 mg per kg) and will take the medication for up to ten days, depending on the infection being treated.

As a prophylactic agent during surgery, the average dose is of three tablets (500 mg each) taken 12 hours before the operation. After the operation you may need to take one Tiberal tablet at 12 hour intervals for an additional three to five days.

Tiberal Overdose
It is strongly advised that you do not exceed the prescribed Tiberal dosage, as this may result in severe complications. You should avoid taking larger doses of medication or taking the drug more frequently than prescribed. If you accidentally take a larger dose or if you have other reasons to believe that you may be suffering from an overdose with this drug you should immediately contact your personal physician or call the local poisons center. In severe cases, you may need to go to the nearest medical facility in order to seek emergency medical attention.

Tiberal Missed Dose
In case you miss a dose of Tiberal, you are advised to take it as soon as you remember, unless it is almost time for the next scheduled intake. In such situations it is best to skip the missed dose and continue with your normal intake schedule. You may want to consult your personal physician in order to see if any special actions need to be taken. In order to minimize the chances of missing any Tiberal doses, it is best to set up a strict intake schedule. Your personal physician may help you with advice on setting up a proper medication schedule.

Tiberal Side Effects
Some patients may experience some side effects while following a treatment with Tiberal. Among the most severe are allergic reactions; you should immediately stop taking this drug and contact your personal physician if you experience any signs or symptoms indicating an allergy (such as rashes, hives, breathing difficulties or swollen face, tongue or lips). Apart from allergies, other severe side effects that may occur are seizures, loss of consciousness, poor coordination or rigidity. More frequently, less severe side effects occur – such as nausea and vomiting, headaches, sleepiness, dizziness, skin reactions or tremors. This is not a complete list of all the possible side effects associated with Tiberal. If you experience any unexpected effects you should contact your personal health care provider in order to further investigate the situation and decide upon the course of action to follow.

Tiberal Drug Reactions
Interactions between Tiberal and other drugs are possible. Blood thinning medication such as Warfarin or muscle relaxants – for example Vecuronium Bromide – may interact with Tiberal, causing unwanted reactions. As such it is best to inform the prescribing health care professional of any drugs you are currently taking before starting a treatment with this medicine.


奥硝唑注射液Tiberal(Ornidazole Injection)



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