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2011-07-15 18:54:44  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:530  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【中文品名】9-顺式维甲酸【药效类别】抗肿瘤药【通用药名】ALITRETINOIN【别  名】Panretin,9-cis-retinoic acid,BAL-4079【化学名称】 2,4,6,8-Nonatetraenoic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trim ...

【别  名】Panretin,9-cis-retinoic acid,BAL-4079
【化学名称】 2,4,6,8-Nonatetraenoic acid, 3,7-dimethyl-9-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-, (2E,3F,6Z,8E)-
【结 构 式】

【分 子 式】C20H28O2
【分 子 量】


【生产厂家英文名】Ligand Pharmaceuticals

Panretin® (alitretinoin)

Panretin® (alitretinoin) gel is a prescription medicine that is applied to the skin for the treatment of skin lesions in patients with AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma (KS). Panretin gel should not be used when systemic (oral or injectable) anti-KS therapy is required (e.g. more than 10 new KS lesions in the prior month, symptomatic lymphedema [swelling in tissues], symptomatic pulmonary KS [affecting the lungs], or symptomatic visceral involvement [affecting internal organs]). There is no experience to date using Panretin gel with systemic anti-KS treatment.

Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin, in the lining of the mouth, nose and throat or in other organs. In the United States, approximately 1.21 men per 100,000, in 2007, were diagnosed with Karposi's sarcoma.

Important Safety Information

Panretin gel is not indicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to retinoids or to any of the ingredients of the product.

Pregnancy Category D - Panretin gel could cause fetal harm if significant absorption were to occur in a pregnant woman. If Panretin gel is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking it, the patient should be made aware of the potential harm to the fetus. Women of child-bearing potential should be advised to avoid becoming pregnant. Because of the potential for adverse reactions from Panretin gel in nursing infants, mothers should discontinue nursing prior to using the drug.

Patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma were less tolerant of Panretin gel; 5 of 7 patients had 6 episodes of treatment limiting toxicities - grade 3 dermal irritation - with Panretin gel (0.01 or 0.05%).

Patients should minimize exposure of treated areas to sunlight and sunlamps during the use of Panretin gel. Patients should not use products that contain DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), a common ingredient of insect repellant products, while using Panretin gel.

The safety of Panretin gel was assessed in clinical studies of 385 patients with AIDS-related KS. Adverse events associated with the use of Panretin occurred almost exclusively at the gel application site. Dermal toxicity begins with erythema, with continued application of Panretin gel, erythema may increase and edema may develop. Dermal toxicity may become treatment limiting with intense erythema, edema, and vesiculation. Usually adverse events were mild to moderate to in severity and led to withdrawal from the study in 7% of the patients. Severe local (application site) skin adverse events occurred in about 10% of patients.

The most common adverse events with an incidence of at least 10% at the application site in Panretin gel-treated patients were; rash, pain, pruritus, and paraesthesia.

Please also see the Panretin Gel Full Prescribing Information.

Patients should consult their healthcare provider if they have any questions about, or are experiencing any side effects from, this product.

For more information about Panretin gel call Eisai Medical Services Oncology (877) 873-4724. To report suspected adverse reactions, call (877) 873-4724.

For more information on assistance with prescription drug costs that may be available to patients, call the Eisai Assistance Program at (866) 613-4724.

Panretin is a registered trademark of Eisai Inc.









· 艾诺宁(注射用盐酸伊达...
· 维A酸胶囊(维甲酸,TRE...
· Voraxaze(glucarpidase)...
· 他索尔明注射液(Beromu...
· LIPODOX(盐酸阿霉素脂质...
· 长春新碱注射剂|Oncovin...
· 地尼白介素2注射液|ONTA...
· 阿利维甲酸凝胶|panreti...
· 伊泰达(亚砷酸注射液)
· 天地平(注射用奥沙利铂)



· 艾诺宁(注射用盐酸伊达...
· 维A酸胶囊(维甲酸,TRE...
· Voraxaze(glucarpidase)...
· 他索尔明注射液(Beromu...
· LIPODOX(盐酸阿霉素脂质...
· 长春新碱注射剂|Oncovin...
· 地尼白介素2注射液|ONTA...
· 阿利维甲酸凝胶|panreti...
· 伊泰达(亚砷酸注射液)
· 天地平(注射用奥沙利铂)

