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2011-08-02 19:20:52  作者:新特药房  来源:中国新特药网天津分站  浏览次数:141  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【通用名称】AVINZA【剂  型】CAPSULE, EXTENDED RELEASE; ORAL【规  格】90MG【活性成份】MORPHINE SULFATE【注意】强调该产品不能与酒精和含酒精成份的药品一起使用。 患者不要将本品与酒精饮 ...

【规  格】90MG
【活性成份】MORPHINE SULFATE【注意】强调该产品不能与酒精和含酒精成份的药品一起使用。
【临床药理】当Avinza 30 mg与900 mL 含乙醇的缓冲溶液(20% 和 40%)混合,吗啡释放的剂量与酒精的浓度相关,可导致吗啡释放加速。尽管吗啡的体外试验结果与在体内处置的相关性还需要进一步确定,但在体外的这种加速释放可能与吗啡在体内释放类似,从而达到潜在致命的剂量并被人体吸收。

【原产地英文商品名】AVINZA-120mg/Capsule,100Capsules,Sustained Release 24 Hr

AVINZA® is indicated as a once-daily morphine treatment for chronic moderate-to-severe pain in patients who require continuous, around-the-clock opioid therapy for an extended period of time.

AVINZA® (morphine sulfate extended-release capsules) is a prescription drug that contains morphine. Each AVINZA® Capsule contains enough morphine to last for 24 hours and should be taken once a day. AVINZA® is for adults 18 years or older with moderate to severe pain who need around-the-clock, nonstop treatment for an extended period of time.

  • AVINZA® Capsules are to be swallowed whole. DO NOT chew, crush, or dissolve the beads in capsules before swallowing. If the beads are chewed, crushed, or dissolved, the entire 24-hour dose may be absorbed into your body all at once. This can lead to serious problems, including overdose and death
  • If you have trouble swallowing the capsules, you may open them and sprinkle all of the beads on a small amount of applesauce just before swallowing. Make sure to swallow all of the beads whole
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages while using AVINZA®, or use prescription or nonprescription medications that contain alcohol. Consuming alcohol while taking AVINZA® may cause the rapid release and absorption of a potentially deadly dose of morphine
  • Because AVINZA® may make you sleepy, you should not drive, operate heavy machinery, or perform any other possibly dangerous activities until you know how you react to AVINZA®
  • AVINZA® should not be given to anyone other than the person for whom it was prescribed

Tell your healthcare professional about the following:

  • Any and all other health or medical problems you may have
  • All medicines (prescription and nonprescription) and vitamins you are taking. Do not take other medicines without your healthcare professional’s approval
  • If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant
  • If you are breastfeeding, because morphine will pass through the milk and may harm the baby
  • If you have abused drugs in the past. There is a risk of abuse or addiction with all opioid medications. You may have a higher chance of developing an abuse problem or addiction again while using AVINZA®

AVINZA® is not for everyone. Only you and your healthcare professional can know if AVINZA® is right for you.
Make sure to follow your healthcare professional’s directions exactly.

  • Do not change your dose unless your healthcare professional tells you to change it
  • Do not take AVINZA® more often than prescribed. You should not stop taking AVINZA® all at once if you have been taking it for more than a few days. Your healthcare professional can instruct you on how to stop taking this medicine slowly to avoid uncomfortable symptoms

Constipation is a common side effect of medicines that contain morphine, including AVINZA®. When you start taking AVINZA®, discuss steps to prevent or relieve constipation with your healthcare professional. Other common side effects of AVINZA® are nausea, drowsiness, headache, and itching. Some of these side effects may decrease with continued use.





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