英文药名:CEREDIST(taltirelin hydrate Tablets) 中文药名:他替瑞林水合片
治疗类别名称 口服脊髓小脑变性处理剂 商標名 CEREDIST Tablets 5mg 一般名 タルチレリン水和物(taltirelin hydrate) 化学名 N-[(4S)-1-Methyl-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrimidine-4-carbonyl]-L-histidyl-L-prolinamide tetrahydrate 分子式 C17H23N7O5・4H2O 分子量 477.47 構造式

性状 它是一种白色晶体或结晶粉末。 水,乙醇(99.5),或易溶于乙酸(100),微溶于甲醇。 易溶于1mol/L的盐酸测试解决方案。 水晶多态性观察 药效药理 共济失调的改善作用 (1) 针对滚动轴承小鼠名古屋他替瑞林水合物是一种遗传性共济失调小鼠(1毫克/千克,口服),以及以提高成交指数(次周转数/自发动量)时,它减少了脑干腹侧被盖区它是脑葡萄糖代谢率提高到正常水平(3毫克/ kg,腹腔)。 (2) 针对共济失调大鼠3-乙酰吡啶(3毫克/公斤,口服)是,共济失调(行走速度,步幅长度,步骤角)他替瑞林水合物进行了改进。应当注意的是,这种效果是由兴奋性氨基酸拮抗剂废除。 (3) 在活动过度的过渡,这似乎是根据疗效,颤抖等大鼠,为1.5mg/kg,口服或更多的毒性研究已经表达。 神经营养因子样活性 他替瑞林水合物在10-12M,在脊髓腹侧大鼠培养细胞的胎儿神经突进展以依赖于浓度的方式促进,两周运动神经元变性的大鼠新生为2mg/kg/天的坐骨神经横断后它是由重复腹膜内给药抑制。 垂体 - 甲状腺激素的刺激作用 他替瑞林水合物2.75μmol/的升至对照组血TSH最多五次雄性大鼠长达3小时给药后体口服给药。在TRH0.275μmol/体的口服给药,观察TSH上升可比的效果。 作用机理 (1) 他替瑞林水合物关于各种受体和离子通道的检查的亲和力,表明为TRH受体仅亲和力。 (2) 在他替瑞林水合物的行动自由和Shoshu神经递质的营业额的研究,不断促进大鼠乙酰胆碱的大脑和多巴胺释放分别比为0.1mg/ kg以上,1毫克/千克,更多腹腔给药并且,发现也进一步促进周转或神经递质的合成。 临床药理 一直认为TSH分泌在他替瑞林的单剂量口服刺激作用水合健康成人,剂量依赖性增加在血液中的TSH浓度比观察到一次5毫克或更多的剂量为0.5-40毫克。另外,在T3中显著增加,观察至少一次10毫克。 适应病症 改善脊髓小脑变性共济失调。 用法与用量 成人每次口服一次5毫克,每日2次饭后口服(早上,晚上)。此外,增加或减少取决于患者的年龄和症状。 包装规格 片:5mg 28片(14片×2) 140片(14粒×10
 制造厂商 田边三菱制药株式会社 【原研企业】日本田边制药公司原研 垂体激素释放兴奋药-他替瑞林片/口腔崩解片 他替瑞林(Taltirelin) 是世界上第一个批准的口服促甲状腺素释放激素(TRH),除具有内分泌作用外,还可发挥一定的中枢神经系统(CNS)作用,包括提高运动活性,拮抗利舍平诱导的体温降低,以及拮抗戊巴比妥诱导的睡眠。该品种由日本田边制药公司开发,2000年7月在日本上市,用于改善脊髓小脑变性病人的共济失调。药理学研究显示本品经由脑TRH受体对CNS产生强而持久的多重作用。本品对CNS的兴奋作用比TRH强10~100倍,作用持续时间比TRH长约8倍。本品对TRH受体的亲和力约为TRH的1/11,因而本品的内分泌作用比TRH弱,但本品在体内比TRH稳定。另外,本品对促甲状腺素( TSH)释放的作用为TRH的1/6-1/11。 本品对中枢神经系统具有较强的作用,但同时其激素样作用较小,因此副作用较少。不良反应主要是消化系统反应,包括呕吐、恶心和胃不适。所有的不良反应均为轻中度,在治疗期间及(或)停药后消失。 完整资料附件:http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/1190014F1033_1_04/1190014F1033_1_04?view=body#23 Information on Taltirelin Drug name: Taltirelin, TA-0910, Ceredist. Chemical name: (S)-1-Methyl-4,5-dihydroorotyl-L-histidyl-L-prolinamide; (S)-N-[(1-Methyl-2,6-dioxohexahydropyrimidin-4-yl)carbonyl]-L-histidyl-L-prolinamide. CAS Number: 103300-74-9. Manufacturer:Tanabe Seiyaku (Orphan Drug), Tanabe Seiyaku (Originator). Launched-2000. Effects: Neurodegenerative Diseases, Treatment of, NEUROLOGIC DRUGS, TRH Analogs side effects: The main side effects is the digestive system adverse reactions, including vomiting, nausea, and stomach discomfort. All the side effects were mild to moderate, during treatment and (or) stop. Taltirelin (TA-0910), a synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) analog, has been developed by Tanabe Seiyaku for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. An NDA was filed in Japan in April 1999 for the treatment of spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD) and was approved in July 2000; the drug was launched in Japan in September 2000 . It is the first orally administered drug for this indication. In order to determine whether acute tolerance develops by taltirelin hydrate ((-)-N-[(S)-hexahydro-1-methyl-2,6-dioxo-4-pyrimidinylcarbonyl]-l-histidyl -l-prolinamide tetrahydrate; taltirelin), a thyrotropin-releasing hormone(TRH) analog, we examined the motor behavior, TRH receptors and dopamine D(2) receptors following 2 weeks treatment in rats. Taltirelin selectively bound to TRH receptors and increased the spontaneous motor activity by a single administration, suggesting that the motor effect of taltirelin is mediated by TRH receptors. Following repeated treatment with TRH, there was a significant reduction in the increment of spontaneous motor activity. In contrast, after repeated treatment with taltirelin at a dose that increased the motor activity to a similar extent to TRH by a single administration, there was no apparent change in its motor effect. In accord with the motor activity, we found a significant reduction in the [(3)H]methyl-TRH binding to TRH receptors in the brain following repeated treatment with TRH but not taltirelin. However, the [(3)H]spiperone binding to dopamine D(2) receptors in the corpus striatum did not change by repeated taltirelin and TRH treatments. Thus, the down-regulation of TRH receptors would be a main cause of the behavioral tolerance. These results suggest that taltirelin hardly develops the behavioral tolerance due to the lack of down-regulation of TRH receptors.