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雌二醇氮芥(Estracyt 癌腺治,依立适)

2011-09-01 14:08:51  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:259  文字大小:【】【】【
简介: 【药物名称】雌二醇氮芥 Estramustine   【药物别名】癌腺治,依立适 Estracyt   【制剂规格】胶囊:每粒150mg。粉针剂:每支150mg;300mg。   【药理毒理】雌二醇氮芥是依据“受体学说”设计的药 ...

【药物名称】雌二醇氮芥 Estramustine   
【药物别名】癌腺治,依立适 Estracyt   
【适 应 证】前列腺癌、乳腺癌、胰腺癌,对其它晚期恶性肿瘤也有疗效。   

【相互作用】 奶类制品会影响雌二醇氮芥的吸收。   

Emcyt Drug Information
Emcyt is a cancer medication that is used for treating metastatic or progressive prostate cancer. This generic medication is quite similar to other cancer medications. It also interferes with the growth of cancer cells and stops them from growing and spreading in your body. It affects the rapidly multiplying cancerous cells by altering the DNA or the RNA of these cells thus impacting their ability to multiply. Subsequently, this medication also helps in killing off the cancerous cells.

Emcyt Dosage Information
The recommended dosage for treating prostate cancer is 14 mg / kg bodyweight to be taken in two or three doses. Buy Emcyt 140 mg from North Meds and experience the convenience of shopping for medicines from home. Get huge rebates on the purchase of discount Emcyt online.

Side Effects and Precautions for Emcyt
Estramustine may cause serious side effects like nausea, sweating, chest pain or heaviness in the chest, pain spreading to the arm or the shoulder, sudden numbness or weakness, sudden headache and confusion, problems with vision, balance or speech, sudden cough, wheezing, chest pain, fast heart rate, easy bruising, rapid weight gain and pain or swelling in one or both legs. If you have any of these side effects get immediate medical treatment. Emcyt can also lead to less serious side effects like loss of appetite, nausea, upset stomach or diarrhea, feeling weak or tired, impotence and tenderness or swelling of breasts. If these side effects persist consult your doctor for further advice.

Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Estramustine. Tell your doctor if you have a history of blood clots, heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, coronary artery disease, migraine headaches, liver or kidney disease, congestive heart failure or a metabolic bone disease. While taking this medication you father a child it may have birth defects. Always use a condom to prevent pregnancy when on this drug. Also discuss with your doctor whether using cheap Emcyt is alright or not.


ESTRACYT Inj(磷酸雌莫司汀注射液)
雌二醇氮芥粉针剂(Estramustine,癌腺治,依立适 Estracyt)



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