英文药名: Norvir(Ritonavir capsules)
中文药名: 利托那韦胶囊
品牌药生产厂家: Abbott
雅培公司的利托那韦片获得美国FDA批准上市,用于单独或与抗逆转录病毒的核苷类药物合用治疗晚期或非进行性的艾滋病病人。 利托那韦为人免疫缺陷病毒-1(HIV-1)和人免疫缺陷病毒-2(HIV-2)天冬氨酸蛋白酶的口服有效抑制剂,阻断该酶促使产生形态学上成熟HIV颗粒所需的聚蛋白,使HIV颗粒因而保持在未成熟的状态,从而减慢HIV在细胞中的蔓延,以防止新一轮感染的发生和延迟疾病的发展。本品对齐多夫定敏感的和齐多夫定与沙喹那韦耐药的HIV株一般均有效。 利托那韦的剂量为600mg每日2次口服,可与进食同时进行。剂量从300mg每日2次在5天内逐渐递增至600mg每日2次,可减少腹泻的发生, 而这是一种主要的副作用。口服液如在30天内仍未服完必须放入冰箱。与吲哚那韦的交叉耐药常见;对其他蛋白酶抑制剂部分或完全耐药亦可见到。利托那韦是最强的细胞色素P-450酶抑制剂, 其他药物如某些非镇静类抗组胺药(如特非那定), 镇静类催眠药(如咪哒唑仑), 或抗心律失常药与之合用会使这些药物浓度升高达中毒水平及致病。所有合并用药都必须考虑其与利托那韦的可能的相互作用。促进P-450的药, 如利福平, 会降低利托那韦的血浓度, 而得不到预期疗效。副作用包括腹泻, 口周感觉异常, 味觉改变, 恶心, 肝炎和脂类异常。 【通用名】利托那韦软胶囊
【用法用量】 治疗HIV感染:成人:初始剂量:300mgbid,1天。每次加量100mgbid,在14天内增加至600mgbid。 儿童:>2岁:250mg/m2体表面积,每日2次。每2-3天加量50mg/m2体表面积,每日2次bid,至400mg/m2体表面积,每日2次。最大剂量:600mgbid。 肝损害:减少剂量。
【不良反应】 昏厥,体位性低血压,口干,口腔溃疡,咽喉刺激,咳嗽,消化不良,恶心,呕吐,腹泻,味觉异常,惊厥,焦虑,出汗,发热,衰弱,疲乏,头痛,头晕,感觉异常,肌痛,皮疹,瘙痒,肾功能不全,贫血,血白细胞升高,凝血时间延长,脂肪代谢障碍,胰腺炎,电解质紊乱。 严重不良反应:全身过敏反应和斯-约二氏综合征。
【药物相互作用】 与苯巴比妥类、卡马西平、地塞米松、苯妥英、利福布汀和利福平合用,本药血浓度降低。增加某些主要经CYP3A酶代谢的药物的血浓度。增加西地那非的血浓度。 严重药物相互作用:本品口服液(含酒精)避免与双硫仑或甲硝唑同时应用。与辛伐他汀或洛伐他汀合用,发生肌病的风险增加。与阿夫唑嗪合用,会导致严重的低血压。与胺碘酮、西沙必利、普罗帕酮、奎尼丁、氟卡尼或匹莫齐特合用,发生心律失常的风险增加。与麦角衍生物合用,有发生急性麦角中毒的风险。与咪达唑仑或三唑仑合用,增加发生严重副作用的风险。 查看的详细药物相互作用 与食物的相互作用:服食圣约翰草会导致本药血浓度明显降低。
【药理作用】 利托那韦是HIV蛋白酶选择性、竞争性和可逆性抑制剂,能干扰HIV病毒内重要蛋白质和酶的形成,导致病毒不成熟并丧失传染性。它还能干扰有传染性的HIV病毒的形成,限制病毒感染进一步扩散。
【药代动力学】 吸收:口服后2-4小时达血浆峰浓度。 分布:蛋白结合率:约98%。 代谢:在肝脏被CYP450同功酶广泛代谢。 排泄:主要经粪便排泄,清除半衰期:3-5小时。
Product Description
Norvir is an HIV medication. It is in a category of HIV medications called protease inhibitors (PIs). Norvir prevents CD4 cells that have been infected with HIV from producing new HIV.
Norvir is manufactured by Abbott Laboratories. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it for the treatment of HIV infection in 1996.
Norvir is one of the two drugs in Kaletra. Kaletra contains the protease inhibitor lopinavir and small amounts of Norvir.
The following medications should not be taken while you are being treated with Norvir:
Acid reflux/heartburn medications: Propulsid (cisapride)
Antibiotics: Priftin (rifapentine)
Antifungals: Vfend (voriconazole)
Antimigraine medications: Methergine, Methylergometrine (methylergonovine); Ergostat, Cafergot, Ercaf, Wigraine (ergotamine); Ergotrate, Methergine (ergonovine); or D.H.E. 45, Migranal (dihydroergotamine)
Antihistamines: Hismanal (astemizole) or Seldane (terfenadine)
Heart medications: Cordarone (amiodarone), Vascor (bepridil), Tambocor (flecainide), Rythmol (propafenone), or Quinaglute/Quinidex (quinidine)
Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins): Zocor (simvastatin) and Mevacor (lovastatin)
Antipsychotics: Orap (pimozide)
Sedatives: Versed (midazolam) and Halcion (triazolam)
Enlarged prostate: Uroxatral (alfuzosin)
Pulmonary Hypertension: sildenafil, used as Revatio
Herbal products: St. John's wort
Anticonvulsants, such as Tegretol (carbamazepine), Luminal (phenobarbital), and Dilantin (phenytoin), may interact with Norvir and should be used with caution. Norvir can increase Tegretol levels in the bloodstream.
Some patients with asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder) take a drug called theophylline. Norvir can decrease the amount of theophylline in the bloodstream. If these two drugs are taken at the same time, a doctor can order a blood test to check the level of theophylline in the bloodstream. If the theophylline level is too low, the dose can be increased.
Some patients with asthma, bronchitis, or emphysema also take a drug called fluticasone (found in Flovent and Advair), an inhaled medication known as a corticosteroid. Some patients taking fluticasone while taking Norvir have experienced Cushing's syndrome, a hormonal disorder that can cause a variety of symptoms (e.g., extreme puffiness, easily damaged skin, fatigue, weakness). It is possible that Norvir increases fluticasone levels in the body, leading to an increased risk of Cushing's syndrome. Care should be taken if these two drugs are used together, until more studies are completed. Norvir can increase blood levels of an asthma medication called Serevent (salmeterol), a drug that is used to open the air passages in the lungs during an asthma attack. This can result in heart rhythm problems. Use of the two drugs together is not recommended.
The most common side effects of Norvir therapy—which are usually more severe if the standard dose (600mg twice-daily) is used—are related to the gut. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and appetite loss are common.
Another possible side effect of Norvir is numbness/tingling around the mouth (oral paresthesias).
HIV drug regimens containing protease inhibitors, including Norvir, can cause increased fat levels (cholesterol and triglycerides) in the blood, abnormal body-shape changes (lipodystrophy; including increased fat around the abdomen, breasts, and back of the neck, as well as decreased fat in the face, arms, and legs), and diabetes.
注册证号 H20100567 原注册证号 产品名称(中文) 利托那韦软胶囊 产品名称(英文) Ritonavir Soft Capsules 商品名(中文) 爱治威 商品名(英文) Norvir 剂型(中文) 胶囊剂 规格(中文) 0.1g 注册证号备注 包装规格(中文) 84粒/瓶×2瓶/盒 生产厂商(中文) 生产厂商(英文) Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC. 厂商地址(中文) 厂商地址(英文) St.Petersburg,FL 33716, USA 厂商国家(中文) 美国 厂商国家(英文) U.S.A. 分包装批准文号 发证日期 2010-07-29 有效期截止日 2015-07-28 分包装企业名称 Abbott Laboratories 分包装企业地址 Abbott Park,IL 60064-3500, USA 公司名称(中文) 公司名称(英文) Abbott Laboratories 地址(中文) 地址(英文) Abbott Park,IL 60064-3500, USA 国家(中文) 美国 国家(英文) U.S.A. 0.1g×84粒/瓶×2瓶/盒