男性勃起功能障碍(ED)治疗药Staxyn (vardenafil HCI)已通过FDA的批准,该药属口腔崩解片。 每天最多能服用一片。 部分中文口腔崩解片Staxyn(Vardenafil)处方资料(仅供参考) 制造商: 类药物: 活性成分(S): 指示(S): 药理: 临床试验: 在研究1,平均基线EF域分数Staxyn组和安慰剂组为13。端点,为Staxyn EF域得分是21相比,安慰剂组14; SEP2 Staxyn的74%与45%,服用安慰剂的患者;和SEP3 Staxyn的65% - 26%,服用安慰剂的患者为。 在研究2中,平均基线EF域分数分别为Staxyn 12和安慰剂组为13。端点,为Staxyn EF域得分是21相比,安慰剂组14; SEP2 Staxyn的69% - 43%,服用安慰剂的患者为;和SEP3 Staxyn的60% - 27%,服用安慰剂的患者为。 在这两项研究中,Staxyn证明临床意义和统计学意义(P <0.0001)改进对安慰剂在所有三个主要的疗效变量。
成人: 儿童: 禁忌(S):
相互作用(S): 不良反应(S):
2010年6月18日,默克公司宣布,美国食品药品管理局(FDA)已批准口腔崩解片Staxyn(伐地那非)用于治疗勃起功能障碍(ED)。Staxyn在美国将由葛兰素史克和默克专门销售,该药预计于2010年年底前作为处方药上市。 Staxyn等ED治疗药不宜用于因潜在的心血管疾病[如不稳定性心绞痛、低血压、高血压控制不良、近期卒中病史、致死性心律失常、心肌梗死(发生于最近6个月内)以及重度心衰]而不建议发生性行为的男性。Staxyn不宜与中效和强效CYP3A4抑制剂(如促红细胞生成素、葡萄柚汁、克拉霉素、酮康唑、伊曲康唑、茚地那韦、沙奎那韦、阿扎那韦、利托那韦)联合用药,因为联合用药会导致血浆伐地那非浓度显著升高。 在临床试验中,最常报告的与Staxyn用药有关的不良事件有头痛、潮红、鼻充血、消化不良、头晕及背痛。 Staxyn不能与10 mg伐地那非薄膜衣片(艾力达)互换,因为Staxyn释放入血液中的有效成分浓度较高。Staxyn的最大给药频率为每天1片。 Staxyn Medication Brings Erectile Dysfunction Patients Another Option Staxyn is a brand new product for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which is a common condition to affect men. The traditional form of the treatment, Levitra, has been an effective and trusted medication in the field of male sexual health for several years, and Staxyn takes this expertise one step further by being specifically designed for easy use. Experts suggest that nearly 30 million men in the United States alone struggle with erectile problems. Unfortunately, though an increasing number of men are approaching their doctors to discuss treatments for their condition, there are still thousands more who continue to be too embarrassed to even broach the subject, even with their partners. Some men worry that suffering from impotence is a sign of weakness, which is certainly not the case. The reality is that it's a lot more common than people may realise, and is treated regularly. Causes can range from psychological afflictions to physical factors, and are nothing to be ashamed of. The team behind the popular medication Levitra have taken these concerns into consideration and have produced Staxyn as a result, which is continuing to grow in popularity. Thanks to the tablet's new orodispersible form, it simply needs to be put on the tongue to be absorbed in seconds. This means taking the medication is both straightforward and highly discreet. When you buy Staxyn online, you know you have the power to decide how you would like to manage your treatment and whether you wish to share it with your partner or not. You now have the freedom to enjoy a healthy sex life on your terms. |
伐地那非口腔崩解片|Staxyn(vardenafil HCI)简介:
男性勃起功能障碍(ED)治疗药Staxyn (vardenafil HCI)已通过FDA的批准,该药属口腔崩解片。 每天最多能服用一片。
制造商: 拜耳和葛兰素 ... 责任编辑:admin