英文药名: Aptivus (Tipranavir)
中文药名: 替拉那韦胶囊
生产厂家: Boehringer Ingelheim
【适应症】 替拉那韦可与利托那韦(200mg)联合应用于那些已经接受抗逆转录病毒治疗或者感染多药耐药HIV病毒株,且病毒仍在体内进行复制的成年艾滋病患者。 【药理及药代动力学】 替拉那韦能够抑制HIV感染细胞中病毒Gag及Gag-Pol多聚蛋白的病毒特异性过程,从而可以阻止成熟病毒体的形成。从理论上说,替拉那韦的非肽类结构在与耐药的HIV蛋白酶变异体结合时更具有灵活性,而且也有利于延缓HIV耐药性产生的速度。 【注意事项】 在某些蛋白酶抑制剂上市后的监察过程中发现,部分患者在用药后可能出现新发糖尿病、既往糖尿病病情加重以及高血糖症等情况。在临床试验中,有6%的患者在应用替拉那韦后出现剂量依赖性肝毒性反应,而这也是替拉那韦最引人关注的安全性问题。肝炎或其他肝病患者在应用替拉那韦的过程中,出现肝脏持续性损害的风险将会较其他人更高。 由于存在肝毒性反应,以及为了避免耐药性的产生,替拉那韦目前一般只是作为部分特殊患者,例如对其他蛋白酶抑制剂耐药的患者、晚期艾滋病患者、已尝试过其他治疗手段的患者以及病毒在体内持续复制的患者等的应急治疗措施。中重度肝病(Child-Pugh B级或C级)患者禁用替拉那韦。 【药物相互作用】 替拉那韦(与利托那韦合用)是CYP3A4肝药酶的抑制剂。当替拉那韦与其他CYP3A4底物合用时可出现具有临床意义的药物相互作用。例如,替拉那韦和利托那韦在与CYP3A4和/或P糖蛋白诱导剂合用时,替拉那韦的血药浓度会下降;与P糖蛋白抑制剂合用时,替拉那韦的血药浓度会升高;而与CYP3A4抑制剂合用时,替拉那韦的血药浓度则不会进一步升高。当替拉那韦和利托那韦在与大多数羟甲基戊二酰辅酶A(HMG-CoA)还原酶抑制剂合用时,患者出现肌病(包括横纹肌溶解症)的风险会增加。同时给予5型磷酸二酯酶(PDE5)抑制剂以及替拉那韦和利托那韦的患者也需要特别注意。 【不良反应】 剂量依赖性肝毒性反应以及肝酶水平升高,是与替拉那韦有关的最主要安全性问题。服用替拉那韦的患者有必要在给药前以及治疗过程中常规进行肝功能检查。替拉那韦和利托那韦有可能引发肝炎及肝功能失代偿,甚至死亡。这些事件通常发生在同时给予多种治疗药物的晚期艾滋病患者身上。因此,目前还不能肯定这些事件与替拉那韦和利托那韦的给药之间存在因果关系。部分患者在服用替拉那韦时曾经出现过轻中度皮疹。 【剂量及用药】 替拉那韦(Aptivus)是一种粉红色、长椭圆型软胶囊,规格为250mg。替拉那韦的推荐剂量为500mg,每天2次。替拉那韦须与利托那韦(200mg)合并应用,以便提高前者血药浓度,取得相应治疗效果。 【用药提示】 由于替拉那韦存在肝毒性,因此乙肝或丙肝患者应用该药时应特别注意,因为这类患者出现肝毒性反应的风险将会增加。当储藏替拉那韦的药瓶尚未开启时,该药瓶应在2~8℃冷藏;一旦药瓶开启,药物须在60天内使用完毕。替拉那韦应与食物同服。建议患者在药物剩余不多时,及时前往医院重新处方药物。否则,即使停用替拉那韦哪怕很短一段时间,都有可能导致血液中病毒载量上升。如果出现这种情况,患者体内的HIV就有可能对替拉那韦产生耐药性,以后治疗的难度也会随之增加。因此,患者绝对不可在未咨询医生的情况下,擅自停用替拉那韦或其他抗HIV感染药物。 Aptivus(替拉那韦)胶囊已通过美国食品药品管理局(FDA)的加速批准。加速批准即加快某类药品的审批进程。获加速批准的药品必须用于治疗严重疾病或危及生命的不治之症,且相对于现有药品能够使患者显著受益。该审批过程以为期24周的研究数据作为审核依据。
APTIVUS的批准剂量为500mg,以利托那韦(APTIVUS/r)200mg合用,每日服用两次。APTIVUS必须与利托那韦共同使用,以使APTIVUS达到治疗水平。否则,APTIVUS的水平将不足以抑制HIV的复制。同时,APTIVUS/r必须与其他抗HIV药品同时服用。APTIVUS 250 mg软胶囊将在获得FDA批准后的两周内在美国各药店上市。
APTIVUS(替拉那韦),与200mg利托那韦结合使用,有望用于被HIV-1感染、确诊为病毒复制且已接受长期治疗或携有多种HIV-1蛋白酶抑制剂病毒抗体的成年患者的抗逆转录病毒联合疗法。上述推断基于两项为期24周的APTIVUS对照研究,该研究对患者血浆中HIV-1的RNA水平进行分析。上述两项研究的对象均为临床晚期接受3类抗逆转录治疗且确诊已出现HIV-1复制的成年患者。 规格:250mg 120 胶囊

Generic Name for APTIVUS Tipranavir 250mg; soft gel caps; contains alcohol.
Legal Classification: Rx
Pharmacological Class for APTIVUS HIV-1 protease inhibitor.
Manufacturer of APTIVUS Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals
Indications for APTIVUS HIV-1 infection in treatment-experienced patients or in those with HIV strains resistant to multiple protease inhibitors (PIs) in combination with ritonavir.
Adult dose for APTIVUS Swallow caps whole. Tipranavir 500mg + ritonavir 200mg twice daily.
Children's dosing for APTIVUS <2 years: not recommended. Use soln if unable to swallow caps. Calculate dose based on body wt. (kg) or BSA (m2). 2–18 years: Tipranavir 14mg/kg + ritonavir 6mg/kg (or 375mg/m2 + ritonavir 150mg/m2) twice daily; max tipranavir 500mg + ritonavir 200mg twice daily. May consider reducing dose to tipranavir 12mg/kg + ritonavir 5mg/kg (or 290mg/m2 + ritonavir 115mg/m2) twice daily if intolerance or toxicity occurs provided their virus is not resistant to multiple PIs.
Contraindications for APTIVUS Moderate to severe hepatic insufficiency (Child-Pugh B–C). Concomitant potent CYP3A inducers or substrates (eg, alfuzosin, amiodarone, bepridil, flecainide, propafenone, quinidine, rifampin, ergots, cisapride, St. John's wort, lovastatin, simvastatin, pimozide, sildenafil, oral midazolam, triazolam).
Warnings/Precautions for APTIVUS Not for use in treatment-naive patients. Sulfa allergy. Mild hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh A). Hepatitis. Monitor lipids, liver function (baseline and periodically); discontinue if asymptomatic increase in AST/ALT >10xULN, or AST/ALT 5–10xULN and total bilirubin >2.5xULN. Diabetes. Risk of increased bleeding. Hemophilia: monitor for spontaneous bleeding. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions for APTIVUS See Contraindications. Concomitant salmeterol, fluticasone, amprenavir, lopinavir, saquinavir, or fluconazole, ketoconazole, itraconazole ≥200mg/day: not recommended. Caps: avoid metronidazole, disulfiram. May be synergistic with enfuvirtide. Potentiates PDE5 inhibitors (eg, sildenafil, tadalafil, vardenafil), trazodone, desipramine; reduce dose: see literature. Avoid concomitant colchicine if renal or hepatic impairment; otherwise: reduce dose: see literature. Reduce rifabutin dose by 75%. Antagonizes estrogens (use non-hormonal contraceptives), methadone, valproic acid, omeprazole. Antagonized by carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin. Potentiates atorvastatin, rosuvastatin: use lowest possible dose. Monitor hypoglycemics, immunosuppressants, tricyclics, SSRIs, warfarin, drugs that affect or are affected by CYP3A4 (eg, azole antifungals, calcium channel blockers, clarithromycin, NNRTIs, PIs, statins). Increased risk of bleeding with concomitant anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, high-dose Vit.E. Separate dosing of didanosine, antacids. Oral soln: avoid high-dose Vit.E supplements.
Adverse Reactions for APTIVUS GI upset, abdominal pain, pyrexia, fatigue, headache, rash (discontinue if severe), fat redistribution, severe liver disease, hepatitis (discontinue if symptomatic), hypertriglyceridemia, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, immune reconstitution syndrome, intracranial hemorrhage (may be fatal), others; children: also cough.
Notes for APTIVUS Register pregnant patients exposed to tipranavir by calling (800) 258-4263.
How is APTIVUS supplied? Caps—120; Soln—95mL (w. dispensing syringe)
Related Disease: HIV~antivirals
Aptivus ( Tipranavir )
Aptivus is an HIV medication. It is in a category of HIV medicines called protease inhibitors (PIs). Aptivus prevents cells infected by HIV from producing new virus. This reduces the amount of virus in your body.
Aptivus must be used in combination with Norvir (ritonavir) and other HIV drugs.
Because of the ways Aptivus and ritonavir are metabolized (broken down) in the body, they can interact with many other medications used to treat HIV, AIDS-related complications, and other diseases. Aptivus/ritonavir may cause blood levels of other medications to be become too low (which can decrease their effectiveness) or high (which can increase the risk of side effects). Similarly, other medications may cause blood levels of Aptivus and/or ritonavir to become too low or high.
Aptivus/ritonavir can greatly decrease the levels of other protease inhibitors—including Lexiva (fosamprenavir), Kaletra (lopinavir), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Invirase (saquinavir)—in the blood. It is currently recommended that Aptivus/ritonavir not be taken with other protease inhibitors, until adequate drug-interaction and dosing studies have been completed. Model: 250 mg 120 capsules Manufactured by: Boehringer Ingelheim |