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2012-02-14 22:33:37  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:1257  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:部分中文Entocort EC处方资料(仅供参考) 阿斯特拉捷利康公司(AstraZeneca)2001年10月3日宣布,该公司成分为布地奈德的Entocort EC胶囊获得了FDA的批准。所批准的适应证为累及回肠和升结肠的轻到中度活动性 ...

部分中文Entocort EC处方资料(仅供参考)

阿斯特拉捷利康公司(AstraZeneca)2001年10月3日宣布,该公司成分为布地奈德的Entocort EC胶囊获得了FDA的批准。所批准的适应证为累及回肠和升结肠的轻到中度活动性Crohn病。


布地奈德是一种合成的皮质激素,主要起糖皮质激素的作用,也有微弱的盐皮质激素作用。Entocort EC是一种新型的局部起效的布地奈德制剂,它可以明显缓解多数患者通常难以治疗的症状。由于Crohn病是一种急需新治疗药物的疾病,FDA对此药的批准可以被认为是Crohn病治疗方面的一个重要进展。Entocort EC不仅具有很好的疗效,而且也能很好地被患者耐受,所以此药是治疗Crohn病时一种不错的选择。

约1000名患者参与了评价Entocort EC的5项临床试验,他们均为轻到中度的回肠和升结肠活动性Crohn病患者。在这些试验中,48~69%的用Entocort EC 9mg每日一次治疗的患者在用药8周后病情缓解。试验规定“病情缓解”的标准为CDAI(Corhn病活动指标)评分低于或等于150。而这些患者治疗前的CDAI评分在272~290之间。
Entocort EC的另一个优势在于其有效成分在肠内释放,而此部位正是Crohn病主要累及的部位。此药在肠内迅速而充分的代谢,因此防止了大量药物被吸收入血。

Entocort EC最常见的不良反应是头痛、呼吸道感染、恶心和肾上腺功能亢进样症状。与Crohn病的系统治疗用糖皮质激素氢化泼尼松相比,在相当剂量下,此药较少引起糖皮质激素通常引起的不良反应。

Entocort EC不宜用于对布地耐德过于敏感的患者。另外,糖皮质激素能减弱下丘脑—垂体—肾上腺轴的应激能力,所以使用Entocort EC的患者在手术等应激情况发生前应系统性地补充糖皮质激素。接受系统性糖皮质激素治疗的患者改用Entocort EC治疗时,需监测肾上腺皮质功能。使用皮质激素的患者还应注意预防水痘、麻疹等感染性疾病

英文药名: Entocort(Budesonide Capsules)

中文药名: 布地奈德胶囊





ENTOCORT (budesonide)
3.0 mg Controlled Ileal Release Capsules


Glucocorticosteroid for the treatment of Crohn's disease affecting the ileum and/or the ascending colon.


The active ingredient of ENTOCORT capsules, budesonide, is a potent non-halogenated synthetic glucocorticosteroid with high topical potency and weak systemic effects.

The exact mechanism of action of glucocorticosteroids in the treatment of Crohn's disease is not fully understood. Anti-inflammatory actions, such as the inhibition of inflammatory mediator release and inhibition of immunological cellular responses, are probably important.

Data from clinical pharmacology studies and controlled clinical trials indicate that ENTOCORT capsules, at least partly, act topically. Budesonide undergoes an extensive degree (approximately 90%) of biotransformation in the liver to metabolites with low glucocorticosteroid activity. The glucocorticosteroid activity of the major metabolites, 6b-hydroxybudesonide and 16a-hydroxyprednisolone, is less than 1% of that of budesonide.

The favourable separation between topical anti-inflammatory and systemic effect is due to strong glucocorticosteroid receptor affinity and an effective first pass metabolism by the liver with a short half-life. A glucocorticosteroid with such a profile is of particular importance for the local treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease. With regard to treatment of this disease with glucocorticosteroids, it is essential to achieve a high local anti-inflammatory activity in the bowel wall with systemic side-effects, e.g. on the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis function, as low as possible.


ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules are indicated for the induction and maintenance of remission in patients with mild to moderate Crohn's disease affecting the ileum and/or ascending colon.


ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules are contraindicated for the following:

1. Systemic or local bacterial, fungal or viral infections.

2. Known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.

3. Active tuberculosis.



Glucocorticosteroids can reduce the response of the HPA-axis to stress. In situations where patients are subject to surgery or other stress situations, supplementation with a conventional glucocorticosteroid is recommended.

Special care is demanded in treatment of patients transferred from conventional systemic steroids to ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules as disturbances in the HPA-axis could be expected in these patients.


Glucocorticosteroids may mask some signs of infections and new infections may appear. A decreased resistance to localized infection has been observed during glucocorticosteroid therapy. Viral infections such as chicken pox and measles can have a more serious or fatal course in patients on immunosuppressant glucocorticosteroids. In adults who have not had these diseases, particular care should be taken to avoid exposure. If exposed to chicken pox or measles, therapy with varicella zoster immune globulin (VZIG) or pooled intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), as appropriate, may be indicated. If chicken pox develops, treatment with antiviral agents may be considered.

Although treatment with ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules causes significantly less lowering of plasma cortisol compared to conventional glucocorticosteroids, the knowledge with regard to treatment during the following conditions is limited and therefore cautioned: active peptic ulcer, osteoporosis, acute glomerulonephritis, myasthenia gravis, exanthematous diseases, diverticulitis, thrombophlebitis, psychic disturbances, diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, acute coronary disease, limited cardiac reserve and pregnancy. In such cases the benefits of an oral glucocorticosteroid must be weighed against the risks.

With the recommended therapeutic doses of budesonide, the risk/benefit ratio seems to be low for the long-term systemic effects. However, as with any other glucocorticosteroid, patients should be carefully followed up for systemic adverse effects. During long-term therapy, adrenal function and haematological status should be periodically assessed.

Particular care is needed in patients who are transferred from systemic glucocorticosteroid treatment with higher systemic effect to ENTOCORT capsules. These patients may have adrenal cortical suppression. Therefore, monitoring of adrenocortical function may be considered in these patients. Some patients feel unwell in a non-specific way during the withdrawal phase, e.g., pain in muscles and joints. A general insufficient glucocorticosteroid effect should be suspected if, in rare cases, symptoms such as tiredness, headache, nausea and vomiting should occur. In these cases a temporary increase in the dose of systemic glucocorticosteroids is sometimes necessary.

Patients should be advised to inform subsequent physicians of the prior use of glucocorticosteroids.

Glucocorticosteroids should be used with caution in patients if there is a probability of bowel perforation as well as the probability of obstruction, abscess or other pyogenic infection and fresh intestinal anastomoses.

Aggravation of diabetes mellitus or stimulation of manifestations of latent diabetes mellitus may be caused by glucocorticosteroid therapy.

There may be an enhanced systemic effect of budesonide in patients with liver cirrhosis since the metabolism of budesonide may be impaired and, as with other glucocorticosteroids, there may be enhanced effects in those with hypothyroidism. Reduced liver function may affect the elimination of corticosteroids. The intravenous pharmacokinetics of budesonide are, however, similar in cirrhotic patients and in healthy subjects. The pharmacokinetics after oral ingestion of budesonide were affected by compromised liver function as evidenced by increased systemic availability.

Glucocorticosteroid therapy may cause hyperacidity of peptic ulcer.

Acetylsalicylic acid should be used cautiously in conjunction with glucocorticosteroids in hypoprothrombinemia.

Glucocorticosteroids should be used with caution in patients with cataracts, and may cause elevation of intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients.

Usage During Pregnancy

Administration of ENTOCORT capsules during pregnancy should be avoided unless there are compelling reasons. In experimental animal studies, budesonide was found to cross the placental barrier. Like other glucocorticosteroids, budesonide is teratogenic to rodent species. High doses of budesonide administered subcutaneously produced fetal malformations, primarily skeletal defects, in rabbits, rats, and in mice. The relevance of these findings to humans has not yet been established. In the absence of further studies in humans, budesonide should be used during pregnancy only if the potential benefits clearly outweigh the risk to the fetus. Infants born of mothers who have received substantial doses of glucocorticosteroids during pregnancy should be carefully observed for hypoadrenalism.


Glucocorticosteroids are secreted in human milk. It is not known whether budesonide would be secreted in human milk, but it is suspected to be likely. The use of ENTOCORT capsules in nursing mothers requires that the possible benefits of the drug be weighed against the potential hazards to the mother, or infant.


The safety and effectiveness of ENTOCORT capsules in children have not been established, therefore use in this age group is not recommended.

Drug Interactions

To date, budesonide has not been observed to interact with other drugs used for the treatment of intestinal bowel diseases.

Cimetidine    The kinetics of budesonide were investigated in healthy subjects without and with cimetidine, 1000 mg daily. After a 4 mg oral dose the values of Cmax (nmol/L) and systemic availability (%) of budesonide without and with cimetidine (3.3 vs 5.1 nmol/L and 10 vs 12%, respectively) indicated a slight inhibitory effect on hepatic metabolism of budesonide, caused by cimetidine. This should be of little clinical importance.

Ketoconazole  Ketoconazole, a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P 450 3A, the main metabolic enzyme for corticosteroids, increases plasma levels of orally ingested budesonide.

Omeprazole   At recommended doses, omeprazole has no effect on the pharmacokinetics of oral budesonide.


In clinical trials, most adverse events experienced by patients or healthy volunteers receiving ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules were of mild to moderate intensity and were classified as non-serious. A total of 530 patients with Crohn's disease were treated with ENTOCORT capsules for induction and maintenance of remission, in controlled clinical trials.

Adverse events reported in patients during induction of remission (n=399) with ENTOCORT capsules included dyspepsia (9%), muscle cramps (4%), palpitations (2%), blurred vision (3%), skin reactions including rash and urticaria (6%), and menstrual disorders (2%).

A similar adverse event profile was reported in patients during maintenance treatment (n=131) with ENTOCORT capsules. The incidence of adverse events was the same or less than observed during treatment for induction of remission.

Side effects typical of systemic glucocorticosteroid (such as Cushingoid features) may occur. The systemic effects of budesonide on the HPA-axis were found to be dose-dependent.


Acute overdosage with ENTOCORT (budesonide) capsules, even in excessive doses, is not expected to be a clinical problem.

Occasional overdosing will not give any obvious symptoms in most cases but it will decrease the plasma cortisol level and increase the number and percentage of circulating neutrophils. The number and percentage of eosinophils will decrease concurrently. Stopping the treatment or decreasing the dose will abolish the induced effects.

Habitual overdosing may cause hypercorticism and HPA-suppression. Decreasing the dose or stopping the therapy, with the accepted procedures for discontinuing prolonged oral therapy with systemic steroids, will abolish these effects, although the restitution of the HPA-axis may be a slow process and during periods with pronounced physical stress (severe infections, trauma, surgical operations, etc.) it may be advisable to supplement with conventional systemic steroids.


Active Disease

The recommended daily dose for induction of remission is 9 mg, administered once daily in the morning, for up to 8 weeks. The dose should be taken before meals.

Maintenance of Remission

The recommended daily starting dose for the maintenance of remission is 6 mg, administered once daily in the morning before breakfast. The maintenance dose should be kept as low as necessary for control of disease symptoms.

During prolonged treatment, dosing may have to be adjusted depending on the disease activity.

Treatment with ENTOCORT capsules should be tapered before cessation. It is recommended that the dose be reduced for the last 2 to 4 weeks of therapy. The rate of tapering should be patient-specific and the patient should be monitored by the treating physician during this period.

The capsules should be swallowed whole with water, and not chewed, broken or crushed before being swallowed.


Drug Substance

Generic Name for ENTOCORT EC
Budesonide (micronized) 3mg; e-c granules in caps.
Legal Classification:
Pharmacological Class for ENTOCORT EC
Manufacturer of ENTOCORT EC
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Indications for ENTOCORT EC
Mild to moderate Crohn's disease of the ileum and/or ascending colon: to treat and to maintain clinical remission for up to 3 months.
Adult dose for ENTOCORT EC

Swallow whole. Treatment: 9mg once daily in the AM for up to 8 weeks; may repeat an 8-week course. Maintenance of remission: 6mg once daily for up to 3 months. Taper other systemic steroids when transferring to budesonide.

Children's dosing for ENTOCORT EC
Not recommended.
Warnings/Precautions for ENTOCORT EC
Systemic fungal, viral, or mycobacterial infections. Live vaccines.
Hypertension. Diabetes. Osteoporosis. Peptic ulcer. Glaucoma. Cataracts.
If exposed to chickenpox or measles, consider prophylactic passive immune therapy. Supplement with more steroids in physiologic stress. Caution when transferring from steroids with high systemic availability. Monitor for hypercorticism in moderate to severe liver disease; consider reducing dose. Elderly. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers: not recommended.
Interactions for ENTOCORT EC
Avoid grapefruit juice. Systemic effects may be potentiated by CYP3A4
inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole, ritonavir, erythromycin); consider reducing
budesonide dose. Drug release characteristics may be affected by drugs that affect gastrointestinal pH.
Adverse Reactions for ENTOCORT EC
Headache, infection, sinusitis, nausea, arthralgia, hypercorticism (eg, acne,bruising, face edema,hirsutism).
How is ENTOCORT EC supplied?

Related Disease:
Colorectal disorders
Crohn's disease
ENTOCORT EC 24小时缓释胶囊 3毫克/胶囊 100胶囊/瓶


UCERIS rectal foam(布地奈德直肠泡沫剂)
DuoResp Spiromax(慢性阻塞性肺病和哮喘新的干粉吸入剂)
布地奈德缓释片Uceris(Budesonide Extended-Release Tablets)
布地奈德灌肠剂|Entocort(Budesonide Enema)
布地奈德气雾|Pulmicort Inhaler(Budesonide Aerosol)
布地奈德吸入剂|Pulmicort Nebules(Budesonide Ampules)



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· 布地奈德缓释片UCERIS(b...
· MOVICOL(聚乙二醇钠钾粉)
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· Amitiza(Lubiprostone C...
· Fulyzaq缓释片(Crofelem...
· 布地奈德缓释片UCERIS(b...
· MOVICOL(聚乙二醇钠钾粉)
· CHIRHOSTIM(人胰泌素合成脂)
· 右旋雷贝拉唑钠肠溶片(...
· 注射用兰索拉唑(Takep...
· 瑞巴派特片(REBAMIPIDE...
· 普卢卡必利片RESOLOR(P...
· 注射用结晶胰蛋白酶(Tr...

