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Amitiza(Lubiprostone Capsules)

2014-02-16 00:18:53  作者:新特药房  来源:互联网  浏览次数:516  文字大小:【】【】【
简介:Generic Name and Formulations:Lubiprostone 8mcg, 24mcg; caps.Company:Sucampo and TakedaIndications for AMITIZA:Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS–C) in women. Adult Dose for AMITIZ ...

Generic Name and Formulations:
Lubiprostone 8mcg, 24mcg; caps.
Sucampo and Takeda
Indications for AMITIZA:
Irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS–C) in women.

Adult Dose for AMITIZA:
Swallow whole. Take with food and water. ≥18yrs: 8mcg twice daily. Severe hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh Class C): 8mcg once daily.

Children's Dose for AMITIZA:
<18yrs: not recommended.

Pharmacological Class:
GI motility enhancer (chloride channel activator).

Known or suspected mechanical GI obstruction.

Confirm absence of GI obstruction before starting therapy. Severe diarrhea: not recommended. Renal or hepatic impairment. Reevaluate periodically. Pregnancy (Cat.C). Nursing mothers; monitor infants for diarrhea.

Possibly antagonized by diphenylheptane opioids (eg, methadone).

Adverse Reactions:
Nausea, headache, diarrhea (suspend therapy if occurs), abdominal pain, abdominal distension, flatulence, dyspnea, vomiting, syncope, asthenia, others.

Renal (primary), fecal.

How Supplied:
8mcg—60; 24mcg—60, 100

2013年10月25日,Sucampo制药和合作伙伴武田(Takeda)宣布,启动一项关键性试验,在慢性特发性便秘(CIC)成人患者中调查液体剂型鲁比前列酮(lubiprostone,24mcg BID)的药效学、药代动力学、耐受性。

Amitiza: new treatment option for chronic idiopathic constipation
Amitiza (lubiprostone) is a first-in-class treatment for chronic idiopathic constipation when diet and other non-pharmacological measures are inappropriate or inadequate.
Lubiprostone is a prostone that selectively activates chloride channels to increase intestinal fluid secretion without altering serum electrolyte concentrations. This increases intestinal motility and the passage of stool whilst alleviating symptoms associated with chronic idiopathic constipation.1
Three double-blind, placebo-controlled studies evaluated the safety and efficacy of lubiprostone 24 microgram twice daily in patients with chronic idiopathic constipation, defined as less than three spontaneous bowel movements (SBMs) per week in the absence of enema or suppository use.1–3
The primary outcome measure was the mean number of SBMs at the end of week 1 for the first and second studies and the change from baseline in SBM frequency at week 1 for the third study.1–3
Bowel movements increased
In the first study (n=242), the mean number of SBMs at the end of week 1 was significantly greater in the lubiprostone-treated group than in the placebo group (5.69 vs 3.46, p=0.0001). Of the 120 patients given lubiprostone, 56.7% reported an SBM within 24 hours of the first dose compared with 36.9% of the 122 who received placebo (p=0.0024).2
Similar results were seen in the second study involving 237 patients (mean number of SBMs 5.89 with lubiprostone vs 3.99 with placebo, p=0.0001), with a greater percentage of patients treated with lubiprostone having an SBM within the first 24 hours (61.3% vs 31.4%, p<0.0001).3
In the third study (n=124), the change from baseline in SBM frequency at week 1 was significantly greater for lubiprostone than placebo: 3.66 versus 1.26 (p<0.001).1
Lubiprostone maintained this superiority to placebo through weeks 2–4 of therapy in all studies. Patients who were given lubiprostone reported significant improvements in stool consistency, straining and severity of constipation at all timepoints.2,3
Well tolerated
Lubiprostone was generally well tolerated in all three studies, with nausea, diarrhoea and headache the most commonly observed adverse effects.1
To reduce the risk of nausea, patients should be advised to take lubiprostone with food. In addition, patients should be advised to inform the prescriber if severe diarrhoea, dyspnoea or chest discomfort occurs.1–3
Long-term safety
The long-term safety and tolerability of lubiprostone were assessed in three open-label studies involving 784 patients with chronic idiopathic constipation receiving 24 microgram twice daily for 12 months. Results from these studies showed a decrease in constipation severity, abdominal bloating and discomfort over the treatment period. Lubiprostone remained well tolerated.1
Dose changes
Lubiprostone requires no change in dosage for the elderly or patients with renal impairment; however, patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment should take a reduced dose of one capsule once daily.1


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Kiklin Capsules(Bixalomer) 踢磷胶囊
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· Amitiza(Lubiprostone C...
· Fulyzaq缓释片(Crofelem...
· 布地奈德缓释片UCERIS(b...
· MOVICOL(聚乙二醇钠钾粉)
· CHIRHOSTIM(人胰泌素合成脂)
· 右旋雷贝拉唑钠肠溶片(...
· 注射用兰索拉唑(Takep...
· 瑞巴派特片(REBAMIPIDE...
· 普卢卡必利片RESOLOR(P...
· 注射用结晶胰蛋白酶(Tr...

